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  1. amardeep mishra

    India at Sixth Rank in the World with its 20th Nuclear Power Reactor

    As of now,26th..:)...with four 700MWe indigenous PHWRs(+6 more planned), under construction+ french reacors... I think I can hopefully assume, NPCIL will reach 20 GW of installed capability of nuclear energy by 2020
  2. amardeep mishra

    FBR/TBR: the future of nuclear reactors

    Well, thorium fuelled MSR is our next logical step...I think thats the 3rd stage of our nuclear reactor programme
  3. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    sir, in terms of safety features, we are better than even russians, this has been highlighted by recent report published by NPCIL(infact there are really very few countries who are actively doing research in small and medium powered reactors (220-700 MWe), so india is infact bringing in latest...
  4. amardeep mishra

    FBR/TBR: the future of nuclear reactors

    Here is my little analysis, as to why FBRs/TBRs are better that rivals for PWRS/PHWR 1) A breeder reactor is designed to create more fissile material (nuclear fuel) than it consumes. Depending on the Breeding Ratio of a reactor, it can produce new fuel at a greater or lesser rate. The...
  5. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    Come on sir, what are you waiting for, do bombard me with technical details, I'm all here to listen to you..:).... After all we are engineers...:)
  6. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    sir,you need to understand that,journalist aint a authority about reactors,they do publish crap at times... though,what significance does this reactor has to a common paksitani?will it solve the enrergy needs?I AM AFRAID,it hasnt been designed to commercially produce nuclear electricty instead...
  7. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    @ranasikander,we are here for discussions,right,now i expect you to provide me strong technical arguments against the FBR technology...:-) on a lighter NOTE, FBR is NOT the RBMK-1000,lol,it doesnt have unstabilities like the RBMK-1000 class,
  8. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    sir,with due respect,since you have failed to provide me with credible links,or even technical arguments stating the "flaws" or "inferiority of FBR vis-a-vis PWR",it is my turn to shed some light and take away your ignorance? so here I begin 1) A breeder reactor is designed to create more...
  9. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    Sir, with due respect, I would be glad if you can bring out credible "flaws" in FBR...please, I would like to know your logic...and control engineers do deal with nuclear reactors...:) Btw, in still waiting for your reply, plzzzz reply with solid facts.. Thanks in advance...:)
  10. amardeep mishra

    Radar power of DRDO

    The base line version of sword fish is a derivative of green pine, though, the later upgraded variant uses completely indian subsystems, supplied by BEL, and everything is indian in that radar.. It is better in performance to the ELTA'S green pine
  11. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    for example there exists a simple empirical relationship between SNR and pd, pf, which is given by SNR = A + 0.12 AB +1.7 B, where A = ln[0.62/Pf] & B = ln [Pd/(1-Pd)] where Pf=(1/TB); and B=bandwidth of IF amplifier and T is given by T=(1/B)*(exp((V^2)/2Y)); in the above equation,V^2/2Y is also...
  12. amardeep mishra

    Radar power of DRDO

    Swordfish with range upto 1500 km has already been developed
  13. amardeep mishra

    Radar power of DRDO

    But can I upload videos of 4.3 gb? It will take so much time...btw isn't there a direct method to upload video here? If there is no way, then I would have to upload those videos at youtube...:-p
  14. amardeep mishra

    Radar power of DRDO

    How to upload those videos here? Plzzzz guide me, I'm kinda new here Drdo has infact manufactured a better aesa awacs than the swedish erieye...:)...
  15. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    Bro, I'm all for peaceful uses of nuclear energy...I am here to discuss the technical aspects of reactor design etc, hope I could find people with similar interests as of mine... Though, there are people here, who happen to know nothing about reactor designs etc, yet criticise a particular design
  16. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

    This shows you don't know a single thing about reactor engineering I still, ask you, do you happen to read engineering literature regarding nuclear reactors? AND, I WOULD SERIOUSLY LIKE YOU TO BRING OUT DISADVANTAGES OF FBR, PLEASE, BECAUSE IN MY OPINION, YOU don't have adequate knowledge to...
  17. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    Does the erieye in PAF's inventory has l-band IFF? I would like to know that And secondly, the t/r module count on indian aewcs system is lill bit higher than erieye, so I can assume without the loss of generality that drdo's awacs will have numerically bigger power aperature product And...
  18. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    Sir, since you are an engineer, I can fairly assume that you are aware of the technical and mathematical terminology we use in our community The radar parameters like range are NOT deterministic things but probabilistic variables which depend on Pd (probability of detection) and Pf (probability...
  19. amardeep mishra

    Khushab Nuclear reactor

    Sir, you don't know the real thing, our protestors are being funded by western NGOs and sadly to say, but also by christian missionaries, the protesting is against the russian VVER-1000, reactor, they don't know a single god dam thing about reactor control and safety mechanism yet they...
  20. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    sir,this is a video hope this helps India's Airborne Early Warning & Control System [AEW&CS] development programme - YouTube
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