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  1. T

    Aliens in America

    I watched one show. It really sucked.
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    US military strike on Pakistan advocated

    Umm isnt the US one of Pakistan's biggest allies. And just because some stupid *** holes say crud like this it doesn't mean it will actually happen.
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    America, the so-called “land of the free”,has more people in prison than any other co

    Hmm i found something to make me take away some of the hate i feel for bush. 152 executions good job. And energon has a point. I tend to think more people in prison does indicate a competent strong judicial system.
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    US to buy arms from Israel :what:

    Well i guess a advanced military is a necessity if you are surrounded by countries that want to finish Hitlers work. And please don't think me a racist.
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    Pakistan Navy commissions PNS Zarrar

    I am pretty confused about the ships of the Pakistani navy. I have seen a dozen sites saying a dozen different lists.
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    For a person who knows little about the situation. That seems to make sense.
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    Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

    Sigh yeah i know the US has screwed up so many times i have lost count. And dude the most the Muslim world could do is a a terrorist attack AKA 9/11 or oil embargo. Both of those have been tried and both have failed horribly. If you are talking nuclear attack you could probably sneak a few suit...
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    I am defiantly not a expert in any way about this. But didn't Bangladesh fight Pakistan for freedom? Why does my country appear to be pakistan?
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    Pakistan Navy commissions PNS Zarrar

    Does seem a bit on the small side for such a missile. Hey i am playing a role playing game as Pakistan. I am looking for a gunboat to use for coastal defense any advise? Right now i am considering buying Vietnam era monitors and modifying them for coastal operations. Sorry to bother you.:oops::oops:
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    First Woman Suicide Bomber of Pakistan

    Well thank god she didn't kill anybody. Hey just had a thought if a suicide bomber is supposed to get 72 virgins in heaven wouldn't that make her a lesbian and therefore against radical Islam? The photo was kinda surprising i thought it was gonna be alot worse than it was. I mean i have seen...
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