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  1. A

    JF17 versus MKI

    the falcons in paf inventory cannot even fire BVR.. of course thunder will perform better as it is planned to use BVR missiles.
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    JF17 versus MKI

    look at the differences between MKI and MKK before classing them together.. MKK carries NIIP N001VE radar which is much inferior to the N011M carried by MKI.. MKK doesnt have TVC.. while MKI has it.... please explain me how can a comparison with MKK been taken as a basis to call MKI as...
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    JF17 versus MKI

    sounds more like you have given a quiz to we students and are trying to give us hints to an answer you already have in mind.. If you know the answer then why are u even starting a thread ?? how will they fire BVR with their radars off..?? are u taking in a scenario where JF17 is flying with an...
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    JF17 versus MKI

    F 10 is not in paksitani arsenal.. and F16's currently in arsenal are just older non BVR ones.. even JF17 isnt in yet. why are you comparing all the planes currently non operational in PAF to compete with something operational in IAF. wouldnt a better comparison be stuff that will be coming in...
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    JF17 versus MKI

    oh .. when did PLA get hold of MKI??
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    JF17 versus MKI

    nice to comment and difficult to prove.. give your arguments with a reason and not just because you want plane A to be better than plane B by your predefined margin.
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    JF17 versus MKI

    do you think ground attack MKI's will carry no BVR AA weapon at all?? think again.. and yes of course they dont have any electronic counter measures at all.. please explain superior data link by JF17s?? oh ya and they forgot to add any ECM when they made MKI right..
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    Your opinion for India's 126 MRCA's

    link for the delivery schedule http://www.hindu.com/2006/05/26/stories/2006052604291300.htm
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    Your opinion for India's 126 MRCA's

    the news came in various indian newspapers a few days ago. essentially talking about replacement of 18 older sukhois in IAF with new MKI's built in irkut factory.. speeding up of the delivery for 140 planes to 2012 and that cost has nearly doubled from initial estimates
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    Price comparison.

    my apologies .. misread it.
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    Price comparison.

    STOVL?? where did u get that from?? STOVL=short take off and verical landing.. surely JF17 cannot land vertically..( without an accident of course)..
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    Effectiveness of Air-Air-Missile Comparison

    "got" ?? did u mean " will get it "??
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 1]

    get over this mania of yours. the sooner the better for you. nts.. ?? look at who started talking about LCA.. and who is the only person talking about it /wants to talk about it in this thread..... BTW what exactly do you want to prove with this publically editable link.. ?? For MODS...
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    Effectiveness of Air-Air-Missile Comparison

    i meant "i have been asked.. and have given out the info.. i dont mind if one doesnt have the info or read somewhere and now dont have the source... but just a mere mention like " read somewhere but dont have links now " etc makes life easier for others.. thats the whole point it starts...
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    Effectiveness of Air-Air-Missile Comparison

    if expecting a credible link before beliving in something is crazy.. then i bet assuming that someone will take ur word from granted( how much do i know you man.. if it was neo posting it, i wouldnt have considered a link as a necessity.. ) is equally idiotic.. and yes taking wikipedia as a...
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    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    this link is surely nough for me :D.. thnx.
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    Effectiveness of Air-Air-Missile Comparison

    I will not accept it unless i get a credible link.. or of course cases like " i have an insider info that" are given due consideration.. this is general protocol i have seen in many other forums i visit and i prefer to follow the same.. to shred out speculations being made by a person on an...
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    Effectiveness of Air-Air-Missile Comparison

    omg.... i am just asking you to support ur claims .. is that too much to ask for..??
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    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    but u didnt give a link for it..did u ? i am just asking u to support ur statement..
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    Effectiveness of Air-Air-Missile Comparison

    Relook at your link now.. It has been 'credibly' edited by me to remove all reference of pakistan from the page. This is how credible the info in the link is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SD-10
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