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  1. Straight

    Historic uprising of Bangladesh silent majority

    ….yes. Long March on April the 6th proved so beyond any reasonable doubt… Long March further corrected the followings, too • Islamic ‘Chetona’ stands supreme preceding Muktijuddho ‘Chetona’ • Above ‘Chetonas’ are complimentary----not...
  2. Straight

    Historic uprising of Bangladesh silent majority

    What Long March left behind..…… After huge suspense, worry & anxiety, ‘6th April’ is finally over but ‘Long March’ , showed to all, certain facets that were hitherto hidden in the common eyes and which grew silently ‘with’ promise & perils within...
  3. Straight

    Historic uprising of Bangladesh silent majority

    ….and simultaneous Out-flying of Bangladesh VIPs Read Link: http://www.mzamin.com/details.php?nid=NDk1ODA=&ty=MA==&s=MTg=&c=MQ==
  4. Straight

    3 bloggers arrested

    Paradise Lost........ 'Freedom Fighters' of 2nd Muktijudhho went out of business so quick---hardly 1 month+ in contrast to 9 months---despite but , unlike the 1st Genuine Freedom Fight, all the foreign & local money, Security blanket of 4 layers, Free Food & Cold Water, Bollywood...
  5. Straight

    Police force cornered against the wall by brutal AL regime

    ...Is 'breaking-point' closing by ? "hoi... hoi roi...roi" "ticket koi...visa koi ??"
  6. Straight

    Army in field now

    ....Yes. They should also unite and organize the 'Padma Bridge issue (highly sensitive) as a stand-alone and independent movement for the South districts. BNP should give those issues (Price, Stock Market, Destiny, Hallmark, Power & Gas, Padma Bridge and recent Genocide) more lime light than CTG...
  7. Straight

    Army in field now

    ...Would you care to throw some light on the time-frame required for above ? This is a desperate situation, and will require a desperate solution. No dilly dallying. Don't you think the process will require involvement of Army and /or Ulema for respective parts to play ? Historically, only...
  8. Straight

    Awami league activist caught while vandalizing Shahid Minar

    BAL activist burnt while making Bomb in party office. See LINK : ????????.???:??????? ???? ???????????? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ????????, ?????? ??? ????? ????
  9. Straight

    Army in field now

    ---even few media that had been sleeping so far, now is awaking, and started hitting back Shahbagh. See Link: Daily Manab Zamin | ??? ?????? ???????
  10. Straight

    Army in field now

    ...Why so soon, Hammer-fist you want this thread on our beloved BA to be closed ? You know Bangladesh people had 2 instutuions to be proud of : (1) Supreme Court (2) BA. The former has been hijacked by BAL which is now only "of the BAL, by the BAL and for the BAL." Only remaining for the poor...
  11. Straight

    Awami League committing worst genocide in Bangladesh history

    ....Oh! T-Rex, a word for you. This poster hinduguy is very sick (like other few Indians) and should see a 'psychistrist' immediately. Please be nice to him, and advise him to listen to you. With such trait in his post, he is not even safe for his parents, relatives, friends nor for his...
  12. Straight

    Awami League committing worst genocide in Bangladesh history

    PLEASE NOTE..... 1. Jamat don't even believe in the existence of Bangladesh. They never said that. How then they formed Jote with BAL in election before ? How majority population in rural Bangladesh supporting / assisting their movements last few days. Public would cut them in pieces and...
  13. Straight

    Bangladesh Revolution News and Updates

    A bit of relevant clarification without the intent to derail the thread. Faith (if you mean [/I] 'Iman'---the first stepping -stone towards Allah) is not to believe in HIS existance---many people do that now or later in old age, under various name Allah, God, Ishshawr etc. But, Imaan is to...
  14. Straight

    Army in field now

    ...If Indians would have any respect for sentiment of Bangladeshis, you would leave us alone much earlier---and this WWII era Vichy Govt like BAL would come to sense even earlier saving many lives.
  15. Straight

    Army in field now

    Something is not going right with BAL Govt, I guess.
  16. Straight

    Army in field now

    Isn't it ample indication of 'disorientation ' and nervousness ? Little too soon, BAL's face-cover is crumbling, I see. Home Minister is deying, State Minister of Law is admitting over TV interview.
  17. Straight

    Awami League committing worst genocide in Bangladesh history

    Any one who loves Bangladesh will never resort to such terminology that divides the nation. "A house divided against itself can not stand". That is why we the FF of 71 (unaided, unprotected) kept mum when BB let go the 'real' WC of 71---because no civicl society can thrive on fuel of hatred. At...
  18. Straight

    Awami League committing worst genocide in Bangladesh history

    ...you bet. They are our 'prize' new-generation part-time FF (*conditions apply) of the 2nd Freedom war under BAL's intense care---even the diaper has to be changed time to time by them in a part-time gathering. Howeer, you must realize their incovenience to fight while both of their hands are...
  19. Straight

    Brutal action by Jamat-Shibir

    ...not really madx. BNP is projecting to the mass & the World that they are (1) Champion of Democracy: Upholding the right of the oppressed to protest. (2) Champion of Justice: Punish perpetrators of WC but judiciary has to be transperant & neutral. BAL has ho taste for either of the 2 essential...
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