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  1. M

    Brzezinski: The Beginning of the End for Israel

    how many Hizbullah are actually killed, we don't know. Hizbullah lies like mad. And if the international force comes into being, Hizbullah is screwed. Unless it attacks the international peacekeepers which means declaring war on the UN, which means its open season on Syria and Iran. Nasrallah...
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    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    LOLOL. From 2002, "Israel gets more U.S. foreign aid than any other country, about $2.8 billion this year: $2 billion in military aid, the rest economic. Egypt gets the second- largest amount, about $2 billion this year, thanks to a speed-up in payments: about $1.3 billion in military, the rest...
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    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    the annual stipend to Israel is around 5 billion a year, and Egypt gets exactly the same amount too, how come we don't see people whining about Egypt? Jordan gets 400m as well, Pakistan gets 750m, Turkey got 1b a year until last year, Krgzystan, loads of other Muslim countries. Muslim...
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    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    Please show the part of the United States Constitution which was written far far earlier than the existence of Israel, that says that the US must defend Israel. Wake up gentlemen, don't make this forum a laughing stock.
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    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    Do you think it is so easy flying a new jet nowadays? Do you think it's as easy passing a few jets to Israel and saying, here buddy, it's yours, go and "rock Iran"! Some of you have no idea the incredible effort needed to stand up a squadron. For example, as far back as early last year...
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    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    America has transferred F-22 to Israel?! AHAHAHAHAH IT gets even better!!! Go on, I am in need of belly laughs today! Being willing to hear any last spurious and idiotic rumour is not intelligence or open mind, it shows too much time, paranoia and complete idiocy. Only people who are...
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    America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

    HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA What was it again? Pakistan was going to be attacked in 2002? Then 2003? After a break in 2004 and 2005, now its 2006 again? I don't know what is more stupid, the people who say this things to win political cred or the people who believe it and discuss it on a...
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    Top Ten

    I of course acede to your experience, Colonel.
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    Top Ten

    1. okay, that's fair. I'm inclined to think its 3 though. It makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways, for example they increased their budget this year by 16 + 10 per cent, because they had revalued their economy up by 16 as well as the normal 10 per cent growth last year. It has to operate by a...
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    Top Ten

    1. The Shah's behaviour is a completely different matter from what we're discussing. 2. The fact is that Iran's army, guerilla attacks aside, will be defeated by any reasonably sized modern army well trained with Western weapons. Even Israel can defeat Iran today I think (hypothetical). 3...
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    Top Ten

    When I meant 300,000 I meant a force it can send over seas, equip and supply for a campaign. That's still a while yet. No one can sustain a 9 million military, no matter how cheap the labour! Not unless you want them to be barely trained goons. It's not just money, it's also time, ability to...
  12. M

    Why do people believe that Western media is biased against Muslims?

    With all respect, sir, if you could view news more widely, you will find that there are pictures of videos of Hezbollah firing rockets from civilian areas you will find that there are pictures and videos of Hezbollah using ambulances and civilian transports to transport their fighters you...
  13. M

    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    I think AIM-9X is on hold to see if sensitive tech leaks out. Pakistan is in the best of positions from both East and West if it can keep IP sensitivity and prevent leaks on both sides.
  14. M

    The reason Western jets, especially American, must be bought by Pakistan

    Attacking into defended airspace is a different ballgame from being one of the defenders. Even if Pakistan had advanced jets like Rafale, they would be in such limited numbers they would probably rely on missiles to attack Indian airfields, command posts etc, so it's not that big a deal. F-16...
  15. M

    Why do people believe that Western media is biased against Muslims?

    Disregarding civilian safety when it was avoidable is competible behaviour. However, so is hiding among civilians, de facto using them as human shields, is just as bad, if not worse. I'm not sure the first happened, although it probably did, while the second certainly happened. I think that a...
  16. M

    Top Ten

    Iran's military during the Shah was a very proud professional force. It had its failings but it resembled Turkey of today during its time - modern weapons, very proud, hardworking officers and many strong traditions. During the Iran-Iraq they descended, when pressed, into theatre-sized human...
  17. M

    Top Ten

    If China's military budget is 34 billion a year, my name is Simone. A figure between 60 and 90 billion dollars is more accurate, including pensions, research and extraneous facilities the military controls. I'll settle for 75. It's a formidable number, especially when they're not doing cutting...
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    Top Ten

    EU's military is far better than China's. They just don't have the will to fund and use it properly. Numbers mean nothing. India will be the most populous country in the world soon, does that mean they'll have the best military? Iran's army has degraded over the years. The Iran-Iraq war showed...
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    The reason Western jets, especially American, must be bought by Pakistan

    Tech is far from everything. It can be the tipping point but just as important are: Doctrine Training Traditions In this regard, Pakistan has everything to learn and interact with NATO and nothing with everyone else. This is fact. For example, ask the Russians why their equipment suck in...
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    Top Ten

    China is not even at 1991's America yet. Long way to go...
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