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India at Sixth Rank in the World with its 20th Nuclear Power Reactor


May 25, 2010
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India at Sixth Rank in the World with its 20th Nuclear Power Reactor Commencing Operation

The unit-4 of Kaiga Generating Station (KGS), the 20th nuclear power reactor of the country, achieved its first criticality today at 08:07 hrs. Criticality, in nuclear terms, signifies the start of self-sustaining nuclear fission chain reaction in the reactor core, which leads to the production of power. The unit will be synchronized to the southern grid after carrying out certain mandatory tests early next month. With Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited’s Kaiga-4 unit becoming operational, India is now elevated to the sixth rank in an elite club of nations, after USA, France, Japan, Russian Federation and Republic of Korea, to have twenty or more nuclear power reactors currently in operation. The electricity generated from this unit will be supplied to the beneficiary states – Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Pudducherry. Kaiga-4 is the NPCIL’s third nuclear power reactor after RAPS unit-5 & unit-6, to have started operation during the current year, raising the nuclear installed capacity in the country from the current 4560 MW to 4780 MW.
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KGS-4, like its predecessors – KGS-1, 2 and 3 that are in operation – is an indigenous Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) of 220 MW and is fuelled with the uranium sourced from domestic mines. Currently, two Light Water Reactors (LWRs), each of 1000 MW at a KudanKulam as well as a Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) of 500 MW at Kalpakkam are at advanced stages of completion. In addition, four indigenously designed 700-MW PHWRs, two each at Kakrapar in Gujarat and Rawatbhata in Rajasthan, have also been launched for commencing construction during the current year. The installed nuclear power capacity on progressive completion of the reactors under construction will reach 7280 MW and 10080 MW by the year 2012 and 2017, respectively. NPCIL’s vision is to reach 20000 MW or more by the year 2020 and play a major role in reaching country’s installed nuclear power capacity of 63000 MW by 2032 by setting up indigenously designed 700 MW PHWRs and 1000 MW or larger size Light Water Reactors (LWRs). NPCIL has started pre-project activities at two inland sites for setting up indigenous 700-MW PHWRs in Haryana, MP and three coastal sites to set up 1000-MW or larger-size LWRs, based on international technical cooperation, in Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. NPCIL is unique in having comprehensive capabilities in the various facets of nuclear technology, namely, site selection, design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance, renovation and modernization, and life extension of nuclear power plants.
This is what they mean when they say " Rising India".

I feel we just need to work hard upon the "Transparency list" where India is at 84.:hitwall:

Rest as they will follow on its own.
This is what they mean when they say " Rising India".

I feel we just need to work hard upon the "Transparency list" where India is at 84.:hitwall:

Rest as they will follow on its own.

In that regard India and Pakistan are Nuclear weapons state. If you think that is real advancement then we might be more advanced than Japan or China or half the EU.

It's not India, it's entire south asia that needs a revamp of law enforcement, justice and political system.
In that regard India and Pakistan are Nuclear weapons state. If you think that is real advancement then we might be more advanced than Japan or China or half the EU.

It's not India, it's entire south asia that needs a revamp of law enforcement, justice and political system.

Please dont club India and Pakistan at the drop of a hat.
Understand the rise it is a civil Nuclear plant meant to enhance power generation capacity of India and not a bomb.

Please stop hallucinating about the nuke weapons.It was not even mentioned anywhere in the thread.
Yes!we must adopt nuclear energy and renewal energy policy with green thermal power plants.. Also we must increase pace of manufacturing nuclear park.
As of now,26th..:)...with four 700MWe indigenous PHWRs(+6 more planned), under construction+ french reacors...
I think I can hopefully assume, NPCIL will reach 20 GW of installed capability of nuclear energy by 2020
We need them quickly to fuel our ever growing energy demand.I read somewhere "Uranium-235 can produce 3.7 million times as much energy as the same amount of coal".I see India have a great future as far as Civil Nuk Technology is concerned.Yes It is a matter of concern how to handle our spent fuel.We does not have gr8 reserve of oil,natural gas. our import bill to gulf each month is $12 bn on avg and growing .So what to do.Also think once, today it is nuke sub,very soon a flooting airbase and by 2050 if possible high speed Rail engine powered by a reactor.No doubt BARC has the capability.
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