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  1. J

    The Pak-US Relationship

    In episode III of the War of Roses between CIA and ISI, Al-Bab discusses here the role of the Pentagon Rogues in the ongoing war. To avoid the customary accusation of "Conspiracy Theory," we confine ourselves to the sensational revelation of Catherine Austin Fitts, the US Assistant Secretary of...
  2. J

    9/11 Was A Fantastically Profitable Covert Operation

    :Well. This is no conspiracy theory. The author Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Assistant Secretary of State for Housing under George H.W. Bush administration. This show that the US vested interests and the ruling elites are the masters of fraud and not Pakistanis. This also shows that...
  3. J

    French Envoy's Mother of all gifts

    The Government of Pakistan should strengthen its ties with France on all levels. France has proved to be a reliable friend of Pakistan.
  4. J

    India-US secret game : the Butterfly Effect Theory

    The irony is that the butterfly effects are so diverse that it is almost impossible to undo them.
  5. J

    Analysis: Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu downgrades ties with Isr

    One would salute Turkey for this noble and principled stance against Israel.All other Arab and Muslim states who maintain ties with Israel should also downgrade these ties. ---------- Post added at 03:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 PM ---------- One would salute Turkey for this...
  6. J

    What Would Jinnah Say?

    It is about time that we should revisit the ideals of the Qauid and get united as one nation. With this resolve we can frustrate the designs of regional and foreign powers InshaAllah.
  7. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    The alliance between India and the United States is unnatural. It would never succeed since India does not belong to the region. India-US alliance is aimed at containing China and imposing India as a regional superpower. SCO, a main regional and international player has rejected this provocative...
  8. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    The slogans of the Pak army : Faith, Unity and Jihad in the Way of God are eternal. They symbolize the Islamic identity of Pakistan. The real fundamentalists are the Jews and the Christians who combine to create the neo-con. Since the neo-con came to power, they declared a war against Islam and...
  9. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    I would like to bring the attention of the moderator to the language used by the above, which goes at complete variance with the high standards set up by your esteemed website. However, I would say " biased and ignorant" are those lacking proper knowledge of discourse and think that by attacking...
  10. J

    This is how national media destabilizes Pakistan

    They have also high ranking elites within the system who provide them with details reports. Nationalist and patriotic forces should cleanse the system. Stop " Sleeping with the enemy."
  11. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    Indian tactics are well known. when the water levels in its illegally built dams rise, it releases water to inundate Pakistani lands and destroy the crops. When there is a shortage of water, the dams suck all available water, depriving Pakistan from its legitimate share. In both cases India...
  12. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    One should not look to this issue lightly. The fact that there are signed agreements between CIA and RAW on intelligence sharing means that there is definitely an input from India. Most probably the entire idea of defaming Pakistan came from the Indian side. India knows that its RAW agents in...
  13. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    Let me state here that I am absolutely not against establishing good relations with India. Rather I fully endorse the Composite Dialogue. However, you cannot talk and wage a psychological war against Pakistan, its people and the armed forces . You cannot be sincere when you build dams on the...
  14. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    Nothing new? Are you serious? Do you know the agreement of Vision and how it has developed into " Strategic Partnership"? Examine the role of the former Indian High commissioner to Pakistan Mr. Menon and his secret meetings with the CIA top officials in Washington. See, how India elevated Menon...
  15. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    In matter pertaining to national security, a soldier and an intellectual alike should take into consideration the worst scenario. such thinking should be pursued and encouraged to be pursued even if it is far fetched thinking or a minority thinking. The issue here is not to score points but...
  16. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    The details of the story are still unfolding. There are so many aspects of the US-India deal which are unknown to us. But, this story of double game, betrayal and deception would be foiled by the unity of the people of Pakistan around the armed forces. Inshaallah, the details of the secret plans...
  17. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    Hillary Clinton has lied publicly. When she visited Pakistan to convince the government and the military to agree on Kerry-Luger Bill and AFPAK strategy, she was asked as to why she equated Pakistan with the puppet regime of Afghanistan. She said that the Obama administration had to do that "...
  18. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    The American are now stating that Pakistan is a failed state with a failed Government. One would ask: why did the US administrations one after another support this," failed state" for the last 64 years? Why now when the armed forces of Pakistan have rejected the US military aid and their...
  19. J

    Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

    It is the US, which has come in between Pakistan and India by opting to dump Pakistan and elevate India as a regional superpower to contain China. India is acting today as an American puppet. ---------- Post added at 04:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 AM ---------- Better read the...
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