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  1. SajeevJino

    Aliens on Earth and Alien Rain in Kerala - BBC :D

    Feeding Some more News in this issue Absolutely Incredible UFO Photo Taken By Army Officer in India Kerala Kannur An Army officer has reportedly captured a UFO (unidentified flying object) on his cell phone at Kannur, Kerala. Divya Sebastian, wife of Major Sebastian Zachariah, an...
  2. SajeevJino

    India to buy American military equipment lying in Afghanistan?

    Yest Lots more than you thinks more than 7 billion dollars of weapons are there ..M2 , MRAP ,STRYKER , MK9 .M134 Javellin ,Field Artillery , And lots of Infantry supprting Hardwares ..Infantry arms Heavy weapons include Mounted Guns Our politicians Should Impress the US gov and Buy the total...
  3. SajeevJino


    I don't have much money to Contribute the Rescue relief Fund..But being an Indian and Helping my Indians ..My small Contribution ...
  4. SajeevJino

    I have a good news for fans! I'm dying!

    It's a question...!!! Not a Politics
  5. SajeevJino

    I have a good news for fans! I'm dying!

    He boycotts Israeli Products ..Does he still Using the Computers Provided by Israel to speech
  6. SajeevJino

    Israeli air force attacks Gaza Strip after rocket fire

    Seven Rockets fired from Gaza Strip around 3.30 am in the Morning ..two of them Intercepted by Iron Dome ..If there is no Iron dome It's directly fall on the Houses and Causing Civilian dead No mainstream media Reports this.. In retaliation Israeli F 16 fired two missiles in Gaza where...
  7. SajeevJino

    Six Rockets Fired from Gaza Exploded in Israel , 2 of Them Intercepted

    Iron Dome Intercepts a Grad Rocket 24-6-2013 4.00am Israel Standard Time
  8. SajeevJino

    Six Rockets Fired from Gaza Exploded in Israel , 2 of Them Intercepted

    Israel hits back after Gaza rockets Israeli warplanes have attacked targets in the Gaza Strip after missiles were fired into southern Israel late on Sunday night. At least six rockets were fired from northern Gaza, but no damage or injury was reported. Hours later, Israeli aircraft hit...
  9. SajeevJino

    Six Rockets Fired from Gaza Exploded in Israel , 2 of Them Intercepted

    Rockets fired from Gaza land in southern Israel after weeks of relative calm Six rockets fired; three land in southern Israel and two are intercepted by Iron Dome; none injured and no damage reported; rocket fire follows surprise IDF drill. At least six rockets were fired Sunday...
  10. SajeevJino

    Russia: “Syria Will Be Armed With Weapons That Have Never Been Seen Before

    Are you Kidding Me.. No S 300 IN Syria..And Russia won't give S 400 to anyone Maybe Smerch I think More over Infowar is a BS source
  11. SajeevJino

    Lankan minister says India aiding separatist forces

    Got the Whistle Blower ..!!! தேவி்டியா பயலே...நன்றி இருக்கடா உனக்கு
  12. SajeevJino

    Israeli strategy in Syria: "allow the two sides .. to bleed each other out"

    Lol..You Guys missed to Mention KSA in this Article
  13. SajeevJino

    Lankan minister says India aiding separatist forces

    They always Giving First Preferance to Pakistan and China ..They are Hostile Countries to India ..Then How they need more attention from us and They always forget What we do for their Country ... Indian development aid second largest in Sri Lanka | Business Line
  14. SajeevJino

    EU fails to blacklist Hezbollah as a terror group

    You're Afraid of our Words ..Indian words Jews words Israel words American words Canadian words French words Do you Have Any problem if this words said by any other Nation Member ..Nope Just do your Keyboard Typing Job...
  15. SajeevJino


    @arp2041 Thanks for the Thread mate Surely I will give my Contribute to the Peoples in Uthrakkand ...I will get Money in my Savings account within a week ..So I need a Week for to do this @arp2041 Thanks for the Thread mate Surely I will give my Contribute to the Peoples in...
  16. SajeevJino

    EU fails to blacklist Hezbollah as a terror group

    The EU Pillars already Announced Hezbullah is a Terrorist Org countries who announces Hezbullah as Terrorist Org is Australia Bahrain Gulf Cooperation Council Canada France Israel Netherlands United Kingdom United States
  17. SajeevJino

    Lankan minister says India aiding separatist forces

    @Saradiel Did you See Yesterday Cricket Match ..Some peoples interrupted the last over ...Do you Know Who they Oh I think the UK openly accepting LTTE and Tamil Eelem .. Do you Refer Sri Lankan Tamil Issue in last Some Threads ...check it first
  18. SajeevJino

    Lankan minister says India aiding separatist forces

    Duhh..If you Find anyone You can easily Complain to the Supreme Court Don't Asks this In-front of Me...? Better getout Now... Whole Indian Law and Order Controlled by Courts Not the Politicians
  19. SajeevJino

    Indo-Pak Tactical Missiles risk dangerous miscalculation, U.S Intel Officer

    Your Missiles can't Reach my Home ..I'm Safer Here
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