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Time for sanctions against the USA

If the US is preparing for a civil war(with more than 30 000 armed UAVs flying all over it), that means that its highest authorities came to the conclusion that it is a highly plausible possibility.
Who could have predicted what happened in Libya or Syria all of a sudden, so every option is on the table like the Americans and the Israelis like too say.
Have anyone ever thought of the protests going on in Israel and people setting themselves on fire, what is next is really unpredictable too.
Hahaha.... Beggars trying to sanction the millionaires... This is laughable...:D

Tell me when any of these third world countries can stop taking US aid and quit those long lines outside its embassy...:/
Hahaha.... Beggars trying to sanction the millionaires... This is laughable...:D

Tell me when any of these third world countries can stop taking US aid and quit those long lines outside its embassy...:/

The queue in front of those embassies is no longer that long. BTW uncle sam is a millionaire neck deep in debt. But I do agree that people of the third world countries have very little self-respect, poverty and corruption robbed them of their dignity. Even their PMs and Presidents act as if they have no shame or dignity.
Let US know when the line is long at the Bangladesh Embassies.

Niro, the stupid Roman emperor gloated like that when Rome was burning! He was playing the flute!!!!! Keep singing if it brings any peace to your troubled soul.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3302742 said:
the saudis and there money is responsible for american condition today if it were not saudis and their loving american nature, americans had seen the worse days

i believe if saudis and iranians stop oil to the west then it will be sanctions against them in a very damaging way

What will saudis eat, sand?
You need a buyer to sell your product, if US stops buying saudi oil, the oil price will hit rock bottom.
Saudis are not doing favour to anybody, they are competing against iran, russia, and other oil producing countries.
What will saudis eat, sand?
You need a buyer to sell your product, if US stops buying saudi oil, the oil price will hit rock bottom.
Saudis are not doing favour to anybody, they are competing against iran, russia, and other oil producing countries.

Actually it is the sell-your-petrol-in-our-dollars-or-else-you'll-be-in-a-shytestorm agreement between KSA and USA. Saudi has to compete politically with Iran and Turkey while economically with Russia. Russia's recent flurry of massive oil reserve discoveries have caused an even more urgency in the Middle Eastern regimes. The best part is, Russia is now an oil country that can watch its back very well against any enemy, unlike OPEC countries.

But US buys only 10% of Saudi oil compared to the rests 90% which rest of Asia buys including us, Japanese, Koreans, Pakistanis, Banglas etc.
And then I wonder, who is going to enforce these sanctions --- Jinn's Navy and Air-force? LOL... :D
Hahaha.... Beggars trying to sanction the millionaires... This is laughable...:D

Tell me when any of these third world countries can stop taking US aid and quit those long lines outside its embassy...:/

dont gloat. You are one of the biggest beggars. Look at your poverty before you even talk.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3302742 said:
the saudis and there money is responsible for american condition today if it were not saudis and their loving american nature, americans had seen the worse days

i believe if saudis and iranians stop oil to the west then it will be sanctions against them in a very damaging way
Lol, yes...we were poor and backwards until the Saudis helped us out.
Having recently ridden the LA subway...I'm pretty sure they import goat-farts from Bangladesh. Hit us were it hurts. (heehee, kidding...pretty sure they're domestic)
The only way you can sanction America is by stop watching Hollywood movies

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