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  1. peristalsiso

    US: We will trace and kill new Al-Qaeda leader

    Killing a leader is a blow in the moral and political arenas. The actual war will be over when the majority of people and fighters on one or both sides believe they can achieve their goals _better_ through negotiations and politics rather than warfare. So the death of the next alQuada leader...
  2. peristalsiso

    Israel and a Solution to Its Conflict

    So Ghandi had nothing to do with it?..
  3. peristalsiso

    Israel and a Solution to Its Conflict

    As an outside observer, i see that: 1) Israeli's want too many concessions in negotiations from Palestinians. 2) Palestinians are delusional when they think they can remove Israel by force. Palestinians hold the key to peace and prosperity; by adopting a consistent policy of peaceful...
  4. peristalsiso

    Iranium - Documentary about Iran and her Nuclear Program

    I was trying to stay polite.. But it seems you don't value polite comments. If you don't want people to respond ("you need to stfu"), don't go to public discussion forums.
  5. peristalsiso

    Iranium - Documentary about Iran and her Nuclear Program

    Instead of investing intellectual and economic means into developing nuclear "power", isn't Iran better off building the infrastructure to utilize gas, and put a policy in place that sees their own population with the first priority in gas delivery? Gas tech is so much better than nuclear tech...
  6. peristalsiso

    Iranium - Documentary about Iran and her Nuclear Program

    are you clamoring for war?
  7. peristalsiso

    Iranium - Documentary about Iran and her Nuclear Program

    Iran has millions of tons of natural gas. Iran has plenty of sunlight. Why would Iran need nuclear energy at all? You seem to feed us the same lines as Ahmedinejad himself.. Quite frankly, I don't believe those answers.
  8. peristalsiso

    Iranium - Documentary about Iran and her Nuclear Program

    if it's propaganda, then please explain where and how.. and don't just counter with iranian-govt approved counter propaganda about how they're just building medical isotopes. these videos may be a bit alarmingly edited, but the words of the iranians in it speak are enough to worry over.
  9. peristalsiso

    Where Is The Outcry Against Arab Apartheid?

    While I agree the Iranian leadership cares for nothing but it's own well being, I don't agree that Israel is behaving like a good shepherd vis-a-vis the Palestinians. I've seen a documentary on AlJazeera in which ordinary palestinian business men have great difficulty with the importing of...
  10. peristalsiso

    Ayman al-Zawahri addresses the American people

    While I almost completely agree with your interpretation of the Quran and the divine, I cannot agree with your view of AlQuada.. The few decapitation videos that i've seen in which westerners were murdered by muslim extremists, did not have those people shout out before the end "these are...
  11. peristalsiso

    Islam's image: reformation and makeover

    what part do you want to know more about?
  12. peristalsiso

    USA budget issues

    The US wouldn't need to spend so much on entitlements if they made economic growth more attainable to the middle and lower classes.
  13. peristalsiso

    Generations pay off debts through slavery

    Ok, point taken. I stand corrected.
  14. peristalsiso

    Rebels give Gaddafi 72 hours to step down

    That's a good offer. I hope he takes it.
  15. peristalsiso

    Generations pay off debts through slavery

    then you could've just asked him for proof instead of pointing out his country's wrongs?..
  16. peristalsiso

    Generations pay off debts through slavery

    I have great hopes for these anonymous internet forums ;)
  17. peristalsiso

    Islam's image: reformation and makeover

    In my view, the Quran doesn't need to get changed / rewritten. You'd need a new Prophet for that. But the Sharia could use an update, by removing the punishments for "social crimes" and "critiques of the Prophet or faith".. Insecure xenophobes need to punish others for insulting their faith...
  18. peristalsiso

    Generations pay off debts through slavery

    below_freezing, over and over again I see you blaming others to cover up or smooth over your own culture's mistakes. it's not only getting boring and predictable, it prevents any progress.
  19. peristalsiso

    Nine Afghan boys gunned down by NATO helicopters in Kabul

    Someone asked me a specific question: "What has China done [wrong]?". I answered that question. Sometimes a list of wrongs serves to quiet down nationalistic chest-thumping. Sometimes it derails a discussion about the future into the past. But i'd rather not close my eyes completely to the...
  20. peristalsiso

    Nine Afghan boys gunned down by NATO helicopters in Kabul

    Yea, they made some mistakes the last decade. I can agree to that. But they also did good things, often securing their economic/political interests at the same time as securing the freedom of peoples. Afghanistan is better off without the Taliban, South Korea is better off without "leadership"...
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