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  1. anon45

    Nasa to partner Isro in India’s Mars mission.

    Given their mars record? Russia is a top tier space power, but when it comes to mars they seem to be cursed. Also NASA indisputably has the most experience when it comes to unmanned exploration.
  2. anon45

    Nasa to partner Isro in India’s Mars mission.

    Excellent news! :cheers:
  3. anon45

    Biggest American Hypocrisy to Chinese People - Chinese Exclusion Acts

    The only fear is the fear of war, and Chinese should fear it too. Obviously its why the US has plans in case of a war against China for many current day flashpoint scenarios (and probably some that we havn't thought of), I'd expect China to have the same, its just good contingency planning. As...
  4. anon45

    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    Dude, stormfront is the posterchild of white racist forums. Using it in an argument about what white people think is just retarded. They aren't nationalists, they are racists.
  5. anon45

    Video of F-35B Lightening II deck operations on USS Wasp

    Carlo Kopp has a known bias against the F-35. He is not a good source to get your views on it from.
  6. anon45

    China surpassing U.S. with 54.9 petaflop supercomputer

    Good to know, competition promotes progress for humanity as a whole. :tup:
  7. anon45

    Really? CIA agents killed by China military for catching Snowden in H.K

    Your choice, there are many people who prefer to believe things against all evidence and logic. You certainly aren't alone.
  8. anon45

    ‘First time' in history: White deaths outnumber births in US

    unfortunately a (presumably) Chinese member has made the issue about racism. If we want this thread to go back on topic i'd sincerely recommend at the very least deleting his posts and giving him a warning/ temp vacation.
  9. anon45

    ‘First time' in history: White deaths outnumber births in US

    rac·ism /ˈrāˌsizəm/ Noun The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as... Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief. Racism -...
  10. anon45

    21st Century American Civil War has already started

    Obama is out in 3 years...and the gun thing isn't going to happen. I agree doing such a move in blatant violation of the second amendment on the federal level would lead to huge domestic unrest, but its the same hypotheticals as any other.
  11. anon45

    Really? CIA agents killed by China military for catching Snowden in H.K

    Agreed, that set off my BS detector...
  12. anon45

    ‘First time' in history: White deaths outnumber births in US

    Abii you should be ashamed for thanking that. I don't think I really need to go into the comparisons to this and 'all muslims are terrorists' do I? I wont even get into the roots of racism, but Psyops is perpetuating it magnificently. Just for added force...
  13. anon45

    ‘First time' in history: White deaths outnumber births in US

    nah dude, 'whites' aren't more evolved than you, skin color is a category but it has no effect on any of the standard factors of human intelligence, physique, etc. It purely has to deal with your skin, and might be a factor in how efficiently your body absorbs harmful uv rays from the sun, the...
  14. anon45

    21st Century American Civil War has already started

    You've seen the stuff this guy posted... with people like this i wouldn't be surprised if someone believed a battle of that sort was happening :undecided:
  15. anon45

    Could Xi-the-Pooh have saved China's declining world image?

    Just a toxic post in general. The US gave China the chance for prosperity, which to its credit China took and ran with. It is China's own government (and people like you) that are destroying its global image. Being an ignorant xenophobe classifying any Chinese newspaper that is more critical...
  16. anon45

    Russia, America and China have the largest Shale Oil reserves

    Russia's only danger is its own politics. A distant second would be Chinese encroachment on Siberia.
  17. anon45

    21st Century American Civil War has already started

    This forum has its crazies so its hard to tell
  18. anon45

    Industrial Revolution in..... 10th/11th Century China?

    basically a large article that amounts to 'could of, should of, would of', but didn't.
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