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  1. anon45

    54 countries helped CIA in secret operations, says study

    I guess Iran doesn't have an independent foreign policy then :rofl:
  2. anon45

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    He's on some good stuff.
  3. anon45

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    Yes, we are perfectly abivalent to any sort of peaceful deal China and Japan work out on control of the island, but as clarified, as long as Japan has administration of these islands, the islands are covered under the MDT. South Vietnam was viewed quite differently then than Japan is viewed...
  4. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Fairly sure its not weapons radar, but I've heard that its apparently common for countries to try to gather data on foreign (in this case PLA) ships during exercises. For subs its things like (radar?) signatures and such. I'm no avid student in naval affairs, but from what I've heard, Locking...
  5. anon45

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    Idiotic unprovable rhetoric, and this still bears no relevance to your accusation that the US is an empire today. You are wrong by definiton, unless you can state and provide evidence of an 'extensive' number of states over which the US government wields supreme authority. If you seriously say...
  6. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Waiting for China's side. 1) Japanese troops don't know what orders the Chinese warship received, they only know the Chinese frigate has its weapons locked and ready to fire. The uncertainty on intent is why it isn't done. It could have sparked a major war if either side acted hastily...
  7. anon45

    Is a strong dictatorship better than a weak democracy?

    Its not really a choice, a weak democracy leads to dictatorship. Vigilance is key.
  8. anon45

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    Except we aren't an empire by any dictionary definition of the word, we didn't decline after Vietnam, and we aren't in a race to prove we are 'better' than the Mongol Empire in empire building, least of all to you. Again how is this relevant to anything today??? This is borderline...
  9. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    There are different modes for tracking radar on navy ships, the soldier you speak of was likely referring to a less provocative mode then is the issue here, because if he wasn't I guarantee you it would have become a major international incident, and you would have more sources than just word of...
  10. anon45

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    What relevance does some what if scenario have to today? Simple Chest thumping from you. Explain these so-called 'rules' then. You give no reason why. Japan can build a nuke very quickly, there you go. Do you even know how and whyt he Mongol Empire collapsed :what: not even remotely...
  11. anon45

    Rise of China and India could spark UK 'unrest'

    unnecessary escalation, playing a dangerous game of chicken, still not calling a bluff.
  12. anon45

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    The last thing we are worried about right now is China and Japan cozying up... quite the opposite in fact. Luffy500 can believe what he wants, there are people who believe we never landed on the moon, despite all the evidence otherwise after all.
  13. anon45

    "Falcon" travels 13000MPH, Means Military could strike anywhere within hour

    This is old news, why post it?
  14. anon45

    Rise of China and India could spark UK 'unrest'

    No they didn't :rolleyes: Firing their weapons would be calling the bluff.
  15. anon45

    China backs Argentina's sovereignty claim over the Malvinas islands

    You've pretty much torpedoed any credibility you might have....
  16. anon45

    Migrants Workers in US Sent $120B to Their Home Countries

    :edit: nevermind, looks like that is total worldwide.
  17. anon45

    Definitive shift in Chinese foreign policy

    Go ahead and do so Hong Wu, you are a cartoon character persona :rolleyes:.
  18. anon45

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    Yes Yes We've been given the finger, so angry, you got us good. :rolleyes:
  19. anon45

    Whites to Become Minority in USA in 30 Years

    Canada, the US, and Australia would seem to buck historical trends in that fashion. It is homogeneous culture that matters, not homogeneous skin.
  20. anon45

    Nasa responsible for columbia and for death of seven brave soul??

    Nothing could be done at that point.
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