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  1. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Go to Hazara groups on facebook or turn your TV on and see how Khalilli, Mohaqeq, Dostum and other Northern Alliance, Schiahs and Sunnis came again together under the same banner. Whome you want to fool? You smell the fate of tomorrow Afghanistan? Greater-Tajikistan or a federal state called...
  2. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Pashtuns dominate only 1/3 of the country.. Pashtuns are the latest immigrants there who came from the Sulaiman Mounztains and modern Pakistan, beginning with the era of Tahmaasp, the Safavid Shah. However, non-Pashtuns dominate the country ethnical and cultural, as well as political (today...
  3. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    A Shiah Hazara is close to an Uzbek and Tajik by language and culture and we can live witheachother really peaceful. Before any Pshtun presence in Afghanistan Muslims and non-Muslims lived for centuries in peace (mostly), so Shiahs and Sunnis. That crap was installed by PASHTUN leaders to weak...
  4. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    fearing the true voice and demands of non-Pashtuns? Do you really thing by banning me from that forum because of your fear or because I could win the Pakistani brothers for our goals whicha re the only solution (TALIBAN FALILED BECAUSE THEY ARE NON-HUMAN-BEEINGS and dumb creatures) for Pakistan...
  5. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    # Pashtuns are free to go back to their lands or stay in the north... but they have to accept a new constitution and state. We don´t say we do not want Pashtuns in the north despite th fact how they settled there in the last 100years. We just say we want an states. Pashtuns are a small minority...
  6. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Taliban are mainly (95%) a Pashtun movement. Every suicide bomber, nearly every prisoner is a Pashtun/Pathan. There are only some 100 Arabs or even lesser and some 300 IMU Jihadists (according to official sources) However, you are nationalists, so are Tajiks. Nothing wrong with that...
  7. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    come on Dalkhor/Sarginkhor. Tell us about your current social statue in Afghanistan and the discrimination against Pashtuns? You remember when Pashtuns discriminated others and wearing weapons? Times changed :) I am at mom maybe in Germany but unlike you I am from ''Afghanistan'' and I am...
  8. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    LOL First you claim they supported Loy fake Afghanistan and now you say another thing... the contrary to your original post. Stop bluffing and slandering. Honestly. No non-Pashtun ever questioned that border. The Kohistani Tajiks were even the one who forced abdurrahman khan to sign that treaty...
  9. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    look to this suicide criminal lol dude, you know that Uzbeks, Tajiks and Hazaras attacks regularley Pashtuns in non-Pashtun lands? You know those commanders kidnappe small Pashtun boys from north and violate on them sexualy (bachabnazi) .. or have you heard over the series of gang-bangs? I...
  10. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    LOL Rabbani and Babrak Karmal LOL hahahahahaha despite the facts these people were never supporting Pashtun and Loy Afganistan (Babrak Karmal (since you name him you should know what he ordered to done with eastern Pashtuns!) a Tajik Shia Nationalist and Rabbani a Tajik Sunni Nationalist working...
  11. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    lol TIMUR SHAH WAS THE SON OF A SEX-SLAVES OF ONE OF ABDALIS QEZELBASH GENERALS!!!! She was a Hindu. Why couldn´t the guy speak Rajastani or whatever? You missunderstand the role of the Tajikispeaking ''Pashtuns'' in the structure of the tribal and military role of Tajiks, Qezelbashs etc...
  12. Khorasanian

    The Afghan endgame, & the potential players

    According to whom and why? Do you have any sources? All the gas fields, oil, gold, and and and are can be find under Tajik *****. Tajiks already have the most power in Afghanistan. We have nothing to lose..only Pashtuns, the northern corridor and the gate to food and water. We don´t care about...
  13. Khorasanian

    The Afghan endgame, & the potential players

    Kabul is a Tajik province and de facto ruled by 60 000 militia men of Marshal Fahim, including the ANA and ANP, plus the ISAF troops. Don´t grip your infos out of your back. There won´t be any Pashtun province outside Kandahar, Uruzgan, Paktia, Paktika, Khost and Nangarhar...and some parts of...
  14. Khorasanian

    The Afghan endgame, & the potential players

    Do you really believe in that? Once Afghanistan is devided into north-south, you have to ask the savage tribes if you can enter their territory and I don´t think that Tajiks will allow Pakistan to use their country for their economy if they keep playing the enemy. Afghanistans current situation...
  15. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    well, I can post references :D let´s see what works ;) the Tajik/Persianspeaking Mohammadzai kid wants to tell us how history worked.
  16. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    LOL than why their women became Tajikispeaking? Turks invaded and conquered Turkey and turkified 98% of the population, Mughals invaded India and Persianized the population, Turks came to central asia and became Persianized, Greecs invaded Macedonia and half of the world and hellenized it ...
  17. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    What has facts and historical accounts to do with hatred? I tell you how history looks like and not how you like it to pleasure for you. In what extent are Pashtuns and Tajiks close? Can you please explain that to me? Now I am interested. Neither Uzbeks nor Hazaras or Tajiks want to have your...
  18. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Pashtuns are a 35% minority. their fake myth of a majority was claimed by the MUSAHIBAN family without any demographical census. The political and cultural picture of Afghanistan proves it. More than 65% speak Persian as mother-tongue, ca. 22% as second language and 35% speak Pashto. In general...
  19. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    I talk here generally about tribalism and ethnocentrism...not only about Pashtuns. Also Uzbeks, Hazaras and somehow some Tajiks are sub-tribed
  20. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    You are right! Backward and savage tribalism destroyed Afghanistan and itz´s great civilisation. The question is when will savage tribalism start to operate toward Islamabad and to destroy Pakistan, too? You know, in Afg tribal identity or ethnicity is the most important thing. First Qaum...
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