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Brzezinski: The Beginning of the End for Israel


Jul 8, 2006
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Brzezinski: The Beginning of the End for Israel
By Daniel M Pourkesali, 3 August 2006

What a difference 3 weeks makes. You know the warmongers are in trouble when the Sunni Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, the US-backed prime minister, who until last week would not hesitate to appear in a photo-op [1] with Condoleezza Rice tells her she is not welcome in Beirut unless she demands and sees to an immediate ceasefire before thanking Hezbollah [2], a long political thorn in his side, for its sacrifices to protect Lebanon.

Bush-Blair & Company in their unison support for a barbaric Israeli onslaught on Lebanon have managed to completely turn the proverbial political table around -- on themselves that is. Their adoption of the absurd notion of Israel acting in self-defense and continued insistence that there would be no halt to the offensive unless Hezbollah fighters are driven from the border has not only strengthened Hezbollah but will prove a boon to the anti-Zionist resistance movement in Lebanon and beyond.

Nathan Gardels editor-in-chief of the journal of social and political thought published by Blackwell/Oxford, and Global Services of the Los Angeles Times Syndicate/Tribune in a recent interview [3] with Zbigniew Brzezinski posed this question to the former National Security Advisor to President Carter: "Doesn't military superiority as a blunt instrument lead to eternal enmity, not security?"

Brzezinski responded: "These neocon prescriptions, of which Israel has its equivalents, are fatal for America and ultimately for Israel. They will totally turn the overwhelming majority of the Middle East's population against the United States. The lessons of Iraq speak for themselves. Eventually, if neo-con policies continue to be pursued, the United States will be expelled from the region and that will be the beginning of the end for Israel as well".

He then asks: "Don't the deaths of so many innocent civilians in Qana in the south of Lebanon -- like the massacre in Haditha, Iraq, by American troops -- send a message to Arabs and Iranians that the "new Middle East" coming from the U.S. and Israel will amount to occupation, carnage and bloodshed?" to which Brzezinski replies: "This is precisely why neocon policies are recklessly dangerous both to America and Israel". He then continues to explain that "today it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate the Israeli-Palestinian problem, the Iraq problem and Iran from each other. Neither the United States nor Israel has the capacity to impose a unilateral solution in the Middle East. There may be people who deceive themselves into believing that".

"Public opinion around the Arab world has reacted by strongly supporting Hezbollah and Lebanon" Rami Khouri wrote in a recent Beirut's Daily Star article [4]. "Washington is feeling the pain of its own self-inflicted diplomatic castration, as a consequence of siding with Israel".

Israel's ongoing and indiscriminate bombing of every village, road, bridge and other infrastructure, which has so far killed over 900 people, many of them children, and displaced another million has forged a remarkable unity among both politicians as well as the entire Lebanese population, whether Christian, Sunni or Shia. Those who may have rejected Hezbollah at the outset of this crisis, are now unanimously behind it.

The absurd neo-con invented and Bush-Blair adopted policy of waging wars in order to achieve peace will only serve to create more anti-US and anti-Israel sentiment and strengthen the resolve and increase support for those resisting the US-UK-Israel axis of aggression.

[1] http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/pix/2006/64679.htm

[2] http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,19966759-23109,00.html

[3] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-gardels/beginning-of-the-end-for-_b_26247.html

[4] http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=10&categ_id=5&article_id=74326
Conflict costing 0.7 to 0.9pc GDP loss monthly to Israel

TEL AVIV: Governor of the Bank of Israel Prof. Stanley Fischer has predicted that the conflict in northern Israel will cause a loss of 0.7-0.9% in GDP, if it lasts for a month.

He estimates that the war has caused weekly damage of NIS 750 million-1.08 billion; that is to say, the aggregate loss of GDP over three weeks of fighting is NIS 2.25-3.25 billion.

The governor also noted that the shekel depreciated 3 percent against the dollar during the first three days of the conflict, the sharpest depreciation since October 1998.

Uncertainty on the market was seen in the sharp increase in volatility, from 6 percent before the outbreak of hostilities to 12 percent.

The effect of the conflict varied from sector to sector, he said. Industry had only been partially hit while the harm caused to the commercial sector would be more extensive.

The tourism sector would suffer the most of all, both during the conflict and in its aftermath. All regions in Israel would be affected by the crisis and the recovery will be gradual.

Fischer estimated the cost to tourism alone would reach NIS 1 billion, and the effect would last for several months after the conflict finally ends.
Israel has lost the momentum.They only have a few alleged hizbullah fighters to show for this month old attacks,which i feel can be termed as a failure for the IDF.

I think for the first time an arab force have shown that they are capable of standing upto the IDF and stil coming out of it,though bruised and hurt.
how many Hizbullah are actually killed, we don't know. Hizbullah lies like mad.

And if the international force comes into being, Hizbullah is screwed. Unless it attacks the international peacekeepers which means declaring war on the UN, which means its open season on Syria and Iran.

Nasrallah has thrown away all his hard work for 2 hostages, which he wanted as a quick fix.
MrConcerned said:
how many Hizbullah are actually killed, we don't know. Hizbullah lies like mad.

And if the international force comes into being, Hizbullah is screwed. Unless it attacks the international peacekeepers which means declaring war on the UN, which means its open season on Syria and Iran.

Nasrallah has thrown away all his hard work for 2 hostages, which he wanted as a quick fix.

The intl force will be sout of lebenon/hizbulla and wud have full aceess to the nortehr parts and thru that to Syria and Iran.And intl force wont be deployed there for ever,it wud have a timetable and eventually when they leave things would be back to square one.

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