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  1. A

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Pashtun is not a race, Pashtun is someone who belong to an ethnic group named pashtun thats all. I only propagate for eliminating of taliban and those who support and found taliban not all panjabis. I am sure that you can't find millions of people in panjab who hates taliban
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I know thats the reason that the taliban are still around. Karzai doesn't know that you can never negotite with a islamist, a good islamis is a dead islamist and thats why all of them should be elimitaed or sent back to pakistan where they belong and where they call home. I don't care if...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Agree, I would say that this feature is not limited only to pashtuns, this is in human nature to work for their interest so I compeletely understand that some pashtuns of Pakistan see that they have a better furture in Pakistan and they have better job opportunities in Pakistan or access to...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Another ignorent pakistani patriot try to blame us for everything. If you had known what in reality happen in 80 or 90 and who is responsible for all that mess you wouldn't simply make such basless comments. This is not racism and I don't believe in race thing at all. This is just simple fact...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Well, I don't consider them as afghan or pashtun, they act like a panjabi and their visions are the vision of panjab and they work for the interest of panjab so they can't be regarded as afghans
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    They are allies of NATO so it could be that they came to help them :omghaha: Exactly, the taliban see it as occupation and you see it as occupation Right?
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    We don't simply see it as occupation, we afghans see it as help in fighting against subhuman taliban back to their holes in panjab.
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Says a slave of the salve hahaha
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    They might have controlled Afghanistan but afghans has been making them to regret evey single day. Again, We don't see it as occupation only taliban and their pakistani supporters propagate that. We see them as our allies and friends in war against taliban, al-qaida and their prostitue like...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I never said that the people of Pakistan are bad people or they are terrorists, I would never such stupid thing because among the people of Pakistan just like among the people of any other nation you can find good, bad, leasy, stupid, smart and....individuals. By Pakistan, I mean the pakistani...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    We know a lot about your army and its capabalities, I guess it hasn't changed a lots since 1973 when 93000 turn their back to indian army When you guys comparing the military power of pakistan and afghanistan you shouldn't compare the army of two countries, you should compare the two nation...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Again, Pakistan is not the victim of terror. It is the pashtuns on both side of Durrinde line who are the real and only victims of this war and the pakistani leadership doesn't give a dam about it even if all pashtuns lose their lives. The west should understand the conflict in Afghanistan has...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    You are doing the misstake that the West in past 12 years have done, Pakistan is not an ally in war against terror or taliban. For Pakistan, taliban are just an very important tool to have presence in Afghanistan and in the area thats why ISI give them shelter, train them, support them and they...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Your last sentences doesn't make any sense. We don't care about your AQ khan or AK khan and we never ever dreamed about islamic bomb and we are not afraid of it because we know that you don't have the gutts to use it against us.
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I belive in facts and all facts are showing that taliban which has been created by ISI, a pakistani institution which serves the intrest of panjab and that these subhuman taliban are military and financially backed by panjabis to destablize the situation in pashtun areas of Afghanistan. And the...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Dear Farhan I see that you know too little about the afghan history. The fact that you accusing afghans for spreading terrorism shows how misguided and misinformed you are. If you had read our history you had known that all afghan kings or presidents in the past 280 years except three people...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    freights??? really, I guess if nobody stops you you would claim that all pakistani airlines are also controlled by pashtuns. Of course, you don't know and there is no way to found out this information, isn't so? We have been at war for 35 years so compare the HDI of pashtuns of Pakistan...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Don't get me wrong, I love pashtuns as my own brothers and sisters but those people who claim to be pashtun but stand and defend the policies of Panjab which is the destruction of Afghanistan are not my brothers or sisters. I don't see any difference between them or a panjabi. By the way, Do...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    not as much as Urdu which is derived from Hindi and Persian. you mean that only three words are there not Persian heheh Could be but still can't be with the status of pashto in Afghanistan and in our universities courses in German and French are offered it doesn't mean anything. could be...
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