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  1. fallstuff

    4 CRPF jawans killed, 3 injured in Chhattisgarh Maoist ambush

    Maoists stopped train schedule at night, wow, that in itself speaks volume. I remember Indian members stating special operations are underway to root out the Maoists. The Maoists attacks gone down now ? Can anybody provide some numbers ?
  2. fallstuff

    U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

    I think that was childish move by the Chinese, U.S called the bluff.
  3. fallstuff

    Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own

    With so much shale oil flooding the energy market, U.S interest in ME is not that important anymore. Saudis need to learn to fight for causes that they think is of vital importance. Suffice to say same goes for Israel, little Nat been throwing all kinds of tantrums lately !!
  4. fallstuff

    Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

    S*it storm is still blowing !!!!!
  5. fallstuff

    Iran sports thread

    The irony of this !! Mullah lead nation wins world BEACH football championship !!
  6. fallstuff

    Terrible accuracy shooting at gun range...what happened?

    Give it to someone you do not like !!
  7. fallstuff

    Bangladesh Army

    wtf ? reflex ?
  8. fallstuff

    Picked up a 1938 Mosin Nagant 91/30

    No. I read about this gun's sights zeroed straight out of box. The adjusting slider was exactly in this position. You should get one while they are still relatively cheap.
  9. fallstuff

    China Loosens Its One-Child Policy

    China Loosens Its One-Child Policy The Chinese government announced on Nov. 15 that it will loosen its notorious family-planning scheme, commonly known as the one-child policy. The new regulations will allow couples in which at least one parent is an only child to have two offspring. Xinhua...
  10. fallstuff

    Picked up a 1938 Mosin Nagant 91/30

    Range Update: Took it to the range yesterday. I had Russian surplus ammo with me. When I bought the ammo, I was told its the heavier grain rounds. I opted for it, as it would be more accurate in long distance target shooting. At the indoor shooting range the ranger wanted to check the ammo...
  11. fallstuff

    Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

    Indian operations ceased being a Peace Keeping one the day they tried to Kill or capture LTTE leadership. That day on it was a total combat between the India and LTTE. India fought a war with LTTE for three years. Peacekeepers don't do that. Operation Pawan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...
  12. fallstuff

    Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

    You realize that mighty Indian Army got kicked out of Sri Lanka by LTTE. It is certainly nothing to write home about. Study history my friend, else it has a strange way of repeating itself.
  13. fallstuff

    Barack Obama Is A Jew Not Christian or Muslim!!!!

    I have no idea about what to expect of you, that was an FYI. You are not talking about Homer Simpson, are you ?
  14. fallstuff

    Barack Obama Is A Jew Not Christian or Muslim!!!!

    More Than 30% Of Republicans Falsely Believe Obama Is Muslim (POLL) People didn't wise up over time, it became like this, 34% of Conservatives Think Obama is Muslim; Double That in 2008 ‹ I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists
  15. fallstuff


    Thanks for the advice. It will be hard to find a place to rig it to take a shot with ranger watching over. I have got to think it over. Gander did a very good job in cleaning it. This rifle was rarely used. I did take it apart to inspect it, oil it and clean the bore. I didn't notice any...
  16. fallstuff

    Sajeeb Wajed Joy, what he is up to

    He is making the most out of it. It wouldn't hurt to keep options open if mommy gets kicked out of power,
  17. fallstuff

    Huge funding in Bangladesh from Arab countries : India is worried

    It was none other than Hasina's old man Sheikh Mujib who first started asking for middle eastern aid. Lets face it Saudis got more money than the Indians. Its only logical that Mujib went to ME for funds.
  18. fallstuff

    Picked up a 1938 Mosin Nagant 91/30

    I have but not for the Mosin. I want to get one, but I will wait for black Friday sale. I want to get another Nikon scope, they are the best value in my opinion.
  19. fallstuff

    When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’

    There is a reason why Hitler wanted a master race. Europeans owned most of the world, now all he had to do is own Europe, Bingo then it would be all his !! That was the fatal flaw in his attempt to rule the world. If he went fighting over the colonies, no one probably would have cared.
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