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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

I don't want to get much off topic, but Abdul Qadeer Khan simple stole the blueprints. There is a word for that: thief.

Namak Qadeer Khan is our Urdu Speaking bro and not a pashtun (Ok may be he had Pashtun ancestors) but for all practical purposes he is an Urdu Speaking. As usual us Urdu Speaking are very good in propaganda. so we used our media to make namak Haraam Qadeer Khan as god almighty of Pakistani nukie toys.

Secondly, he was incharge of just one lab. The one that enriches uranium. And this lab is just one small part of 100s of labs spread across the country. Hi lab was certainly not the place to do the finally assembly or any assembly or fabrication beyond the basic function.

Thirdly my dear Afghanistani poster, no one can steal a blue print of highest tech gadget and build it.

Please do not mock your own intellect with such statements.

Thank you
Namak Qadeer Khan is our Urdu Speaking bro and not a pashtun (Ok may be he had Pashtun ancestors) but for all practical purposes he is an Urdu Speaking. As usual us Urdu Speaking are very good in propaganda. so we used our media to make namak Haraam Qadeer Khan as god almighty of Pakistani nukie toys.

Secondly, he was incharge of just one lab. The one that enriches uranium. And this lab is just one small part of 100s of labs spread across the country. Hi lab was certainly not the place to do the finally assembly or any assembly or fabrication beyond the basic function.

Thirdly my dear Afghanistani poster, no one can steal a blue print of highest tech gadget and build it.

Please do not mock your own intellect with such statements.

Thank you

See post 196,dont bother.
Namak Qadeer Khan is our Urdu Speaking bro and not a pashtun (Ok may be he had Pashtun ancestors) but for all practical purposes he is an Urdu Speaking. As usual us Urdu Speaking are very good in propaganda. so we used our media to make namak Haraam Qadeer Khan as god almighty of Pakistani nukie toys.

Secondly, he was incharge of just one lab. The one that enriches uranium. And this lab is just one small part of 100s of labs spread across the country. Hi lab was certainly not the place to do the finally assembly or any assembly or fabrication beyond the basic function.

Thirdly my dear Afghanistani poster, no one can steal a blue print of highest tech gadget and build it.

Please do not mock your own intellect with such statements.

Thank you

He is an Urdu speaking Pukhtoons just like there are Hindko & Persian speaking Pukhtoons ! :blink:
Thats good but our Football team is beyond bad - We got beaten 3-0 by Palestine ! :omghaha:

So any chance of visiting Pakistan ? :azn:

I would love to visit. This summer wife wants Spain - Andalusia. So, not this year :D My son was in Lahore & Karachi 3 years ago.
I would love to visit. This summer wife wants Spain - Andalusia. So, not this year :D My son was in Lahore & Karachi 3 years ago.

Alright, brother whenever you plan on coming to Lahore, Pakistan, know that I'll have your taste buds tantalized with the best food that my City has to offer which incidentally is the best food in the region ! :D

Give my Sallam to your wife & son & be safe on your visit to Spain ! :)

I'll bail out now...its already 1:00 A.M here & I've got work to do tomorrow despite it being a Sunday ! :cray:
Alright, brother whenever you plan on coming to Lahore, Pakistan, know that I'll have your taste buds tantalized with the best food that my City has to offer which incidentally is the best food in the region ! :D

Give my Sallam to your wife & son & be safe on your visit to Spain ! :)

I'll bail out now...its already 1:00 A.M here & I've got work to do tomorrow despite it being a Sunday ! :cray:

haha, first thing my son told me when he came back was: dad, u would enjoy pakistani food so much. He knows how much I love spicy food :D

thanks, i will not be a stranger for sure:D

waalaikumussalam, take care :)
Hey folks, lets stop fighting on this thread I mean we are all in this war to fight against terror and these bickering is going to stop us from achieving our goals in war against terror. I am surprised the afghanistan president would say such immature things but he must've said them out of context, I mean afghanistan has already lost too much blood fighting extremist likewise pakistan is in the same category so why does president Karzai not extend a token of friend ship to Pakistan, I mean would it not be smarter for him to allied with NATO+Pakistan so post withdrawals we can continue to keep kicking talibunnies to the curb like they deserve especially after the incident with that poor child Malala Yasafzai, no mercy on these rabied chiens.
Panjabis must be geniuses to subdue the 'holy pashtuns' (your words), or you are a Delusional fool who will believe anything?

I belive in facts and all facts are showing that taliban which has been created by ISI, a pakistani institution which serves the intrest of panjab and that these subhuman taliban are military and financially backed by panjabis to destablize the situation in pashtun areas of Afghanistan. And the objective of Panjab is very clear that they want to keep pashtuns backward, weak, hungry, illitrate so that they don't lose the control over panjabized pashtuns in Pakistan. So that a pakistani pashtun compares always HDI of his area with HDI of pashtuns in Afgahnistan and feel happy that they are doing good because they have overrepresented in army and among truck or cab drivers.

Hey folks, lets stop fighting on this thread I mean we are all in this war to fight against terror and these bickering is going to stop us from achieving our goals in war against terror. I am surprised the afghanistan president would say such immature things but he must've said them out of context, I mean afghanistan has already lost too much blood fighting extremist likewise pakistan is in the same category so why does president Karzai not extend a token of friend ship to Pakistan, I mean would it not be smarter for him to allied with NATO+Pakistan so post withdrawals we can continue to keep kicking talibunnies to the curb like they deserve especially after the incident with that poor child Malala Yasafzai, no mercy on these rabied chiens.

Why do you think what he said is immature? He asked taliban to stop killing their people and destroying their country and urge them to fight instead against those whp plot aganist afghans prosperity. What part of his statement is immature or incorrect? If you were in his shoes wouldn't you say something similair ?
If he is urging TTP to fight Pakistan that is an act of war, and PAF has every right to kill him.

Not exactly. He is urging his Afghan Taliban to be patriotic and instead turn their guns on Pakistan...karzai has always tried to reconcilate Taliban, unlike northern alliance folk he sees the stability of future of Afghanistan dependent on political settlement of taliban....but unfortunately taliban lack any political vision...neither they have any visible leadership (unlike pak taliban)....If taliban gets hold of karzai, they would simply hang him.
Afghan nationalism doesnt appeal to taliban but it is also a fact that they also do not accept durand line as a border, in a different way. They want their presence not just upto river indus but upto indo-pak border. They have great respect for AQ khan and it would be their ultimate dream to have islamic bomb in their hands..
I belive in facts and all facts are showing that taliban which has been created by ISI, a pakistani institution which serves the intrest of panjab and that these subhuman taliban are military and financially backed by panjabis to destablize the situation in pashtun areas of Afghanistan. And the objective of Panjab is very clear that they want to keep pashtuns backward, weak, hungry, illitrate so that they don't lose the control over panjabized pashtuns in Pakistan. So that a pakistani pashtun compares always HDI of his area with HDI of pashtuns in Afgahnistan and feel happy that they are doing good because they have overrepresented in army and among truck or cab drivers.

take care of your afghanistan first then start talking about panjabis they belong to pakistan and so do we, we will take care of them they also take care of us, we all take care of each other....... you dont need to teach us...

stop blaming others and talk about your mistakes !!!!
I belive in facts and all facts are showing that taliban which has been created by ISI, a pakistani institution which serves the intrest of panjab and that these subhuman taliban are military and financially backed by panjabis to destablize the situation in pashtun areas of Afghanistan. And the objective of Panjab is very clear that they want to keep pashtuns backward, weak, hungry, illitrate so that they don't lose the control over panjabized pashtuns in Pakistan. So that a pakistani pashtun compares always HDI of his area with HDI of pashtuns in Afgahnistan and feel happy that they are doing good because they have overrepresented in army and among truck or cab drivers.

Why do you think what he said is immature? He asked taliban to stop killing their people and destroying their country and urge them to fight instead against those whp plot aganist afghans prosperity. What part of his statement is immature or incorrect? If you were in his shoes wouldn't you say something similair ?

You are not making sense, why would allies bicker with each other, I mean we the allies have a common enemy and that being taliban should be our central goal and pakistan is a NATO ally in this war so afghanistan president should stop with bickering and make allies in the region post withdrawal, the canadienne military is already finished with our training mission but we will continue providing infrastructure support in the given decade. How is pakistan supporting taliban?, pakistan is also a victim of this heinous terror acts against humanity and i think it is time we all come together on this issue purge afghanistan from these alqueida symphatizing terror monsieurs from the face of this earth!


Vive le afghanistan libre !
Not exactly. He is urging his Afghan Taliban to be patriotic and instead turn their guns on Pakistan...karzai has always tried to reconcilate Taliban, unlike northern alliance folk he sees the stability of future of Afghanistan dependent on political settlement of taliban....but unfortunately taliban lack any political vision...neither they have any visible leadership (unlike pak taliban)....If taliban gets hold of karzai, they would simply hang him.
Afghan nationalism doesnt appeal to taliban but it is also a fact that they also do not accept durand line as a border, in a different way. They want their presence not just upto river indus but upto indo-pak border. They have great respect for AQ khan and it would be their ultimate dream to have islamic bomb in their hands..

Your last sentences doesn't make any sense. We don't care about your AQ khan or AK khan and we never ever dreamed about islamic bomb and we are not afraid of it because we know that you don't have the gutts to use it against us.
I agree with first half of your post.

Yest Karazai cannot use anti-Pakistani rehtoric to mend Talibanic ways.

Instead the same Taliban (as you stated) will hand this poor sob at the first opportunity.

However I disagree with later part to some degree (in specific) Afghani Taliban sense.

Last time around they did respect our borders and did a much better job in keeping the leftie-and commie Afghanistanis away from Pak-border.

May be it will be different this time. But history should be stated for the sake of completeness.

...They [Taliban + LeT + TTP ] want their presence not just upto river indus but upto indo-pak border.....

Why just indo-Pak border. They would rather be in Kolkatta and Mumbai.

Hopfeully not. But that's how the history shows could happen.

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