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  1. bigzgvr4

    Iran: nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan

    ya but what was the outcome of that I think iran Strategically Made Big mistakes which those descisions because You should have learned from pakistan you cannot Help some one that is going to shoot You later For Sure and the interest it served are only short term and not real and even if they...
  2. bigzgvr4

    Why India purchasing Pilatus PC-7 instant of Pilatus PC-21?

    LOL is that from SHemus the WWE SUperstar, "well i dont know you sneaky little Fella you can P1ss off" i think thats how he would say it thank you come Again :cheers:
  3. bigzgvr4

    Israel's Iron Dome grossly over-hyped: scientists

    They will be fielding the Directed energy Weapon now the SOlid State Laser which have a classified Range of about miles not km SO they are good to Go, oh and its made in the US of A, AND IT WORKS and is already fielded with navy airforce and Marines They just passed a law where all the defence...
  4. bigzgvr4

    Why India purchasing Pilatus PC-7 instant of Pilatus PC-21?

    dude WTF mate what are you talking about thank you come again :cheers:
  5. bigzgvr4

    Russian Satellite Hit by Debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite Test

    However, the Treaty does not prohibit the placement of conventional weapons in orbit. yup dude its in the treaty Thank you Come again
  6. bigzgvr4

    Russian Satellite Hit by Debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite Test

    a-sats are legitmate according to the treaty no matter what the russian concern was and you was not even born at that time so you were not their hope this answers your question brother "thank you come again":cheers:
  7. bigzgvr4

    Super Sukhois to give India a generation leap

    Me too "thank you come again":cheers:
  8. bigzgvr4

    Why India purchasing Pilatus PC-7 instant of Pilatus PC-21?

    Listen Brother indian the members above have Clarified it no need to be so rude if you read my post above you you can see "thank YOu Come AGain" :cheers:
  9. bigzgvr4

    Why India purchasing Pilatus PC-7 instant of Pilatus PC-21?

    I see thank you for clarification "thank you Come again":cheers:
  10. bigzgvr4

    Super Sukhois to give India a generation leap

    you mean what the colonel said about the excersice in USa with the mki, Yea and india tv reported on it, between me and You the Colonel and his equipment is From Air National Gaurd and its not even USAF Standards they Get what USAF Does not need anymore but none the less Super mki will have...
  11. bigzgvr4

    Pakistan will need another IMF package, says ADB

    @mods please cLOSE THIS THREAD ITS AN OLD ARTICLE AND A CHEAP ATTEMPT BY SOME ONE TO CAUSE TROLLING AMONG MEMBERS to all the indians thank you come again:cheers:
  12. bigzgvr4

    Russian Satellite Hit by Debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite Test

    However, the Treaty does not prohibit the placement of conventional weapons in orbit. This is from the Wikipedia article Dude did you read it or just had a Brain Fart and exchanged flatulence here referring back to your first post where you quoted me Thank you Come again :cheers:
  13. bigzgvr4

    Why India purchasing Pilatus PC-7 instant of Pilatus PC-21?

    is that Bae hawk that india uses if so then why did the swiss retired their hawks and went to pc-21 may india is doing the same thing with their hawks and using pc-7 "thank you come again":cheers:
  14. bigzgvr4

    Why India purchasing Pilatus PC-7 instant of Pilatus PC-21?

    to train on the Rafale and Super Sukhois that they are getting this year ""silly wabbit tricks are for kids""":P Thank you Come Again :cheers:
  15. bigzgvr4

    Pakistan will need another IMF package, says ADB

    I vote to Ban that kid for wasting our valuable time which i would have spent some where more counter productive i.e with the indians on the procurment of ARMS of india/pakistan or china technology or Comparrision of India and China the DRAGON VS i dont know what they call them selves but they...
  16. bigzgvr4

    Pakistan will need another IMF package, says ADB

    GANJA BRADRANS will Destroy Pakistan, how much money does one need to scam i guess they are looking for their 4th Generation of Kids to prosper only if Quid-e-azam Thought like them We would have been worse then Dalits/Shudars(indian need not comment just a Refference not Serious and i know for...
  17. bigzgvr4

    Israel's Iron Dome grossly over-hyped: scientists

    thats good news on the side note why do you think pakistan will attack cities when they can use nukes on the armed forces bases all over india to achive even more potent result then attacking the poor civilians that are in the cities I dont know if India Bases are in the cities which i highly...
  18. bigzgvr4

    Russian Satellite Hit by Debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite Test

    did India Signed on that LAw if did please provide source i know china russia,UK,FRANCE,AND ENGLAND did not space weapons come under CTBT or what ever its called its like this if the 5 five countries that are already nuke capable they can do what ever they want But the rest of the world Cannot...
  19. bigzgvr4

    Israel's Iron Dome grossly over-hyped: scientists

    OKay may they will change some thing in it to make it more capable perhaps from Mk1 to Mk2 type Deal I get thank YOu come again :cheers:
  20. bigzgvr4

    Russian Satellite Hit by Debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite Test

    dude SPACE is SPACE no one has sovernty over SPace so their sat should have stayed clear of the debris and if a country wants to have weapons in space you cannot stop them thats like telling me not to go to bathroom when i need to take a leak instead **** my pants :cheers: thank you come again
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