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  1. G

    Defece.pk Should have another section : TURKEY

    For every musti there is a cabatli Precisely my point. Duh! \/
  2. G

    Defece.pk Should have another section : TURKEY

    Why don't they bar Indians?
  3. G

    “Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Taiba attacked Lahore”

    How do you know? May be they had to take hostages and then negotiate for something. So you are saying the Hawaii Secret Service did it? Dont jump to conclusions just yet. Daood Syed Gilani may yet pull a trick on you. Hang on till such time as proven not guilty ISI is very much suspect...
  4. G

    Two Nation Theory originated by Hindus.

    prove it.:disagree:
  5. G

    Defece.pk Should have another section : TURKEY

    India defence and Multimedia are 2 of the most popular sections in terms of people active or passive as guests. Turkey should also have its own section as should Iran & Afghanisthan. PK's immediate neighbors.
  6. G

    IAF deploys fighters near Pak border

    My 2 cents. I think this has to be seen as operational cold start by putting best strike elements at the border. All the hardware is moving in to place.
  7. G

    Clinton Warns Pakistan of "severe consequences."

    "When the time comes, we will die with honour"
  8. G

    Executive Summary of the Report to the People 2009-10

    Prime Minister of India Executive Summary of the Report to the People 2009-10 June 1, 2010 New Delhi The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, released the “Report to the People” at a function in New Delhi today. Following are the highlights including the executive summary of...
  9. G

    INS Arihanth

    I think your outline is slightly incorrect, one can almost see a similar if slightly slanted fin on the right. This looks more like slanted vertical tails on the F-18 to me. :cheers:
  10. G

    Internet Hindus and Madrasa Muslims

    Internet Hindus and Madrasa Muslims - The India Uncut Blog - India Uncut A few days ago, a Delhi newspaper called me up to ask for a quote on a controversy that had begun, as any respectable controversy these days should begin, on Twitter. Sagarika Ghosh, allegedly harrassed by right-wing...
  11. G

    Terrorists attacks Jinnah Hospital

    Can you not read all that I have already posted? Your answer lies there. And I am already guilty of over simplification.
  12. G

    Terrorists attacks Jinnah Hospital

    Reason 1: MA Jinnah was only trying to protect the rights of Muslims in a democracy that would be comprised of an overwhelming number of Hindus. He was scared that the independence may be no independence at all, if India was to side line her Muslims. Exclusive Muslims constituencies was an idea...
  13. G

    Terrorists attacks Jinnah Hospital

    Sir, the way you put it, it seems to be a case of the crab bucket.
  14. G

    Terrorists attacks Jinnah Hospital

    and you will also render your superman duties to save jews, christians, hindus, sikhs if they embrace your particular flavour of Islam?
  15. G

    Terrorists attacks Jinnah Hospital

    I have already given up sir. I can only reason with the reasonable.
  16. G

    Terrorists attacks Jinnah Hospital

    You are a fanatic. No better than the perpetrators of the holocaust. In your eagerness to be a Muslim look at what you have turned yourself into. OMG there's many here that think like you!!!!!! :wave:
  17. G

    Terrorists attacks Jinnah Hospital

    The more I stick around this forum, the less I feel I know about Pakistan. A govt conspiring to kill its own people draws no flak and people are busy burning Israeli flags for yesterday's raid in solidarity with Palestinians. Indeed even the Godhra violence was a reprisal attack. Here it just...
  18. G

    Arjun News & Discussions

    Why should we reduce weight? Is the idea to create a size zero tank or one that offers a judicious mix of mobility, firepower and protection? Also if the drums are raised as high as they are the gun/turret probably cannot rotate 360 degrees so this raised position is effectively an engage...
  19. G

    Arjun News & Discussions

    Have a feeling there is room for 2 more barrels in the cradle where the number 221 is painted or it may be that is a reserve position and the tanks have to be raised to allow fuel flow under gravity.
  20. G

    Arjun News & Discussions

    I think those barrels are for when it is moving thru enemy territory, you have to get to the battle before you start the fight? Tank transporters are not feasible in hostile territory. The diesel drums increase the range of the tank. When the site of the battle is reached they can be...
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