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  1. W

    China casts nervous eye at erstwhile ally Myanmar

    IMO,before triggering,Burmese shuld give some thoughts to chinese,the country always willing to give her a hand.
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    anyway,i like"山寨“。
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    China set for global lead in scientific research

    sir,i cant agree more.it is possible for india or china to take over US in scientific research ,since both countries have so large populations and enough money. but ,there is still a long long way to go .:coffee::smitten:
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    China set for global lead in scientific research

    if you like,take me as the link. what i said is just an idea prevailing among the ordinary people. however,in china,there are indeed many people who are very talented .it is those people lead the world believe that china can take over US in scientific research.:coffee::coffee:
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    China set for global lead in scientific research

    :coffee:in china,usually, people(not everyone) dont want to do some true research.they just want papers based on "ctrl+c and ctrl+v"to obtain some titles which can give them higher salaries.:coffee:
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    China to achieve leapfrog development, lasting stability in Tibet

    sorry. i have to go to bed. see you guys
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    China to achieve leapfrog development, lasting stability in Tibet

    shanghai is not a part of beijing,but it still belongs to china
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    China to achieve leapfrog development, lasting stability in Tibet

    india belongs to china,china belongs to taiwan,and people of taiwan are chinese,so indian land is still chinese land.
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    How mature you are? Let Check

    1. Bill Gates 4.Pythagoras? 5.Bailey 8.Hitler 9.Beethoven 11.lenin 12.Guanyu 10.leifeng 3.Chaplin6.ford 26.Putin 16.Saddam 18.Clinton 24. Sun Yat-sen 22.DengXiaoping 27. Margaret thatcher 40.Einstein 61.Socrates 48.Karl Marx 49.Engels 54.Napoleon 58.zhouenlai 59maozedong 62.Castro...
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    Find the girl in the flowers and become ....

    i just wonder who stole the flowers and the GIRL.i will call a police.i am serious.:sniper:
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    I hate my girlfriend, because i love my car.

    :smitten:a very good car! she deserves your love and maybe she can give you a babycar(just kidding).
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    Google vs China thread

    bro, thank you for waking up. dont worry about me.i got enough IQ to distinguish true and false.and got enough confidence to enbrace the world. most of all, i will neve betray my country.please trust me!!:coffee::coffee:
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    Google vs China thread

    if 'Indian showing you his love' means i am Judas, now let me ,as a chinese, show my love to our indian friend,and, what do you think his country men should say?:coffee::coffee::coffee:
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    making a MBT

    first of all ,it must be a tank,but not a tractor,or anything else.:coffee::coffee:
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    Google vs China thread

    A red herring to the topic. Can China explain how is it that only the US can do these things? What is to prevent China from 'exporting' a different set of values than American ones, feed anti-US elements living in the US? There are credible charges of break-ins of US servers that according to...
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    China and Taiwan tussle over Haiti

    man, take it easy. playing politics wont impede relief efforts:coffee:
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    Google vs China thread

    but it is from love. sorry to bother you guys.
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    Google vs China thread

    maybe i dont know exactly whats the true story,but i really,exactly,do know what the freedom gaven by our Government is--can you tell me why the comments on...
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    Haiti and China: A Tale of Two Earthquakes

    我记的鲁迅先生也骂过当时的政府--国民党 为什么我没有权利批评我们的政府呢&#65292...
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