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  1. C

    UN Peacekeeping & Pakistan | News & Discussions

    Pakistan is the largest contributor to UN peacekeeping forces, followed by Bangladesh. Let's see the statistics from 2001 until December 2008. These are official numbers taken from the UN website at Monthly Summary of Contributors to UN Peacekeeping Operations. 2001 At the beginning of 2001...
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    israeli holocaust of gaza (Discretion Advised)

    Here are a couple of videos, from August 2008, before the Gaza Massacre started. They should give you guys an idea that things in Palestine are not so clear-cut and we should keep more of an open-mind...
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    Pakistan’s progress in IT, Telecom and Defense industries

    I would just like to add that one of the youngest people to write an operating system kernel, a 12-year old, was also a Pakistani (although living abroad at the time). He continued to work on his own operating system kernels until he was 16 years old, then worked on it on and off until he was 19...
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    israeli holocaust of gaza (Discretion Advised)

    @Kharian_Beast: Calling me names is not going validate your argument. For the readers on this thread who can think rationally: Even the murderer gets to defend himself in court before a judgment is passed. The issue at hand being shown in that video cannot be judged right or wrong based only...
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    israeli holocaust of gaza (Discretion Advised)

    It seems the comment I was referring to on the video has disappeared, how convenient. However, there is another by the user "Hill3234". Is that comment by you Kharian_Beast? In any case, although the comment is against Hamas, but you can see from it that there is another side to this story which...
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    News from Bangladesh-Updates and Discussion

    If Muslim brotherhood was alive and well today I would not have said what I did. I am saying we should unite, step-by-step, ourselves, our people, our countries, slowly but surely, to rebuild the Muslim brotherhood. It would be pointless to say this if the Muslim Ummah was already united.
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    News from Bangladesh-Updates and Discussion

    I want to congratulate my Bangladeshi brothers and sisters on electing a democratic government. I make dua that your new government does not let you down in the same way that ours has in Pakistan. Ameen. Now I just want to say that it will soon be almost 40 years since the independence of...
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    israeli holocaust of gaza (Discretion Advised)

    Shame on you. They're not forcing them to be human shields. If you want to know what's really happening, go to the video on YouTube, and look in the comments. See the comment by "samar2425". I would explain in more detail myself, but I'm afraid to do so since I live in the US. Remember, the...
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    Pakistan's Overbearing Army

    Pakistan must never reduce the quantity nor the quality of its armed forces, and it must never even think of giving up or reducing it's nuclear weapons. In that two week period that India was a declared nuclear weapons state and Pakistan wasn't, the whole world saw the kind of belligerent...
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    israeli holocaust of gaza (Discretion Advised)

    Pakistan's Army needs to launch some missiles on Israeli army bases. See how quickly these coward bastard Israelis come running back from Gaza after our new Shaheens and Ghauris obliterate their army bases and nuclear sites. May Allah grant sabr to our brothers and sisters in Gaza. Ameen.
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    Do Pak textbooks build a hate culture against India?

    Actually I stated that Islam allows people of other religions to practice their religions. The injustices that were done to non-Muslims, including Qadianis, in Pakistan were against both Islam and the laws of Pakistan and were a result of corruption and a breakdown of law & order, and are thus...
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    Do Pak textbooks build a hate culture against India?

    Speaking as a Muslim, being declared a secular state is never an advantage. Truth (Islam) and falsehood can never be equal, in principle or otherwise. The real advantage is always with that group of people, that community, nation, or state, that has Allah on its side. Since Pakistan was...
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    Tribals Regions Should be Constitutionalized

    I think it's about time our government got its act together. Okay, we never seem to be able to get our act together... but let's say we do Insha Allah. The fact of the matter is, the tribal regions should never have been tribal this long. I understand that this how it was because of the peculiar...
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    US scientists discover wireless power

    The technology actually has existed for about a hundred years. It was first perfected by Nikola Tesla in the very early 20th century. It works by using the evanescent electromagnetic fields, which is akin to quantum tunneling seen in particles. The process does not involve the actual...
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