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  1. Javad

    MQM holds biggest rally, beats IK's with ease

    I feel pity for all us pakistanis spewing hate against each other. It must please our enemies to see how divided we are!
  2. Javad

    Denmark wants stronger ties with Pakistan

    I am sure that this newly elected danish government is genuinely interested in better relations with Pakistan. And ortunately the xenophobic Danish Peoples party(Dansk Folkeparti) is no more in power.
  3. Javad

    Marvi Mamon blasts PTI

    Saifullah .. you spend oceans of times to highlight negative and controversial issues linked to PTI and IK. I have been wondering maybe I am very naive to support PTi but till now no one has been able to convince me to support any other party then PTi. I want to see things from your perspective...
  4. Javad

    PTI chief Imran Khan met MQM delegation

    Saifullah, I have observed you have started a large number of threads abt Imran Khan and Pti. You must be in complete love with him :). Well thks for keeping us updated abt him. Had it not been for the likes of you.. Imran/PTI wouldn't had received this overwhelming exposure and hence...
  5. Javad

    PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

    It is very difficult for anti PTI/IK folks to swallow PTI´s growing popularity. Even though there is a massive propaganda-campaign against IK/PTI in media i.e. Tribune, Dawn, Sana Bucha etc PTI is still managing to grow because people have firm belief in Imran Khan and PTI.
  6. Javad

    Imran Khan's contradictions

    COD was a joke. Both PPP and PML-N served/s their own interest and greed. They don´t care about the common man. I can see that you are very sceptical about Imran Khan, as you believe he is serving the establishment. It will be hard to convince you, but hopefully your perception will change...
  7. Javad

    Pakistani siblings married to get UK citizenship

    Bagh Ali and Rehana Awan had 6 children, not the siblings. I have heard a few cases from Denmark, where sibling has married to obtain residential permit. :(
  8. Javad

    Imran Khan's contradictions

    True that Imran Khan supported Musharraf’s coup in 1999, but majority of the Pakistanis at that time did that, because we didn´t want extremely corrupt parties like PPP or PML-N to be at helm of affairs. We believed that Musharraf had good intentions and was to restore civilian rule within...
  9. Javad

    Imran Khan's contradictions

    Waffen SS: What do you as a doctor know about SKMH which we ordinary pakistanis are not aware of ? Facts please!
  10. Javad

    Imran Khan's contradictions

    Tameem: We all pakistanis are fed up by the present setup and therefore I would like to know who will you suggest to vote for if not IK/PTI? and why? What better can the alternative offer? Does the alternative has a political programme? If it is one of the tried political parties , what is their...
  11. Javad

    Punjab Assembly passes resolution against Concerts

    3 girls died in a stampede, I thought they would pass a law to ensure better security arrangements by the event managers but they passed a worthless resolution - how ridiculous!!
  12. Javad

    Imran Khan's contradictions

    In my opinion you will be giving the wrong message by emphasizing on or even mention military actions against taliban or any particular group at this stage. We know that many maliks and sardars has contacted IK to mediate between government and tribesmen and their unilateral wish has been to...
  13. Javad

    Imran Khan's contradictions

    Bilal: True he is against military actions inside Pakistan, but please show me some proof to support your claim, that he has stated anywhere that he wants peace with Al Qaeda and TTP!! I think you should read Dr Alvis article in The News to better understand PTI´s stand on this issue: Imran
  14. Javad

    Imran Khan's contradictions

    Imran has never called TTP apnay log. What Imran said was, that Taliban consists of many groups and not all groups are fighting against Pakistan. We have to isolate and eliminate the ones supporting terrorist activitites and war against Pakistan. He was and is agaisnt the bombings by PA that has...
  15. Javad

    Imran Khan indicates political tie-up with Musharraf

    Shafqat Mahmood of PTI tweeted 18 hours ago 'I have spoken to SMQ. He has denied the tribune story. He never said anything about considering an alliance with Musharraf.'
  16. Javad

    PTI workers and people against IK

    Stealth: Do you have link to the complete video of his visit to IBA Karachi? We didn´t even get the chance to hear his complete answer. Remember it is always easy to manipulate with anything taken out of its context.
  17. Javad

    Straight and ground reality based questions to Imran Khan by Talat Hussain

    I agree, awesome questions by Talat, but in my opinion IK responded very well to the questions. iMohammed : What makes you say that IK is a disaster?
  18. Javad

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    I really don´t hope a pakistani base was used for launch of the drone shot down in Iran.
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