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  1. Skeptic786

    Musharraf nuclear claims attacked

    Musharaf is Pakistan now???if it was not for A Q Khan....he would be polishing shoes of some indian general after the brasstacks attack in 1987 ( after saving his skin by using his birth in india and singing jai hind ! ).....i donot think they would have taken him anything other than a shoe...
  2. Skeptic786

    Al-Qaeda HQ 'based in Pakistan'

    you must be one hell of contortionist to be able to do that:army:
  3. Skeptic786

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    No neutral and reasonably sane person can believe mushy's bulllshit anyway. Shame on him for attacking Dr A Q Khan.....sign of real low mentality.....but the low mentality doesnot excuse hurting the feelings of millions of Pakistanis....even if he had an axe to grind against Dr Qadeer. Anyway...
  4. Skeptic786

    PLA Navy: From 'Green Water' to 'Blue Water'

    PLA Navy: From 'Green Water' to 'Blue Water' – Part II Dr. Alexandr Nemets and Dr. Thomas Torda Tuesday, July 30, 2002 Read PLA Navy: From 'Green Water' to 'Blue Water' – Part I New Purchases of Kilo Submarines and Sovremenny Destroyers From Russia On Jan. 3, 2002...
  5. Skeptic786

    PLA Navy: From 'Green Water' to 'Blue Water'

    PLA Navy: From 'Green Water' to 'Blue Water' – Part I Dr. Alexandr Nemets and Dr. Thomas Torda Friday, July 26, 2002 In the first half of 2002, the attention of Western military specialists was drawn to two large-scale contracts concluded by China and Russia and aimed at...
  6. Skeptic786

    This ‘graduate’ garbage

    we pick policies/news to pieces thats the point of having a debating forum in the first place. Your insinuation about someone's family member getting disqualified under this law is incorrect as far as i am concerned. Since i come from a non-political background.........my only brush with any...
  7. Skeptic786

    Al-Qaeda HQ 'based in Pakistan'

    more like 800 soldiers have died fighting this mercenary war on behalf of the west.....yet there are only complaints and nothing more.....this document published to malign pakistan stinks of poor MI-6 forgery...i hope people remember the documents found in Iraqi ministry of interior implicating...
  8. Skeptic786

    Faraz Returns Pakistan’s Highest Civilian Award

    So he is being victimised.....matter of shame for the choha hiding in the basement of the presidential house....real commando virtue:lol: :lol: :lol: i wonder why Bush or Blair donot remove university proffessors in UK and american universities that call both of them war criminals...
  9. Skeptic786

    Musharraf nuclear claims attacked

    No neutral and reasonably sane person can believe mushy's bulllshit anyway. Shame on him for attacking Dr A Q Khan.....sign of real low mentality.....but the low mentality doesnot excuse hurting the feelings of millions of Pakistanis....even if he had an axe to grind against Dr Qadeer. Anyway...
  10. Skeptic786

    US may let Iran build nukes

    i sincerely hope Ahmadinjad takes a leaf out of musharaf's book and does a little "war gaming" the result of which is as we all know 1. Roll back nuclear plans 2.Allow CIA/FBI offices in every city of iran......so they can kill/rape whoever they want in the name of War on Terror. afterall you...
  11. Skeptic786

    Faraz Returns Pakistan’s Highest Civilian Award

    One cannot help but be proud of our living legend, Ahmad Faraz, for showing courage. I hope the government doesnot start to victimise him....its not like he has hurt anyone.....just did what he believed in. Welcome Done Ahmad Faraz....as a tribute let me recall my fav sher of Ahmad Faraz; [i]...
  12. Skeptic786

    Inzamam cleared of ball tampering

    Bro, hair was not proved at fault as such.....Pakistan were found not guilty....it was Pakistan that was on trial not hair. I agree with you there shouldnot have been any ban on inziman...that would have been the best course of action.....but ICC played it cautious and took the middle road.
  13. Skeptic786

    Musharraf: Pakistan will eventually recognize Israel

    It is not being holier than thou attitude to tell the facts as they are of a cess pit of repression and corruption that is Turkey. We were under sanctions from 1990-2001...in the same period Turkey required roughly $50 billion to keep it afloat....imagine if someone kept on injecting that kind...
  14. Skeptic786

    West will fail in 'war on terror' without Pakistan: Musharraf

    West will fail in 'war on terror' without Pakistan: Musharraf ISLAMABAD: The United States and its allies will fail in the so-called "war on terror" without the support of Pakistan and its intelligence service, Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf said Saturday. In an interview with BBC...
  15. Skeptic786

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    Also two indian nuclear scientists as the article below highlights; India, the US and nuclear proliferation By Sultan Shahin NEW DELHI - Deeply perturbed over the development, India has asked the United States to withdraw sanctions it has imposed against two Indian nuclear...
  16. Skeptic786

    Turkish military commander warns against Islamization of society

    Thanks for the compliment.:army: Largest political parties of Germany and France have said so many times in the past that turkey is a muslim country which has no place in the christian club of Europe.....The present Nazi-scum Pope ratt-berger has said the same. Majority of Turkish people have...
  17. Skeptic786

    Musharraf: Pakistan will eventually recognize Israel

    I have posted on Kamalist achievment in turkey which i am going to paste at the end of this post too.......I cannot think of anything more worse than wishing on your people ( if your Pakistani ) the worst kind of repression and the most successful form of corruption and nepotism perfected...
  18. Skeptic786

    Musharraf: Pakistan will eventually recognize Israel

    We should allow our Brother, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, guide us in this matter. I might not agree him with on other matters ( him being wahabi and me being a hanafi ) but he gave Pakistan aid when it needed most---i refer to free oil worth 5-6 billion dollars...humble request was made by...
  19. Skeptic786

    Musharraf: a Soldier or a Midas

    To Baqia; All people who had been in the corridors of power at the time of 1971 have responsibility for pakistan break up...even Z A Bhutto...but the lionshare of this responsibility goes to the generals of Pak Army which held ultimum power from 1958-71...the period in which succession seeds...
  20. Skeptic786

    Astra Missile - india, Pakistan's reply?

    Ofcourse i have said so this on this forum before, see my massive post which is numbered 42 in this thread; http://www.pakistaniforces.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2346&page=5
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