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  1. R

    PDF Poll: What is the Foundational Narrative for Pakistan?

    Interesting viewpoint. I am not sure how many people in Pakistan support it though. It would be interesting if you could start a new thread and actually do a POLL in this forum (although it may get contaminated by Indian members voting even if we ask them not to). You could start this thread...
  2. R

    Origins of our Caste System: Hindu Jaat or Arab Kafa'a?

    It has often been said that the Caste System (or Racism, Tribalism, Casteism, Classism) in Pakistan is merely a left-over from the Hindu past and that having separated from Hindu-India, Pakistan will very soon eliminate all this to become a truly egalitarion Islamic Society. But it this true...
  3. R

    37pc Baloch favour independence: UK survey !

    Killing people and bringing up their children to be loyal is precisely what the "Great Leader" (Quaid-i-Azam) and the "Dear Leader" (Quaid-i-Wadud) did in North Korea. What you are suggesting is called brainwashing. Uneducated people following their traditional tribal chiefs in never...
  4. R

    Why India and Pakistan will keep growing apart

    As evidenced by the comments above, there are just too many mutually incongruent views on why Pakistan was created and why it continues to exist as a Soverign State. I think all of us as Pakistanis need to work out a common foundational story. I just wish that we could find some consensus...
  5. R

    Why India and Pakistan will keep growing apart

    What about the 16 million Muhajirs? Where did the East Pakistanis (Bangalis) fit into all this between 1947-1971? What did Allama Iqbal say about them? Were the intellectual leaders of the Muslim League not all Muhajirs? Weren't Jinnah & Liaquat Ali not Indians in the geographical sense? Isn't...
  6. R

    Why India and Pakistan will keep growing apart

    BRAIN DRAIN- Countries List by Tertiary-Educated Emigration Pakistani Diaspora is the World's 7th Largest
  7. R

    UN chief ‘appalled’ by Pakistan sectarian killings

    The main reason why we have so many conflicts all across Pakistan (Shia, Barelvi, Deobandi, Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, Muhajir, Sindhi, Baloch, Balawaristani, Kashmiri, Pashtun) is because we have still (even after 65 years) not managed to develop a strong consensus about any cohesive foundational...
  8. R

    How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?

    India would have had no power whatsoever to create problems for us if we were not already suffering from internal divisions. But why do we suffer from these sharp internal schisms? I feel the main reason why we have so many divisive lines all across Pakistan (Muhajir, Sindhi, Baloch...
  9. R

    Breaking News: Firing causes panic in Karachi’s Jinnah hospital

    The main reason why we have all this fighting all across Pakistan (Muhajir, Sindhi, Baloch, Balawaristani, Kashmiri, Pashtun) is because we have still (even after 65 years) not managed to develop a strong consensus about any cohesive foundational narrative for our country. Perhaps the thread...
  10. R

    37pc Baloch favour independence: UK survey !

    Giving the Baloch more money and a greater share of resources is certainly one method of addressing their grievances. However, the main reason why we have so many grievances all across Pakistan (Muhajir, Sindhi, Baloch, Balawaristani, Kashmiri, Pashtun) is because we have still (even after 65...
  11. R

    Pakistan got the higest internet users in South Asia

    There is a direct co-relation between the personal repression in a society and how fast it adopts internet access. In other words, the more personal repression a society exhibits (higher repression index), the faster its people will get on to the internet (faster adoption rate). There are...
  12. R

    Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan?

    1) If you have not specialized in Islamic Theology, I strongly suggest you refrain from misguiding others about Islam. The first two bolded parts are almost tantamount to blasphemy. 2) As for the 3rd bolded part, why did God not throw "the devil" into hell right at the very instant he...
  13. R

    PDF Poll: What is the Foundational Narrative for Pakistan?

    What is the Foundational Narrative for Pakistan? I think all of us as Pakistanis need to get together and work out a common foundational story. This forum would be an excellent place to start this debate to see if we can arrive at some consensus. I have no personal preference. I will go with...
  14. R

    Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan?

    1) You come from a family of Allo Mahar Sharif Sayyids. Good for you. 2) Your Allo Mahar Sharif Sayyid forefathers participated in the evaluation of the claims of the Ahmadi. Good for them. 3) They found Ahmadi beliefs to be heresy and so they labelled the Ahmadi as Murtads and...
  15. R

    ‘Pakistan is for Islam’

    I think it is already be too late to put those fitnah worms back in the can. Here is what may well be coming our way in Pakistan soon: CONSTITUTION (TWENTIETH AMENDMENT) ACT, 2013 An Act to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part...
  16. R

    Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan?

    Moving beyond the specific beliefs of the Ahmadis, here are some of the beliefs of non-Ahmadi Pakistanis-- http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/177791-kashmir-declare-ahmadis-non-muslims-grand-mufti-24.html#post3201332
  17. R

    Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan?

    They were "not defined in such a way" before, but they could be so defined at any time now: CONSTITUTION (TWENTIETH AMENDMENT) ACT, 2012 An Act to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part I, 17th August, 2012] The following Act...
  18. R

    Neo-sectarianism and an intra-Muslim cold war?

    http://www.defence.pk/forums/current-events-social-issues/198004-real-origins-escalating-internecine-conflicts-pakistan.html#post3227664 To summarize the above-linked post: In the dying days of the Ottoman/Usman Empire, what is now "Saudi" Arabia had three major powers operating...
  19. R

    Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan?

    Good point. This is happening everywhere. But it works the other way, too..... Shias and Sunnis in Saudi Arabia | Saudiwoman's Weblog Quote from above: "When my family lived in the US we became good friends with another Saudi family who happened to be Shias from Qatif. Once back in Saudi...
  20. R

    Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan?

    Source: Traveling Intolerance: Pakistani passport for Muslims « JOURNAL OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS
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