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  1. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    In Islam, covering the face is a mustahaab practise for women. There you go. lol, your arguement doesn't work about terrorists. You are just an bigot who is a hypocrite. lol idiot tell that to women in India who wear the Ghoonghat. HAHAHA France should practise its beliefs, allow the women...
  2. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Even Amnesty International condemned the banning of Burkas in France. Burqa ban passes French lower house overwhelmingly - CNN Point is: 1)Burka is not a security concern. Many societies believe in the face-veil. 2)Banning of Burqa is wrong in france, because they claim to be a land of...
  3. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Well they should ask the woman to lift the veil, if they think she is doing something suspicious. Stop going in circles. If there are some Muslims women who want to wear the veil because they think its part of their religion then they should be allowed to do so. Don;t bloody stupid. France...
  4. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Umm idiot. You are missing the point. France claims to be a land of freedom, therefore allow burqa. Very simple. No need to check constitutions. Its wrong, because it is agianst freedom. Your arguement about niqaab/burkas being a security concern is not convincing, Even women in India...
  5. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    This is where you are wrong. Muslims believe it is a Mustahaab practise or a "highly recommended practise." You can go look it up. Thats why you find many women in Muslim countries wearing Burka or niqaab you ignorant idiot.
  6. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Stop being an idiot, its not a security concern. You believe it is. Nobody else does. Anyone can perform terrorism in any garment. And dont bring the argument that ohh the burka covers the face, well then also ban the niqaab, and the ghoonghat which is also in your "India." Stupid Indian are...
  7. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    lol idiot, France claims to be a secular country :lol: Whats your point. Muslims ladies should be allowed to wear burqas in France too. Can't have it both ways. That you have a secular country and don't allow burqas. And please dont use the security concerns. That is not a conving arguing...
  8. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    No, no you idiot. You said you believe that Burka is a security concern. stop going on tangents. Look at post where the Chinese guy quoted you bloody hypocrisy in post 110. Can;t admit you lost in a debate. How sweet. Even Indians are too stupid to admit the obvious. :lol: Burka is not a...
  9. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Exactly. Good point. But ofcourse Indians think it is okay to discrimante on belief. lol. Even though American claims to be a lnd of freedom. So those people who believe niqaab should be able to wear it. Jayatle is just being an Islamiphobic jerk-idiot. Jayatl is just a racist bigot who is...
  10. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    They are idiots. America doesn;t think burka or niqaab is a security concern. They are just arguing because they want to waste our time or just get the last word. LOL Stupid Indians don't knwo when to admit when they lost a debate. Umm no I am not. You are idiot. Stick to the debate retard...
  11. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Burka, niqaab, and Ghooghat is not a threat to anyones freedom to live peacefully. Just stick to post 36, 38, and 40. Yes, banning the Burka, niqaab, and Ghoonghat is a Threat to FREEDOM. A FREEDOM TO DRESS AS YOU PLEASE! To bad Jayatl. Stop being idiot. There are people who wear the niqaab...
  12. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Oh my, still here? The debate is about post 36 and 38 and 40 you incompetent idiot. And yes those Egyptians on this board don;t represent the majority of Egyptians. Since the majority of Egyptians wants Morsi idiot! :lol: but ofcourse an idiot like yourself tries to draw comparisons with this...
  13. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    burqa , niqaab and ghoonghat. all conceals the face. Sorry but they are not security concern. Only the French think so. Not even Jayatl's america believes so. So much stupidity from you guys. I just simply stated what most of Egyptians wanted. Am I imposing anything on the Egyptian people...
  14. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Lets stay focused here. I gave my opinion on what the Egyptian people wanted. How am I hypocrite, I just gave my opinion on what the Egyptian people wanted based on the people I met in real life in school and universities. How am I meddling in their internal affairs. Am I in Egypt imposing...
  15. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    lol a terrorist doesn't need a burka to commite terrorism. Your arguement is not convincing. Ban the Ghoongat then in france, since that covers the face too. Jayatl your logic doesn't work. So ban face-veils even though it is in your ancestral home in the form of ghoonghats. stop being...
  16. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    listen idiot. This isn't about Saudi education. lol, tell the whole story. the crux of the debate is also my reponse to your #36, #38, and #40. LOL but ofcourse you never copied everything. the debate starts at #36. in your #38, you are suggesting that Muslims should have a problem because...
  17. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    LOL, Azazel, whats the matter? Burning with hypocrisy? If those women in India want to wear the ghoongat, let them. After all India claims to be a land of freedom. I think we have all answered this once and for all., Even in your own country, women cover their faces. :lol: lol, I have this...
  18. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Here's the interesting part, Burka is not a security concern. Veiling is common in many cultures. Its not just restricted to Muslims. LOL, ever heard of the Ghoongat in India? Stupid Indians think burqa and niqaab are security concerns but not that ghoongat? lol SUPER INDIAN LOGIC! lol...
  19. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Ahh, sigh it is quite entertaining taking 2 Indians on. So is the debate over yet? Why are Muslims so pro-China? well they dont hurt us. And then you argued but they dont give full religious freedom to Muslims in China. Easy, thats their internal affairs, they don't claim to be a land of...
  20. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    lol jayatl pig, just stick to post 36. Avoid Mullahs, burqas, bikinis, prostitution, Saudi education. Just stick to post 36. and I've already answered this too many times. lol. whatever happens in China is their internal affairs. Now just run off you lost this debate.
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