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  1. S

    Rohingya Muslims: Zardari writes letter to Myanmar president

    Can you please not post lies with respect to the % of non-muslim population in Pakistan? The 20% figure you're getting included East Pakistan (obviously now Bangladesh). West Pakistan (obviously now Pakistan) never had a non-muslim population greater than 3%. Today, 4% of Pakistan is...
  2. S

    Pakistani Forces against Militants.

    Good point, but it works both ways. I see bharatis and Americans accusing Pakistan without any evidence all the time.
  3. S

    In Pakistan, Obama and Romney seen as equally bad options

    Romney is worse than Obama in the long run for Pakistan. He'll keep the "troops" (really, they're occupying terrorists) in Afghanistan for probably 2 more decades. While O'Bummer will continue drone attacks, at least he'll pull out troops in just 2 more years.
  4. S

    'Pakistanis Love Conspiracy Theories'

    What exactly is the purpose of this thread? The number of people who believe this is a conspiracy is very small. Why make issue of something so irrelevant? Speaking of loving conspiracy theories, a certain nation did or does believe these conspiracy theories: Iraq had WMDs Iran supports...
  5. S

    Pak forex increase to $14.900 billion

    That's true. Let me add some more random facts that having nothing to do with this thread as well. It's true that sky is blue, grass is green. It's true that that 2 + 2 = 4. It's true that earth is not round. It's true that US GDP is roughly 15 trillion. Those are just some random facts...
  6. S

    ARY NEWS -Pakistan Srilanka Match was fixed: Bookies

    Funny this is coming from bharatis, who kept insisting how Australia-Pakistan game was fixed. Do you guys have hypocrisy as one of your genetic traits?
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    War on terror costing Pakistan Rs90b every month: Imran

    That's an obvious faulty analogy. A lottery is not something can be projected. Please come up with a better (in this case, a MUCH better) analogy.
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    War on terror costing Pakistan Rs90b every month: Imran

    Ok, and what's the problem with that?
  9. S

    War on terror costing Pakistan Rs90b every month: Imran

    Even conservative estimates would suggest we've lost 40-50b due to WoT. The "aid" we've received is 10b (no, not 20b - half of that was reimbursement for services provided, i.e. 10b). A far cry from being "adequately compensated".
  10. S

    Views of Afghan Taliban about ISI

    Guys.. We don't need a youtube video to disprove any conspiracy theories about ISI and Taliban. The conspiracy theorists need to provide proof for their theories first, otherwise it's pointless to take those theories seriously. It's no wonder that no one outside bharat and sections of the US...
  11. S

    Twisting ‘the ISI’s veritable arm’?

    Crazy conspiracy theorists.. blaming someone with no evidence. Get a life people. And btw, before you bharatis mention that this article is coming from Pakistan - there are more than enough Americans who believe 9/11 was an inside job, so don't waste my and your time with your pointless...
  12. S

    An unposted letter to PM Singh

    Oh dear me. Most Pakistanis want Indian citizenship? Pakistanis want to immigrate to Afghanistan? Pakistanis see India as the hope? Not much I can say to such non-sense. It's kind of like arguing with someone claiming they got kidnapped by aliens. All I can say is - let me know what...
  13. S

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    What are you trying to say? Make some sense. Uh.. "not anyone else"? You heard of Afghanistan, Chechniya, groups within their own country? And again, you can say all you want, they don't view us with the stereotypical view you're suggesting they view us withl
  14. S

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    You're not posting anything relevant, except where you claim everyone views us as a "terror sponsoring country", which is of course BS - only bharat views us like that. Which, to us, is as important as my neighbourhood pet dog think I am a criminal.
  15. S

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    Afghan president talking about ISI? What next, are we going to care about your neighbourhood pet dog's opinion on ISI? Who cares what Karzai thinks? Not even people in Afghanistan don't care. Russia and China have only made isolated claims once or twice. In no way are their views like the...
  16. S

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    So US and Bharat dominate the world? :lol: I am not even going to bother arguing against that, even you know that's BS... but, look at what your fellow bharati said: "Whole world" does not mean a few countries may or may not dominate the world. It literally means ALL or nearly all the...
  17. S

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    The "whole world" for your typical bharati: Bharat, US, few european Countries, and Israel. No other countries in the world exist for the bharatis. :lol:
  18. S

    Owning it: Time for the military to step up in Pakistan

    Oh dear.. first of a) China doesn't claim Pakistan supports Taliban. Read the article carefully. b) Learn to distinguish accusations between accusations and evidence. You did NOT provide any evidence. Neither did NATO. You merely provided claims from NATO that Pakistan supports Taliban...
  19. S

    U.S. Seems Set to Brand Militant Group as ‘Terrorist

    Do you even know what a conspiracy theory is? What it means? Why do you insist on going around making a fool of yourself?
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