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An unposted letter to PM Singh

How India failed?? Was it so easy to achieve what we achieved in 65 years??

Pakistan & India came in existence together but India is more complicated to govern than Pakistan & many folds bigger and also diverse than Pakistan is. Still we have done lot better if India has failed than much worse should be said about Pakistan. Right??

Do you believe me miracles?? Leave your Pakistani spectacles aside & see what India is.
It is said "Rome was not built in a day".65 years is a little period for complete turnover of a nation & if country is as huge as populus & culturally diverse like india its negligible span for progress. We are not the best but we have improved a lot in last 3-4 decades. we have reduced poverty by 40% also our literacy, GDP per capita, technology has gone up in comparison to our neighbours. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, live proudly here none is second class citizen here or community prosecuted on daily basis.

You are right about existing poverty problems in india but if we keep same pace of progress in 2-3 decades you will see a entire different picture. We are slowly & steadily improving in all fields & soon we will take care of all the misgoing of our nation.

Can same be said of Pakistan?? Certainly not.

So no surprises why India can be a obvious choice of minorities in neighboring countries to settle down if their mother country discriminates them.

No situation is not Same here as it is there.

1. Health -
India has best medical facilities in South Asia, even middle east people come to india for better medical help. we have eradicated polio from india. Our pharma industries are also competing with foreign medicine producers. We have govt hospitals amost in each village where free medicines & treatments is provided for all major & minor epidemics & diseases apart from that maternaty facility for poor people are free, motibeend operation for senior citizens are free, free heart check ups are conducted at every district, immune doses/injections to new borns & infants are at cost of peanuts.

2. Education-
literacy rates of india & pakistan can be compared.

3.Dalits -
Does our law tortures dalits or non majorities by having some law like blasphemy law? No instead attrocity act has empowered dalits more than Hindu majority. Quote scheme which our Constitution advocates for dalits is infact giving a throat cut race for majorities in all fields.

Only few rural regions in UP & Bihar have this dalit problem & its reduced to about 10-15% than it was some 3-4 decades.

4. Muslims can doubt Hindus & divide country in to two to form a muslim majority state.
Again the same muslim country gets divided into two countries because of doubts & ethinic struggles.
Now despite being a complete islamic state there is doubt between muslim sects itself ...shia sunni ahmedi etc leading to frequent killings.These are all goody goody things but hindus in India doubting muslims or future Pakistanis settling in India is a worry. Where does indian doubts on muslim here stands before above mentioned doubts??

Finally The thread Topic can be summarised into single question as...

Will minorities of Pakistan have safe living in India if Pakistan fails to provide so....and answer is YES.

Not a big achievement keeping in view the resourced India got at the time of partition and what we had got.

Besides keeping in view the situation in bothe country where Pakistan had been constantly in the storm of international geo-political game faced with active wars uptill now and India having peace all these decades so what India is today is NOT a big deal.

The amusing thing is the condition of common man in India is still worst than Pakistan.

The answer to your question about safety of minorities from Pakistan, in India well i say NO a big NO . A country like India where your minority is not safe how can you provide safety to ours.

The Hindus whom India is giving citizenship are those who are victims of Feudalism in Pakistan
In Bangalore, 12% of luxury cars are bought by muslims. How many hindus in pak are this rich?
Not a big achievement keeping in view the resourced India got at the time of partition and what we had got.

Besides keeping in view the situation in bothe country where Pakistan had been constantly in the storm of international geo-political game faced with active wars uptill now and India having peace all these decades so what India is today is NOT a big deal.

The amusing thing is the condition of common man in India is still worst than Pakistan.

The answer to your question about safety of minorities from Pakistan, in India well i say NO a big NO . A country like India where your minority is not safe how can you provide safety to ours.

The Hindus whom India is giving citizenship are those who are victims of Feudalism in Pakistan

Typical reply.

We have peace coz we have law and order in our country.In India dons dont roam around freely in public like is the case in Lyari.Things are very different.I can safely travel throughout India and Indians are peace loving.

Sorry but i dont think even Muslims are safe in pakistan looking at a video on youtube.

In India Muslims get discriminated sometimes.I am not denying that but thats nothing like getting pulled out of a bus and being shot.

If you would have ever stepped outside your country you would know what the difference is really and that is why your countrymen say they are Indians in New York.

We are not the best country in this world...We may not have the best judiciary system..We may not have 100% secular people but if you do something wrong in India you can be sure to land in trouble be it from any religion you are.

Its funny how you people can still comment on India and her problems looking at the mess your country is in.No wonder even the Muslims now are talking of leaving Pakistan for India.
Today on media channels they were showing that Hindus have come back from India except Geo. Now whether these Hindus never left India or India(Mr.Manmohan) has kicked them out. I have mentioned Geo bcoz when they ere going for their Yatra Geo was barking like a mad dog and now they are coming back there is not a single voice and I found it Hippocratic.
Join confederation with India and BD!
Federal minister for railways Ghulam Ahmad Bilour was reported by Express as saying that Pakistan should join in a confederal arrangement with India and Bangladesh. Another politician formerly in Q League government Tariq Azim said that the proposal was impractical and was planted on the basis of foreign (ghair-mulki) agenda. Bilour replied that he had not suggested a change in territorial boundaries.
Hot Features: Nuggets from the Urdu press
There are many Pakistani Hindus who are so rich and powerful that you guys can't even imagine.

I guess these guys need to take a trip down in rural Sindh and look at he massive wealth the rich Hindu Landlords have accumulated, most of it exploited from their own fellow poor Hindu labourers.

I currently reside in Lahore and am very happy with my life here. I possess a Canadian passport but have no intentions of moving back there, great country but for me Pakistan is better. These people migrating to India don't realize the consequences of their decision. What exactly are they going to do in India? Will their qualification and education be accepted in India? Is the Indian Government setting up any rehabilitation programs for their resettlement? Will they be quick enough to learn the tricks and trade of the new market? They will sell their houses and will have to buy property in India which is more costlier than the one in Pakistan. This story sort of relates to many educated white collared Pakistanis giving up everything in Pakistan to fulfil their dream of moving to the West. Once they are there, they realize that their qualifications are simply useless, they end up working low paying jobs and usually go into depression. Don't believe me, go to Jackson Height or Gerrard Street and look at the old gents over there regretting their life and thinking of the good ole days back home when they had money and power. I didn't talk about issues in India relating to social, religion and economics as i did not want to start a troll war.
why they are not asking political asylum in US,Uk Or any other country they will get it easily why india.
If WE are interested to give political asylum then we should put a ad in pakistan news paper for it .
Oh dear me. Most Pakistanis want Indian citizenship? Pakistanis want to immigrate to Afghanistan? Pakistanis see India as the hope?

Not much I can say to such non-sense. It's kind of like arguing with someone claiming they got kidnapped by aliens. All I can say is - let me know what you've been smoking. I bet it's really good.

Today on media channels they were showing that Hindus have come back from India except Geo. Now whether these Hindus never left India or India(Mr.Manmohan) has kicked them out. I have mentioned Geo bcoz when they ere going for their Yatra Geo was barking like a mad dog and now they are coming back there is not a single voice and I found it Hippocratic.

Bharatis don't agree with you, therefore it never happened. :lol:
I think the article author should leave Pakistan if she wants... No one wants you here
It is sad to read the article. She is obviously deluded to think that there is Paradise across the border. As they say that grass looks greener on the other side.
But I have many Indian friends who are muslims, hindus, sikhs and christians and they give a dark picture of their homeland. Most of the problems faced are the same there, but the media does not highlight it to the world. This does not mean that they want to leave India.
But the interesting thing is if the Indian govt allows permission to those hindus from Pakistan. I think ISI might have sent some agents with them. So India will have to be careful.
Remember all is fair in Love and War.
example ???

Veeru Sharma. A very rich landlord near Shikarpur, he has freakin given his body guards land cruisers. The sad news is, most of the people he exploits are his fellow Hindus whom work on his fields. I don't really consider him a role model but Rana Bhagwandas is the ex Chief Justice and is currently the Chairman of FSPC. A very honest man, he certainly has my respect. These are some examples i can think of from the top of my head, off course your surprise was very much expected considering how much propaganda you guys are fed.
Ooops. No thanks.

Dear "dejected Pakistani", I am so sorry for you, can feel your anguish and would like to sympathize with you. Consider I just put my hands across your shoulder in a supporting gesture while typing this. But you we already have 1.3 billion population and if we start letting each and every dejected Pakistani into India, then the population left in Pakistan might become demographically unstable. India is not the country for you, after all it was that same country you fled/rejected some 60 years ago fearing persecution. Nothing much has changed here. So do your best to change the system and improve it or better yet apply for a refugee status in some western country or OIC country and move on with your life.

All the best.

Why is this move focused towards Hindus? Don’t you think that the Indian government, while at it, should chalk out a strategic plan to cater to Pakistanis — irrespective of caste and religion — whose lives are threatened within the boundaries of Pakistan?

The focus towards Hindus (and Sikhs) because that was TNT, the result of which was your country, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and no, there is absolutely no need for chalk out any 'startegic' or 'tactical' plans for you people. I say this with a heavy heart. Ahmadis were at the forefront of the Pakistan movement - bankrolling it - so kindly bear with karma.
Oh dear ! Miss Faiza Mirza better leave Pakistan and never come back

Faiza Mirza...Sounds like a Shia.

COMMENTS saythetruth10
September 10, 2012 2:53 pmShame on you for writing this article. I would starve to death in Pakistan than to live under a Hindu rule. Dawn has lost it’s mind and now has become a month pieces for the enemies of Pakistan.Reply Amir

I hope all Pakistanis think like this and not the author. We have enough population as it is.

Hot Features: Nuggets from the Urdu press

Join confederation with India and BD!

Federal minister for railways Ghulam Ahmad Bilour was reported by Express as saying that Pakistan should join in a confederal arrangement with India and Bangladesh.

That is nightmarish...a federation with Pakistan and BD...:fie:

...........These people migrating to India don't realize the consequences of their decision. What exactly are they going to do in India? Will their qualification and education be accepted in India? Is the Indian Government setting up any rehabilitation programs for their resettlement? .....

Atleast their 12 year old girls wont be kidnapped and married off to 40 year old maulvis or their side-kicks along with converted to Islam, their loved ones will not be kidnapped and ransomed for crores of rupees, atleast their young kids wont get thrashed for drinking water from mosques..basically they might still be poor, but atleast no one will persecute them for their religion and they cna practise it with honor and dignity.
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