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Iran: nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan

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Yes, cooperating on fighting terrorism in both countries, you have problem with that?

We did help U.S to fight Al-Qaeda in Iraq who wanted to hijack the Iraq's leadership in its instability peak.Same as Afghanistan, we did help U.S fighting Taliban.Because it served OUR interests.But they didn't pay back very well though.

One of examples, you should read, it's interesting:

2001 uprising in Herat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now you are supporting Taliban and Al-Qaeda?

No terrorism but secterian agenda you mean.

I prefer al qaida and taliban than the americans. Killed and raped the fokin country. At least al qaida and taliban dont rape and kil innocent people.
ya but what was the outcome of that I think iran Strategically Made Big mistakes which those descisions because You should have learned from pakistan you cannot Help some one that is going to shoot You later For Sure and the interest it served are only short term and not real and even if they are They are still fragile at best, I thought the ISRael issue with phalastine would unite the muslim world but i guess not they have old tribal War mentality among themselves, pakistan is Keeping Good relationship with Bangladesh even when bangladesh was part of pakistan and got its freedom, So past difference can be set Aside and work towards a better Future,IRan does not need to Achieve political greatness in the muslim world Iran can achieve Technological Greatness in the muslim world and i think it is very advance then most of the muslim countries and Iran is wasting its time to achieve political Greatness because political Greatness does not get you any where if you are an advanced nation you are looked at a higher standards then others and It should Set aside political Agenda(becuase in case of iraq andafghanistan) thats what it was a Political Agenda where it did not get you any thing while some arabs build Skyscrappers with no technological advancement some arabs invest oil money in foriegn Buissness to make more money then advancing in medicine or Technology or education and Some are after Political Agenda, and in case of non arabs i.e turkey and pakistan they are playing turkey as a Major player in the Middle east where in Europe no one listens to them so the need to feel important about them selves and are given a role to play in middle east pollitics just like how iran played a role in iraq afghanistan war and Pakistan is plagued by the Corruption and INDIA

you can decide what you want Political agenda or you wanna Advance through industrilization and Techonology or you wanna be a middle east super power where the political agenda is the way to pursue it wont accomplish Squat
look at other UAE building Skyscrappers wasting money just so some one can say these rag heads got big towers but still are rag heads becasue they can not Produce nothing
No terrorism but secterian agenda you mean.

I prefer al qaida and taliban than the americans. Killed and raped the fokin country. At least al qaida and taliban dont rape and kil innocent people.

Yes,they only behead people while chanting 'Allahu Akbar'. How peaceful that is.

Al-Qaeda doesn't kill innocents? right

What about all these suicide bombings in Iraq,Pakistan,Syria and other countries which Al-Qaeda itself takes responsibility?

We will do anything in our power to eliminate those animals to the very last of them.Al-Qaeda is the last thing on earth that can be called innocent.
Yes,they only behead people while chanting 'Allahu Akbar'. How peaceful that is.

Al-Qaeda doesn't kill innocents? right

What about all these suicide bombings in Iraq,Pakistan,Syria and other countries which Al-Qaeda itself takes responsibility?

We will do anything in our power to eliminate those animals to the very last of them.Al-Qaeda is the last thing on earth that can be called innocent.

Stil you didnt give me a relatively reason why you should collaborat with the enemy. Car bombing started when you country started colonized iraq and afganistan.

you didnt thought the imaams of alqaida and taliban gonna give fatwa like sistani to not fight americans didnt you?

this secterian agenda wil fal....

Is Hamas a terrorist group?
Stil you didnt give me a relatively reason why you should collaborat with the enemy. Car bombing started when you country started colonized iraq and afganistan.

you didnt thought the imaams of alqaida and taliban gonna give fatwa like sistani to not fight americans didnt you?

this secterian agenda wil fal....

Is Hamas a terrorist group?

I didn't know we have also Al-Qaeda supporters on this site.I'm surprised.

Your own country, Turkey is staunch ally of the 'great enemy', the US.Why don't you lash out on your own country?And you are blaming Iran for supporting the fight against Al-Qaeda?

Let's see what Al-Qaeda 'freedom fighters' did to your own country:

2003 Istanbul bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway let's stop here, this argument is obviously going nowhere since you and I are world apart on this matter.
Before teaching us the lessons of humanity first learn to not interfere in others personal or internal matters in the name of humanity , Iran itself is involved in current sectarian strife happening in Pakistan . If you really care of moral compass then just stop relating our internal matters with your ideological interests . It will help to maintain poise among us .

When the 9/11 happened Iran's had mass rallies that mourned the death of the innocent American civilians that died there. It has absolutely nothing to do with ideology what so ever, just old fashioned humanity indeed.
We are not interfering. We can hold rallies in OUR country whenever we please.

Your response is very typical and indicative of someone who sees everything from a sectarian scope. Such a backward mentality. Step in to the 21st century already.
These are private citizens showing their concern. I applaud them for caring. It shows humanity exists among the citizens of the world regardless of the government stances.
ROFL wow Only a Canodian would, try to differenciate between citizens and government, hahahahahahah you know people vote every where okay

"thank you come again":cheers:
I think Iranians should also protest again Massacre and Genocide of Syrian Sunnis by Iranian mercenaries and proxies....

By the wat where were your protests when thousands of shias were martyred in Iraq suicide Bombings....
At least al qaida and taliban dont rape and kil innocent people.


This is so weird, you saying this on a thread where iranians are protesting the recent killing of 250 shia in pakistan by taliban and al qaida and the likes!!!

Wahabis are illogical to the extreme.
ROFL wow Only a Canodian would, try to differenciate between citizens and government, hahahahahahah you know people vote every where okay

"thank you come again":cheers:

Absolutely not true. Voter turnout in most nations amounts to slightly above 50%, and often is a process of choosing the "lesser of the evils". And in the middle east there is seldom a functioning democracy.

Of coure you would know this, being Pakistani and all: You love to complain how the politicians are corrupt and dont represnt the people.
Absolutely not true. Voter turnout in most nations amounts to slightly above 50%, and often is a process of choosing the "lesser of the evils". And in the middle east there is seldom a functioning democracy.

Of coure you would know this, being Pakistani and all: You love to complain how the politicians are corrupt and dont represnt the people.
same can be said about canada Dude and i cannot vote in pakistan but i do vote in america and as soon as they started to ban our second amendment Every one is complaining because they think canadian gun laws and British gun laws would work in AMerica Which is the land of the Free Not like your country Where you have to Bow to QUeen before you can take a breath of fresh air
"thank you come again":cheers:
These are private citizens showing their concern. I applaud them for caring. It shows humanity exists among the citizens of the world regardless of the government stances.

if it was for humanity we dint see any such step from Shia Iranians over atrocities against sunnis in Iran.
You will hardly see few Sunni mosques in Iran as Iran subjects them to unofficial ban.
It seems the recent massive killings of Shias in Pakistan has damaged the relations between the two countries .
Wonder how many Shias case gets unnoticed and ignored !!

:P :P yeh the massive damage came to gas pipeline pipe dream of US :P

the two agreed to proceed with the project.

by the way its NON Of IRANIAN BUSINESS. Its our internal matter and if Iran wishes to interfer in it then the entire Muslim world has the right to interfer in Iranian internal matter viz a viz Sunni Iranis who are forced to live in closed communities in iran.

You will see jewish worship places in Iran but the Iranians has banned sunni mosques to greater extent
I want to understand why are they rallying for Shia's only? There have been thousands innocents killed by terrorists in the last decade, we never heard about any rallies held for "Pakistanis" deaths.
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