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  1. Character-Dheela

    India-China border talks put off after row over Dalai Lama

    Do you what bullshitt you are writing??I talked to many tibetans here and they dont even spit on your culture.They are different with different language and culture and you are talking about culture of thousand years:rofl:
  2. Character-Dheela

    India-China border talks put off after row over Dalai Lama

    tibetan should go to UN and ask for independent country like palestine is doing,western will take care of their membership;)
  3. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Only restriction is pipeline.ISAF should go for alternative route and cut down soldiers to balance the high cost of transit from CAR region avoiding pakistan.
  4. Character-Dheela

    China vs. India: Will the “contest of the 21st century” lead to war?

    India will reach to its pace after 2020 not before.Firstly we must have infrastructure which is in starting phase and will take a decade to be furnished completely.:)
  5. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    They get supplies from CAR region too..and trying to arrange rest from that region
  6. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    you mean 100+,who told you?? may be 10-12 more but not high as you are suggesting
  7. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    why not pakistanis shift their forces from east to west and sign peace agreement or permanent cease fire with india?? indian never crossed loc
  8. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Exactly!!,This is the leverage west have and pakistnis dont acknowledge it.
  9. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    May be pakistanis have to change their gun point to west from east;)
  10. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    They may stay after 2014 and not here to leave.you can go through various articles.
  11. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    india dont want any war in region and you people brought them in not us.;)
  12. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    ISAf gets 50% supplies from CAR countries,so just 50% blocked.I hope they make rest of the 50% from CAR region.
  13. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    why not ask musharaf??He is not bollywood hero;)
  14. Character-Dheela

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    so eastern and western borders are opened for pakistan:)
  15. Character-Dheela

    India-China border talks put off after row over Dalai Lama

    New Delhi: A major row has erupted between India and China over the Dalai Lama's conference in Delhi next week. Sources have told NDTV that China has raised objections to the Dalai Lama's address at the Buddhist conference being held in the capital next week - the same time when India and...
  16. Character-Dheela

    Nato massacres dozens of Pakistani soldiers in an unprovoked attack

    pakistan has stopped supplies as obvious.Dont open it for respect sake
  17. Character-Dheela

    Nato massacres dozens of Pakistani soldiers in an unprovoked attack

    i think it was mistake and mistake happens b/w friends:)
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