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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

Seriously how can you never lose a war when there are 40 + countries occupying your country currently?

We don't simply see it as occupation, we afghans see it as help in fighting against subhuman taliban back to their holes in panjab.
We don't simply see it as occupation, we afghans see it as help in fighting against subhuman taliban back to their holes in panjab.

You may not see it as occupation but your afghan taliban brothers certainly do. Thats why they're fighting against them.
Yes, I posted that link, but I don't know what the captured fighters are saying. I can recognize when someone speaks Urdu, it sounds much like Hindi with many Persian and Arab words.

They are allies of NATO so it could be that they came to help them :omghaha:

You may not see it as occupation but your afghan taliban brothers certainly do. Thats why they're fighting against them.

Exactly, the taliban see it as occupation and you see it as occupation Right?
I never said that the people of Pakistan are bad people or they are terrorists, I would never such stupid thing because among the people of Pakistan just like among the people of any other nation you can find good, bad, leasy, stupid, smart and....individuals. By Pakistan, I mean the pakistani establishment which controls army, ISI and other import institutions. The pakistan establishment started to hate taliban only when they became the target of taliban and other islamic fundamentalist that has been created by ISI for promting the interest of Pakistan. I assure that pakistanis haven't any kind of problem if taliban will carry our their operation inside Afghanistan against afghan people or Nato. Thats why their influcial islamic clerks urge taliban to fight in Afghanistan and not in Pakistani. The west for some reasons can't accept this simple fact that pakistani are just fooling them around and using them in order to achive to their goals. If the west had listened to the position of afghans, the terrorist would have been eliminated by now with much less human and financial costs.

if you people had gotten your sh!t together back in the late 80s and early 90s, then Pakistan would not have had to do what it did.
You pored into our country by the millions and took our scarce resources, then just to show how ungrateful you people were, you started committing crimes, spreading drugs and guns.
Pakistan's biggest mistake was to not shoot every afghan that tried to enter Pakistan.
That would have solved all our problems, since then we would not have had to support the Taliban.
I am talking about Afghan taliban. They do not have your notion of Afghan nationalism , they are more closer to deobandi ulemas of Pakistan than to Afghan nationalist.

Well, I don't consider them as afghan or pashtun, they act like a panjabi and their visions are the vision of panjab and they work for the interest of panjab so they can't be regarded as afghans
Exactly, the taliban see it as occupation and you see it as occupation Right?

I could care less.

But a big segment of your population, aka the taliban and even non-taliban supporters, do see ISAF as being "occupiers". Hence when many people in your country thinks they are being occupied, you havent won the war.
Its 35% brother! plus almost 99% FC is pashtun..

I wish it was 35% but according to ISPR it is roughly 14%. Pakhtuns make around 14-15% of Pakistan's population, so its not bad. Punjabis are 80% of army. The remaining are mohajirs, kashmiris and baloch. So essentially it is Punjabi-Pashtun army.
FC is indeed mostly pashtun because eastern border of Pakistan upto quetta is mostly pakhtun and they are recruited from border areas....
Any how it is a fact that pakhtuns are economically, politically and socially integrated into Pakistan....and are emerging as second most powerful community after punjabis in terms of power structure....
Always remember that pakhtuns look for the direction where their interest lie. The reason lar pakhtuns have given up on Afghanistan is that their economical and political interests do not lie in that country.
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Well, I don't consider them as afghan or pashtun, they act like a panjabi and their visions are the vision of panjab and they work for the interest of panjab so they can't be regarded as afghans

ah, racism
The last resort of these people.
Must be jealous that Punjabis have evolved further than living in caves :angel:
if you people had gotten your sh!t together back in the late 80s and early 90s, then Pakistan would not have had to do what it did.
You pored into our country by the millions and took our scarce resources, then just to show how ungrateful you people were, you started committing crimes, spreading drugs and guns.
Pakistan's biggest mistake was to not shoot every afghan that tried to enter Pakistan.
That would have solved all our problems, since then we would not have had to support the Taliban.

Another ignorent pakistani patriot try to blame us for everything.
If you had known what in reality happen in 80 or 90 and who is responsible for all that mess you wouldn't simply make such basless comments.

ah, racism
The last resort of these people.
Must be jealous that Punjabis have evolved further than living in caves :angel:

This is not racism and I don't believe in race thing at all. This is just simple fact that a pashtun who serves the interest of Panjab can't be called a pashtun, doesn't matter if that person is from Afghanistan or Pakistan.
Another ignorent pakistani patriot try to blame us for everything.
If you had known what in reality happen in 80 or 90 and who is responsible for all that mess you wouldn't simply make such basless comments.

I blame you because you deserve it. Stop acting like a woman on her period and accept responsibility.
You people came to Pakistan with your crime, drugs and guns. WHy are you now crying that you are the victim?
What did you want Pakistan to do? be happy that criminals and druggies are now filling our streets?

Like I said, if you had your house in order we would never had had to do what we did.
Well, I don't consider them as afghan or pashtun, they act like a panjabi and their visions are the vision of panjab and they work for the interest of panjab so they can't be regarded as afghans

Your president karzai dont agree with you.
Deobandism is not exactly Punjabism, its roots are in Deoband city (U.P) and it is also a fact that pakhtuns on both sides of border are deobandi. Taliban are just hardcore deobandis.
Always remember that pakhtuns look for the direction where their interest lie. The reason lar pakhtuns have given up on Afghanistan is that their economical and political interests do not lie in that country.

Agree, I would say that this feature is not limited only to pashtuns, this is in human nature to work for their interest so I compeletely understand that some pashtuns of Pakistan see that they have a better furture in Pakistan and they have better job opportunities in Pakistan or access to better services in Pakistan. And this something that not only me and you know, panjabis know this too thats why their ultimate goal is to keep Afghanistan especially the pashtuns areas and pashtuns of afganistan in darkness and poor, weak and destroyed so that the pashtuns of pakistan feel better about being citizen of Pakistan. However Pakistan wouldn't manage to stand in our way for ever or for long. During these past 12 years, despite the war and fightings we afghans have done lots of prograss in every aspect so if it continues like this I pormise you that in next five years we would much better economical and socially situation than Pakistan.
Another ignorent pakistani patriot try to blame us for everything.
If you had known what in reality happen in 80 or 90 and who is responsible for all that mess you wouldn't simply make such basless comments.

This is not racism and I don't believe in race thing at all. This is just simple fact that a pashtun who serves the interest of Panjab can't be called a pashtun, doesn't matter if that person is from Afghanistan or Pakistan.

You don't belive in Race?
Then what are pashtuns? Cats?
How can you have a discussion based on reality when you hate a people you don't even think exist?
This is the problem with you Afghans, you people are so hoped up on opium that you don't even know what reality is.
Your president karzai dont agree with you.
Deobandism is not exactly Punjabism, its roots are in Deoband city (U.P) and it is also a fact that pakhtuns on both sides of border are deobandi. Taliban are just hardcore deobandis.

I know thats the reason that the taliban are still around. Karzai doesn't know that you can never negotite with a islamist, a good islamis is a dead islamist and thats why all of them should be elimitaed or sent back to pakistan where they belong and where they call home. I don't care if deobandism has something to do with panjab or not, the fact is that these forces are used as cheap soldiers by ISI and panjab establishment and only this fact is enough to elimiate them
Agree, I would say that this feature is not limited only to pashtuns, this is in human nature to work for their interest so I compeletely understand that some pashtuns of Pakistan see that they have a better furture in Pakistan and they have better job opportunities in Pakistan or access to better services in Pakistan. And this something that not only me and you know, panjabis know this too thats why their ultimate goal is to keep Afghanistan especially the pashtuns areas and pashtuns of afganistan in darkness and poor, weak and destroyed so that the pashtuns of pakistan feel better about being citizen of Pakistan. However Pakistan wouldn't manage to stand in our way for ever or for long. During these past 12 years, despite the war and fightings we afghans have done lots of prograss in every aspect so if it continues like this I pormise you that in next five years we would much better economical and socially situation than Pakistan.

You are retarded, just simply retarded.

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