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Do Pak textbooks build a hate culture against India?

You got me there. Any violation of human rights is a violation of human rights. Period. I am not defining anyone; however I was under the impression that India did not have any laws like the one I quoted above which practically treats a community as slaves and in gross violation of human rights. Unfortunately when we cite Islam as the reason for this injustice as cefarix above has done then the impression that the world gets is that Islam is out of step with human rights just as Israelis are or Indians in the matter of kashmiris etc. ie one is no better than the other.

Actually I stated that Islam allows people of other religions to practice their religions. The injustices that were done to non-Muslims, including Qadianis, in Pakistan were against both Islam and the laws of Pakistan and were a result of corruption and a breakdown of law & order, and are thus neither condoned by Islam nor the laws of Pakistan.
I fail to see why many Pakistanis have an issue with some states in India enacting acts against forceful conversions.

Many Muslims say that the punishment for an apostate from Islam is death. They quote Quran and Hadhith in support. There was a major outcry in Afghanistan to punish a convert to Christianity by death recently. One has also read of cases in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia about the same issue.

I am yet to hear any outcry against this blatant double standard of converting others all the time while threatening those who want to leave the fold with death.

If some states in India are following the same logic in a very small manner, what exactly is the issue? Don't you want to practice what you preach to others first?

And it is for India to decide if the conversions are leading to social unrest and disturb the social peace, thereby lending themselves to be discouraged.


I was merely pointing out to the poster that east or west :cheesy:, she was citing problems with both India and Pakistan, but only cited a Pakistani Law (which i agree is draconian). Her's was a one sided argument, i was merely levelling the playing field... No Harm in that is there...

After all throughout that entire post, did i make one derogatory remark towards India? And after all i am exercising my freedom of speech, and citing a situation that is real and occurs. ( How does that qualify me as Hypocrite) :undecided:

Anyway... Peace! :agree:
^^ I think I brought the context of some other posts on the same issue.

Let me say that those people who want India to not enact such laws and allow free conversions but don't protest such incidents in Muslim countries are hypocrites.

Those who are ready to practice what they preach are obviously welcome to make any comments they like as long as they are not offensive.
Hello People!

I thought I should answer the burning question.Do Pak Textbooks bulid a hate culture against India? No! A Big No!
Reason being the difference between an intuition and a fact.You know they say Call a spade a Spade(no Offense)..In a History book we read about cultures..we read nations..we read religions ..we read tribes etc etc ..regardless of the impact it leaves on us or the others.In a textbook or elsewhere from a reputed source..Lets just take India here...Indian culture, the caste system, the low caste system,the rituals and the ritualism...I or anyone else ..we just want to learn it..know it...while the fact may contradict with the common sense or the culture may not agree with ours but it is the way it is..a truth is always bitter. It will hurt but will remain the same whatsoever.Also the picture never depicts the whole humanity or encompasses everyone and everything as being the same.It is always a certain group, a particular sect that it refers to.Such as..I read about a ritual called "SATTI" in which the despotism of it allows a wife be burned alive alongwith her dead husband.If anything like the said is mentioned..there's obviously no indignation intended.Because everyone knows that this system has been a practice for many years.There's nothing superficial about it.Now how many of you stand up against it??Let me see a show of hands from the other side.
Thank You.
^^ Did you read the curriculum of hate article that I shared earlier?

Can you say the same after reading that?
Laws Such as the AFSPA that is applied in Northeast since 1958 empowers the security forces to arrest people without warrant, and use excessive force (including shooting or killing, even if the lives of the members of the security force are not at imminent risk).

Please correct the 'even if lives... are not at imminent risk' part with 'against any person who is acting in contravention of any law or order ...'.

It is true that the act was misused.

You must also be aware for the Special Public Protection Act imposed against the Naxalite community in Chattisgarh?

:rofl::rofl:Naxalites are not a community bro
They are like Taleban. But with better goals, ideals and principles. Lets say they are hardline communists.

You must also know about POTA: Prevention of Terrorism Act?
POTA was repealed in 2004. I personally think the law was successful with relatively less harm to innocent people. The best use of it being in the case of a UP gangster Raghuraj Pratap Singh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
^^ Did you read the curriculum of hate article that I shared earlier?

Can you say the same after reading that?

First you answer my question Vinod.It was a trifle example of truth.tell me is unveiling the truth an incentive of hatred?
Facing the truth is never wrong.

Even If the truth brings along despots brutality and humiliation with it(SATTI)?
well anyway I read he article and the Myths about Pakistan article too.everything's clear ?atleast someone had guts to put forth the reality and the real history.
Please correct the 'even if lives... are not at imminent risk' part with 'against any person who is acting in contravention of any law or order ...'.

It is true that the act was misused.

:rofl::rofl:Naxalites are not a community bro
They are like Taleban. But with better goals, ideals and principles. Lets say they are hardline communists.

POTA was repealed in 2004. I personally think the law was successful with relatively less harm to innocent people. The best use of it being in the case of a UP gangster Raghuraj Pratap Singh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

I stand corrected! :D
Even If the truth brings along despots brutality and humiliation with it(SATTI)?
well anyway I read he article and the Myths about Pakistan article too.everything's clear ?atleast someone had guts to put forth the reality and the real history.

Yes, even if it shows our dark side, the truth should not be hidden.

Sati was a bad custom, so is casteism, there are several more in Indian society.

There is no human society which is perfect. As long as we recognize that and agree that things can always be better than they are, there should be no problem.

When you have a system that is "God-given" and therefor perfect, you leave no scope for any improvement. Worse it is not open to criticism, creates vested interests of people accountable to none but to the unseen, unheard "God".

If you want to argue that the Islamic societies are perfect because they follow the perfect system, good for you. I don't see it that way. The facts don't seem to suggest so. In fact by most objective measures they are doing very bad.
^^ Did you read the curriculum of hate article that I shared earlier?

Can you say the same after reading that?

I think I provided some pretty strong evidence that the answer to the question posed in the thread title is a big fat NO!

The question of whether the curriculum is distorted, and how far, is therefore a different question than that posed by the thread.
I think I provided some pretty strong evidence that the answer to the question posed in the thread title is a big fat NO!

The question of whether the curriculum is distorted, and how far, is therefore a different question than that posed by the thread.

I think I mentioned on another thread that this would be a wrong conclusion to draw.

What you are suggesting based on some opinion polls is that the curriculum has not had a great success in doing what the establishment wants it to do.

It does not take away from the fact that the curriculum itself is designed to promote a particular viewpoint.

I would suggest to keep the efficacy of the results separate from the objectives.
I think I mentioned on another thread that this would be a wrong conclusion to draw.

What you are suggesting based on some opinion polls is that the curriculum has not had a great success in doing what the establishment wants it to do.

It does not take away from the fact that the curriculum itself is designed to promote a particular viewpoint.

I would suggest to keep the efficacy of the results separate from the objectives.

The questions raised on this and the other thread were not related to the 'objectives' of the curriculum, but quite clearly on whether the curriculum had managed to imbue Pakistanis with certain attitudes.

There is no doubt over where Indians go with this line of thought, as seen by their posts in various other forums.

The question in the thread title is quite clear, and the evidence indicating the answer to be a big NO is also equally clear.

A question regarding the 'objectives' behind certain 'distortions' would be an entirely different one.

Before we move on to that question, you can either rebut the evidence and arguments made that Pakistanis have not been brainwashed or imbued with attitudes significantly different from those found in India, or accept it.
Hello People!

I thought I should answer the burning question.Do Pak Textbooks bulid a hate culture against India? No! A Big No!
Reason being the difference between an intuition and a fact.You know they say Call a spade a Spade(no Offense)..In a History book we read about cultures..we read nations..we read religions ..we read tribes etc etc ..regardless of the impact it leaves on us or the others.In a textbook or elsewhere from a reputed source..Lets just take India here...Indian culture, the caste system, the low caste system,the rituals and the ritualism...I or anyone else ..we just want to learn it..know it...while the fact may contradict with the common sense or the culture may not agree with ours but it is the way it is..a truth is always bitter. It will hurt but will remain the same whatsoever.Also the picture never depicts the whole humanity or encompasses everyone and everything as being the same.It is always a certain group, a particular sect that it refers to.Such as..I read about a ritual called "SATTI" in which the despotism of it allows a wife be burned alive alongwith her dead husband.If anything like the said is mentioned..there's obviously no indignation intended.Because everyone knows that this system has been a practice for many years.There's nothing superficial about it.Now how many of you stand up against it??Let me see a show of hands from the other side.
Thank You.

I think your 'NO' contradicts with your arguement that people should know the facts.
If it is true that history is distorted in Pakistan's text books, then they are bound to create a bad mark on children who will keep it all along.

I think SATI is well known in Indian history. I read about it in my fifth grade. The system was already abolished during British rule due to efforts by social reformers. And no traces of it anywhere recently.

But Indians are taught about the caste system and SATI without any indignation. Everybody accepts it as history. OBviously no one stands by it.

So what is it you are saying? Were you under the impression that Indians are not taught about 'SATI'?

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