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Well, I reply for your words with that pic, I mean those ship are destroyer in JMSDF "term",

So you got no proof and condemnthe others just because you think so!? How poor you are...

1. Those ship are different in size but get same kind of equipments, so what's with the case!? LOL

2. JSDF said that, and news followed it. what did you want to refer it!? The Bigger was bully, for sure!?

3. So you saying that China was very bad on "propaganda"!? :rofl: Did you know how many money China spend for "propaganda purposes"!?
Did you know what actions China fishmen do to US ship and JCG ship!? :eek:

4. Man, What did you want to set up the scene with "missile range"!? ARE YOU SAYING THAT CHINA AND JAPAN WERE IN WAR OR SOMETHING!?

Again, boy, you just read and saw too much fictions and movies.
If you want proven China is innocent, so you should show up anything value, not twist around with your "smart theories"!

It's maybe an incident, but not for twice.
What's purposes of China do that move still unclear, but something show up here: some Chinese crying so much to get the title "victim" again. :lol:

China's government and media just spokes so loud in many time, but this time, "victim" shut up and stop crying.
So someone in PDF must crying for them. :P
In my previous post I said "It takes two to tango". That in plain english means that it take both party to participate in the incident.

Therefore it is obvious that there is no "victim" here. Both side is asking for it. BOTH side is NOT innocent.

But the fact is, Japan is the one that protest/complained and acting like a cry baby. I think most sane people would be able to see that this is just a political propaganda attempt from the Japanese.
in the international waters of East China Sea near the disputed islands

Well, they are supposed to do regular patrolling the sea and the islands, where both sides claim theirs.

no info from Chinese side, do you know any?

Obviously, the Chinese fleet is on the way for ocean-going training,and the target area is not diaoyu island(far from the disputed island, or else japanese would cry much louder to emphasize on the position). why they meet each other?Only one possibility, that japanese track and listen us same as what they did often in the past(japanese did it almost every time chinese fleed practice an ocean-going training).the fire-locked helicopter story indicate that japanese harass our fleet constantly like a fly.
indeed even we locked japanese ship ,it is not something serious.US and USSR fire-locked or shot warning each other as common practice during the cold war.and we'd better take more actions to get rid of the flies and mosquitoes
both you and me don't know what was happened there
Waiting for China's side.

I don't think the warship itself can "fire at will" or "attack japan warship" without a order
and china is not holding the diploma of "surprise military strike" (guess which country holding that ?)
1) Japanese troops don't know what orders the Chinese warship received, they only know the Chinese frigate has its weapons locked and ready to fire. The uncertainty on intent is why it isn't done. It could have sparked a major war if either side acted hastily.

2)China may or may not hold a 'diploma' in surprise attacks, but China is certainly not innocent and pure in this respect in modern history. Given Japanese and Chinese relations, anything looks possible.

very likely the radar operator want to warn the bigger japan warship - "stop tracing"

nobody want a war,
especially if you are currently live well

'accidents' could happen after many provocative actions by both sides
we cannot predict - that's why the situation looks so dangerous

The only vindication for China in this would be if the ship did not actually lock its weapons onto the Japanese ship, and the Japanese prime minister was out and out blatantly lying to everyone for no real reason. Because again this is just not done, even if the reason was to "warn the bigger japan warship - "stop tracing", it is still not done.

It can be interpreted as an engagement of hostilities, and the Japanese ship could have responded after a fashion under the false impression that it was protecting itself from an imminent Chinese strike.

If you are against the Idea of Japanese jets firing warning shots, you should be against this Chinese frigate's action's here.

Hopefully their unnecessary and incredibly dangerous escalation will be discouraged by those in charge, rather than becoming the 'new norm'.
Waiting for China's side.
If you are against the Idea of Japan firing warning shots, you should be against China's action's here.

+1 (I agreed)

the official news here now said PLA Navy ships
were locked by "unknown radars" nearly 100 time during their excises before
(are they fire-control radars / UAV radars/ AWACS radars ? still not clear)


If they were really locked by Japan fire-control radars before
I think our navy should have the same rights to doing the same

don't want any war, don't like the way of "a tooth for a tooth"
but as a Chinese, it is my obligation to support my country and its army
BBC News - China media: Japan tensions

Chinese media criticise Japan for escalating
territorial tensions and highlight new foreign
policy challenges arising from North Korea's
adamant attitude over nuclear tests. Japan protested to Beijing on Tuesday after it
said Chinese vessels put a radar lock on both a
Japanese navy ship and a helicopter last month. Global Times says the situation remains unclear since China has yet to make an official response
to Japan's "one-sided arguments" and "dubious
signals of war". It questions whether Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe's government is
exaggerating the incident to "sway public
opinion". "If the Abe administration's real intention is to
implant the idea of an imminent war in the minds
of the public, China also must send the same
message to the Chinese public. If this is not the
case, Japan should try to dispel the Chinese
public's doubts and remove the harmful side- effects of its actions," a bilingual Global Times
editorial concludes. A commentary in The Beijing News says the Abe cabinet may be using the incident to hype up a
"China threat" as a bargaining chip to persuade
the US to "relax restraints". Turning to North Korea, China Daily says rising regional tensions triggered by Pyongyang's plan
to hold a third nuclear test are "worrying" and
warns that diplomats may be unable to control
the situation. "As such, the nuclear stand-off on the Korean
Peninsula seems to have entered a vicious circle,
with contesting parties employing a tit-for-tat
strategy and refusing to back down." Turning to Taiwan, Global Times accuses Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairman Su
Tseng-chang of "flattering" Japan after he called
for Taiwan and Tokyo to prevent "other
countries exploiting opportunities" in the Diaoyu
or Senkaku islands dispute, referring indirectly to
mainland China. The DPP hits back by blasting the mainland for
deploying over 1,000 missiles against Taiwan,
Taiwan's Apple Daily reports. On a lighter note, the recent tensions with Japan
appear to be boosting sales of "Tokyo Big Bang"
and "I love the Diaoyu Islands" fireworks in
Beijing, according to People's Net. Ming Pao says some shops are hanging banners with slogans like "Protest the Diaoyus, Safeguard
the Nation, arouse your patriotic fervour" to
attract customers. "Aircraft carrier show nation's
might" fireworks are also a big hit, it adds. Meanwhile, China and Russia are not among the
30 countries on North Korean leader Kim Jong-
un's Traditional New Year greeting card list
published by Rodong Sinmun, The Beijing News notes. Labour camps Back in China, Communist Party leader Xi Jinping's
calls for "expanding and deepening" the army's
combat readiness during his tour of the Lanzhou
Military Region earlier this week is the lead story
on China Central Television. Southwest Yunnan province has suspended
approvals of the controversial laojiao re-
education through labour system. Last month,
southern Guangdong province said it planned to
phase out the system within this year, which
allows police to detain people for up to four years without an open trial, China Daily reports. "The re-education system, established in the
1950s to rectify social order by detaining people
charged with minor offences, has come in for
public flak for being prone to abuse," Xinhua news agency notes. The Beijing News applauds Yunnan's decision and hopes that other parts of the country will
"accomplish this historic task as soon as
possible". Radio and television stations are banned from
airing adverts on giving luxury items like
watches, rare stamps and gold coins as "gifts to
superiors" and "gifts to leaders", China Daily reports. Beijing Morning Post commentator Tong Tong supports the ban and says such lavish gift-giving
fuels "incorrect values and "a bad social ethos". The government will introduce a "fifth-phase"
higher-quality standard for vehicle fuel, before
the end of the year, with a grace period until the
end of 2017, China Daily reports. Meanwhile, Shenzhen is restricting the number of
tax-free goods that its residents can buy when
visiting Hong Kong to help curb cross-border
trading, especially in baby milk powder, South China Morning Post reports.
because you can not read the news article in Chinese
and because of your attitude I don't like to translate for you
so you assume everything is " all by your mouth " ?

anyway, doesn't matter what you believe

guess you are very good at Japanese reading / listening
and those Japanese news are 200% true / "not all by their mouth"...

that is so called :
What's my attitude at first!? LOL
Again, boy, I just comment when I saw your words, where's your proof, news or anything in that time, boy!?
Again, this is English forum, you know!?
Again, Can you show me something which I said like "China was wrong, China was bad, China was bullshjt in this case for sure" !?
So What's my attitude made you don't like to translate for me, boy!?

You twist with theory and post a picture that IJ army slaughter Chinese! Right!? What's your proof about this case, right!?
Why was you just quote one sentence of me!? Because the rest was right!? (well, you can just deny it, fine) :rolleyes:

Did you know why's I say this? :
Friend or not friend, nothing with your stupid (Do you understand what's I saying!? )
Did you know what's your stupid!?

If you want defend for China in here, you shall post something value.
What you gain when you brings US and Vietnam in here, with China and Japan in the case!? Nothing but that show up you are Idiot with "best friend" in your mouth and all by your mouth! ( Are you understand now!?)
+1 (I agreed)

the official news here now said PLA Navy ships
were locked by "unknown radars" nearly 100 time during their excises before
(are they fire-control radars / UAV radars/ AWACS radars ? still not clear)


If they were really locked by Japan fire-control radars before
I think our navy should have the same rights to doing the same

don't want any war, don't like the way of "a tooth for a tooth"
but as a Chinese, it is my obligation to support my country and its army
Offical news in Baidu! :lol:

As usual, something happen, PRC has been take offical conference for news release ( MoD, Ministry of Foreign Affairs...) . But now, only Japan say it, of course when we discusses, I follow a certain course, not theory.

You used "theory" again. China said it in official that If Japan take warning shot, it's mean begin the war.
So You meaning that China shut her mouth because China was afraid Japan if come in "war"!?

Before Japan said it in official news that she will take "warning shot" in case China violate territory (senkaku Isl), they did it in early time. There is a video in youtube show that.

So, They could do what they said if they want, no need to "play" anything, IMO.
In my previous post I said "It takes two to tango". That in plain english means that it take both party to participate in the incident.

Therefore it is obvious that there is no "victim" here. Both side is asking for it. BOTH side is NOT innocent.

But the fact is, Japan is the one that protest/complained and acting like a cry baby. I think most sane people would be able to see that this is just a political propaganda attempt from the Japanese.
The fact that are all theory said by you!

I say nothing about who is victim, you say it first!

And, you have problem with your logic:
But the fact is, Japan is the one that protest/complained and acting like a cry baby. I think most sane people would be able to see that this is just a political propaganda attempt from the Japanese.
Just almost Chinese maybe think like that, not the others!

Sorry, I don't read your words, simply don't care your opinion
whatever you like to believe, you has nothing to do with the China / Japan issue

I not going to explaining anything to you / doesn't matter what saying
so stop quote my words - it's nothing to do with you

but only discuss with people like @anon45
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Sorry, I don't read your words, simply don't care your opinion
whatever you like to believe, you has nothing to do with the China / Japan issue

I not going to explaining anything to you / doesn't matter what saying
so stop quote my words - it's nothing to do with you

but only discuss with people like @anon45
Oh, really sorry, I did not know I made you feel so difficult like that to answer for few simple questions. :rolleyes:
Well, just go with your "smart theory", good luck. :lol:
Last edited by a moderator:
Oh, really sorry, I did not know I made you feel so difficult like that to answer for few simple questions. :rolleyes:
Well, just go with your "smart theory", good luck. :lol:

because i don't need your support or understanding, and have no free time to talk with a poster who frequently using "stupid" and similar words. 你高興就好#^_^
respecting others is respecting youself
The Chinese news just reported that Chinese ministry of defense news officer stated that Japanese accusation of Chinese vessel using fire control radar to lock on Japanese vessel does not fit the fact.

On another somewhat related news, Russia denies Japanese accusation of intrusion into Japan's airspace.

1. is it that the Japanese is becoming paranoid and start seeing ghost?

2. is it that the Japanese should seriously consider updating their electronic equipment.

3. maybe their personnel need better training?

4. Is it possible that the Japanese is victim of electronic warfare that generate false positive?

Either way, the Japanese look like becoming a laughing stock.

Japanese media reported that the incident happened about 180km north of Diaoyu island. It is in the Chinese side of the middle/median line of the disputed EEZ of the East China Sea. FYI, the round circle in the map is the Chinese offshore oil and gas platform that sit just inside the Chinese side of the median line.

Japanese said that Chinese has locked on to Japanese vessel several time in Sept. 2012

In 1993, Japan and Russian has an agreement to ban the use of fire control radar to lock on each other. There is no such agreement between China and Japan.
because i don't need your support or understanding, and have no free time to talk with a poster who frequently using "stupid" and similar words. 你高興就好#^_^
respecting others is respecting youself
I repeat again:
_ Did you know and understand what I said!? ( I think you know because you was edit your post!)

_ There are your respect! (I met it many time from you Chinese, so no strange about it)
don't wanna say too much (since your mind is full of hostility to china)
here comes latest proof in official news.
translate yourself if you care / and I understand evidences are not important for a hater

by the way, I remember smart god-like american army dumped 80000000L agent orange (inc. 336KG Dioxin) in vietnam, now you two are best friends... how poor you are...
Stupid or not, you done by yourself!

The Chinese news just reported that Chinese ministry of defense news officer stated that Japanese accusation of Chinese vessel using fire control radar to lock on Japanese vessel does not fit the fact.

On another somewhat related news, Russia denies Japanese accusation of intrusion into Japan's airspace.

1. is it that the Japanese is becoming paranoid and start seeing ghost?

2. is it that the Japanese should seriously consider updating their electronic equipment.

3. maybe their personnel need better training?

4. Is it possible that the Japanese is victim of electronic warfare that generate false positive?

Either way, the Japanese look like becoming a laughing stock.
Any source in english!?
+1 (I agreed)

the official news here now said PLA Navy ships
were locked by "unknown radars" nearly 100 time during their excises before
(are they fire-control radars / UAV radars/ AWACS radars ? still not clear)
Fairly sure its not weapons radar, but I've heard that its apparently common for countries to try to gather data on foreign (in this case PLA) ships during exercises.

For subs its things like (radar?) signatures and such. I'm no avid student in naval affairs, but from what I've heard, Locking on with weapons radar is again, not done, and a huge escalation.

It wasn't even done during the cold war because of the potential of accidents.


If they were really locked by Japan fire-control radars before
I think our navy should have the same rights to doing the same

If Japanese ships actually locked their own weapons radar onto PLA ships, I would equally denounce them for escalation, but I am also pretty sure they have not done so, because if they did do so China would be screaming it from the rooftops, just like Japan is doing.

I mentioned the act not happening as the only vindication, but I misspoke. It would also vindicate China if the Frigate did not follow orders and its officers in charge of the frigate were disciplined in some manner. Just something to show that this is not an action China intended or supported. Supposedly China is still looking into it according to english source chinese media, still awaiting word on China's view of this specific incident.

don't want any war, don't like the way of "a tooth for a tooth"
but as a Chinese, it is my obligation to support my country and its army

My country, right or wrong?
If Japanese ships actually locked their own weapons radar onto PLA ships, I would equally denounce them for escalation, but I am also pretty sure they have not done so, because if they did do so China would be screaming it from the rooftops, just like Japan is doing.

similar to you, as a ordinary people, I don't really know what will our army do in that case...
"screaming it from the rooftops" ? I hope they do so, but I'm not sure.

I mentioned the act not happening as the only vindication, but I misspoke. It would also vindicate China if the Frigate did not follow orders and its officers in charge of the frigate were disciplined in some manner. Just something to show that this is not an action China intended or supported. Supposedly China is still looking into it according to english source chinese media, still awaiting word on China's view of this specific incident.

again, I am not sure if they will tell us more details about the incident or just "ignoring it" > <

My country, right or wrong?

I am not mean that...

your US Forces is still the best stabilizer of the world

most Chinese people don't want to be the "police" or "referee" or "judge" ...
they usually concentrate on domestic affairs (that's our culture) ...
... unless feel "they are invading us!" (mainly the territorial disputes according to 1949 map)
or "our ally is in danger! " (during the Korean War ... right or wrong? not sure )

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