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  1. T-Rex

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    Their CIA terrorists train these TTP terrorists in Afghanistan, so they can tell when something like this about to happen.
  2. T-Rex

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    Exactly right! This cannot be target for the terrorists but it is a logical target for those who want to say that Pakistan is a threat to the entire world.
  3. T-Rex

    Human Right activists locked up in Bahrain

    Bahrain is an awkward issue for uncle sam and its minions, they don't want to talk about human rights here, they want to talk about human rights in Syria. These peddlers of human rights say that democracy is not beneficial for the people of Bahrain in this kind of geography and climate. It is...
  4. T-Rex

    Israel claims that it will only suffer 500 casualties in a war against Iran

    They have the Fuxs news as their spokesperson, so they won't be allowed to suffer even fifty casualties. All the casualties will be on Iran's side.
  5. T-Rex

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    I believe the attack was executed for proving uncle sam's concerns about the Pakistani nuclear installations. So, I wouldn't be surprised if the Raymond guys are discovered with the strings in the end.
  6. T-Rex

    China’s Growing Long-Range Strike Capability

    It's good to know that uncle sam knows. This will make uncle sam think twice before meddling in the Chinese affairs.
  7. T-Rex

    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    Usually those who have military experience lack experience and wit in other fields. Scientists never have military experience like you have but do think you understand the world better than a scientist ?
  8. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    Niro, the stupid Roman emperor gloated like that when Rome was burning! He was playing the flute!!!!! Keep singing if it brings any peace to your troubled soul.
  9. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    The queue in front of those embassies is no longer that long. BTW uncle sam is a millionaire neck deep in debt. But I do agree that people of the third world countries have very little self-respect, poverty and corruption robbed them of their dignity. Even their PMs and Presidents act as if they...
  10. T-Rex

    Pakistan, Russia agree to boost defence cooperation

    A valid observation but exceptions do exist. For example the relation between Britain and the US or the US and israel. It's more than just national interest, ideology or common belief plays a vital role here.
  11. T-Rex

    Israeli persecution: History’s ironic repetition

    Even the mighty Roman Empire faced destruction in this real world. Your philosophy is might is right, so you won't understand that. You only appreciate the language of the Nazis. You have exiled your humanity and purchased satanic philosophy.
  12. T-Rex


    Fake champions of democracy confuse a state with a puppet government.
  13. T-Rex

    Morsi reinstates Egypt's dissolved lower house; SCAF holds emergency meetin

    You're not for revolution, you're for securing the dirty a$$ of Mubarak's henchmen. You want to say that it is okay for the secular rulers to have absolute power but it is not okay for those who oppose secularism to have it; you're too afraid to openly say that now. You're not a democrat, you're...
  14. T-Rex


    Can't expect anything else from a poodle, can we?
  15. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    Is Bangladesh a factor here? I thought you were smarter than that!
  16. T-Rex

    US police forces being Israelized: Gordon Duff

    CNN and Fox on many occasions reported that the majority of the Iranians were against the Iranian government, now that was 100% fake in my book!
  17. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    Congratulations for at least being able to see who's wicked! I don't blame you for calling those who oppose the wicked super power, stupid, after all, that wicked super power has a lot of fire power.
  18. T-Rex

    Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

    They can't because they are owned by those zionazis.
  19. T-Rex

    The war against Iran has already started

    And I say it was not, now it is!
  20. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    I don't understand why indian rajakars cry when uncle sam is being crucified?
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