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  1. B

    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    smustafamoiz bro, you have some good points. but whether you blame bhutto or somebody else, i am certain such a union could not last forever for simple reason that it was divided by not neutral but HOSTILE territory of thousand miles. it was ALWAYS easy to use political incompetence of leaders...
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    Pak test-fires nuclear-capable cruise missile

    "SaM' dhanraj? is sam an anglo or indian name? or none? just neutral maybe? Sam has stated his nationality with his flag choice. I suggest any other information is none of your business. Keyser this is good news indeed for pakistan mashallah. pakistan needs to develop IMHO icbm capable of...
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    Most shameful act of terrorist.(in the name of Islam?)

    totally sickening. and what is also sickening is usa's boot licking musharraf and co terming those bombers's acts "in the name of Islam". now where the heck did the bombers say or write "we do this for Islam" or equivalent words?
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    IF and ONLY IF a contiguous stretch of land is entirely muslim majority that can join land for muslims of subcontinent IN BRIEF. very succinctly put.
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    and for the benefit of all those who joined late, if not for islamic brotherhood, why did bangladesh not join india OR why did bangladesh not ask for whole of bengal (west bengal in india is also ethnically bengali but nonmuslim). mr "hindu" salim do you have an inkling?
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    salim stop lying. if you're not a hindu why do you use terms such as "moslem". why do you say one must be a razaakar etc when islamic brotherhood's notion is bandied about by good intentioned forumers? why do you doubt that islamic brotherhood IS the very concept that got pakistan and...
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    US military strike on Pakistan advocated

    my question to not only a. rahman but other forumers, does this sound offensive? you only have to tune in to bbc cnn or other english media to see how pakistan is portrayed. do i need to start a few punjabi jokes about indian punjabis (sardars and so on)? i dont think that's an amicable...
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    Russia and India to Create Gen. 5 Fighter

    webmaster asked what i had in mind. what is india's contribution apart from financing?
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    Pakistan receiving alot more F-16s than ordered: AFM

    mark sien bro, it was in no way meant to malign pakistan. i think that's an area where pakistani people military politicians etc can look into, to diversify away from americans for weaponry and aid. jf-17 is good but pakistan still wants f16s. and while it's true pakistan is going for...
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    mr "salim's" posts reveal a pathetic and sneaky trait common amongst indians, one such characteristic is assuming not only names but customs cultures mannerisms etc of the conquerors. in case of forums, what they do is assume muslim name while they're hindu in a muslim majority forum. they like...
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    i will reply to indian hindu poser "salim" inshallah only after he divulges his real identity. are you a hindu mr "salim"?
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    roadrunner bro, i urge you to explain in greater detail what you mean by "bharat". also what do you mean by holding bangladesh along with other region of north india. and what do you mean by bangladeshis fighting mughals? bangladesh was ruled by mughals whole of subcontinent (almsot) was...
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    no bro it is you who appear ill-informed. but maybe not "nuts". chittagong is part of bangladesh and was part of east pakistan. how did so many "pakistanis" want chittagong to be its part back then? and it's not about bengalis punjabis or sindhis, it's about islamic brotherhood. if...
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    Pakistan receiving alot more F-16s than ordered: AFM

    "fatman" brother, you see usa also did same with iran after islamic revolution. they took the money never provided the planes (i guess f14s they were). same case with pakistan after nuke testing in 98, usa sanctioned pakistan. now after 2001 september, they changed tactic and sanctions were...
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    Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

    IF indians had a brain they wouldn't interject in here. but are you a muslim by any chance? as many a hindu have this tendency to pose as muslims in pk/bd fora. lol are you retarded? i dont know but may be you are. i did mention a 1,000 miles of hostile indian territory separating pakistan...
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    Prophet picture row in Bengal

    this is the exact reason why muslim countries should unite and strengthen themselves. that'll ensure no such stupid country like india (lol what a joke of a country) can get away with such actions. they should be torn apart and muslim rulers should rule india only this time to ensure this...
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    Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

    mr asim and a rahman, could you take care of this comment by the general too. what is up with kissing up to americans in pakistan? i thought the people aren't like that only the military? now you too?
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    India acquires anti-missile capability

    i doubt the news still there's no denying that indian economy is growing faster than pak/bangla and so will their defence capability.
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    Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran

    can you tell me how "our" industry is dependent on "them"? can you qualify those terms for me viz. "our" and "them"? i dont think for instance bangladesh is dependent on dutch nor was it EVER.
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    China to build 93,000-ton atomic-powered aircraft carrier

    i dont like arguing with indians among others but how can two indians say china can't build it. oh i guess their nationalism comes in their way of logical thinking.
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