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  1. anon45

    FBI Kills Man While Questioning

    given the details that have emerged, their actions seem perfectly justified. Why should they have to risk their lives anymore than necessary?
  2. anon45

    Indians like the United States most and Pakistan least: India Poll survey

    Nah, Canada has top favorability, but India is definitely favorably viewed. In the top 10.
  3. anon45

    2 Taiwan Jets Down in 1 Week

    Has Taiwan stepped up training? With an increase in training time/flying time more crashes are expected, though 2 in 1 week may be a cause for concern. depends really.
  4. anon45

    North Korea Seized Chinese Boat

    does your behind hurt much? lol Anyways the speed with which the title was changed vs certain other posters, with HongWu as the shining posterchild, is rather telling.
  5. anon45

    North Korea Seized Chinese Boat

    http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/20/world/asia/north-korea-seized-chinese-fishing-boat.html?_r=0 :rofl: Just Wow:woot:
  6. anon45

    Air Force Sees Hypersonic Weapons in 2025

    I don't think it will change much of anything on its own. Yes it is a more powerful weapon, but the major players that this sort of system would be economically useful on are nuclear powers. It is another tool in an arsenal prepared for war, but it won't lower the bar for confrontation imo when...
  7. anon45

    US Navy dolphins discover rare old torpedo off Coronado

    the few emoticons are my own addition :oops: Also a comment from the comments section http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-torpedo-dolphins-20130518,0,7621822.story what a hoot!:woot:
  8. anon45

    Beijing should back Okinawa independence, says Global Times

    I'm surprised even that exists to the public eye given the police state nature of China and its internet. Any movement brought to the public eye would obviously be quashed quickly and ruthlessly.
  9. anon45

    The BRIC Countries Are The World’s New Global Navy

    Id say none of them do Kloitra. Just because Russia is stationing ships off Syria doesn't mean patrolling the seas is something it does more than the US. The US has carriers in multiple parts of the world. The scale is on an utterly different level.
  10. anon45

    China to India: We must shake hands to raise Asia’s standing

    shoot might as well keep this going! Hi HongWu :cheers: Translation of headline: 'We must shake hands to raise China's standing'.
  11. anon45

    US Navy targets aviation history with carrier drone launch

    Landing will be in a future test.
  12. anon45

    China may not overtake America this century after all

    not enough economic damage, certainly not enough physical damage. You know what i'm referring too. Countries didn't make the US dollar the international currency simply because the US was prosperous, it was because there was no other choice. Or rather the other choice was the Soviet Ruble.
  13. anon45

    U.S. bill calls for increased US oil production to displace Iranian oil

    Lol you seriously have no clue. Huge boost in US oil output set to transform global market | 89.3 KPCC
  14. anon45

    China may not overtake America this century after all

    displacing the US dollar as the sole currency will not happen bar some cataclysm that leaves China untouched and economically prosperous and all other major countries devastated both economically and physically. There was a reason the US dollar became the sole international currency aside from...
  15. anon45

    China may not overtake America this century after all

    The rants about the US have been ongoing since our country's birth, and they really took off vitriolically post WW2.
  16. anon45

    China may not overtake America this century after all

    *sigh* That is too simplistic. Political and economic stability is a big factor, and gdp alone says nothing. Manufacturing economy = stability is also too simplistic, and beside the point in anycase, the US, is stillone of the largest manufacturing powers in the world, Just because our service...
  17. anon45

    Russia seizes 'CIA agent in Moscow':

    says the pot to the kettle...
  18. anon45

    Four US soldiers killed in Afghanistan

    RIP to our soldiers. I'd probably be banned if I posted a smiley with news of dead Pakistani Soldiers or dead Chinese soldiers, not that I have any sick inclination to in any case.
  19. anon45

    At least 12 shot during Mother’s Day parade in New Orleans

    What ever gave you the idea that the government is failing? I suppose it depends on your definition, but the legitimacy of the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch is still strong. It is true that congress is locked in a partisan deadlock, but the government isn't...
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