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India acquires anti-missile capability

ya you are right.....but i think its very hard now for both the countries to indulge in a war.....isn't so.
ya you are right.....but i think its very hard now for both the countries to indulge in a war.....isn't so.

Pakistan has developed all its Nuclear and Missile deterrent only for Defense against aggression and not the other way around...
Updated at 10.30 pm
NEW DELHI: Indian military scientists today achieved a major breakthrough in their efforts towards developing a weapon to shoot down an incoming enemy missile.
For the first time in Indian history, an indigenously developed missile system was able to track an incoming missile and shoot it down successfully this morning, said military sources. The successful test is a major boost to indigenous efforts in developing anti-missile defense system. It also puts India in a select league of nations with such ability.
According to military sources, a target Prithvi missile was launched form the Interim Missile Test Range at Chandipur in Orissa at 10.15 am. The missile was picked up in a few minutes by monitoring radars, and successfully intercepted by another Prithvi missile fired from Wheeler Islands. "It is a historic day," a DRDO scientist told DNA.
Sources said more such interception exercises, termed the Prithvi Air Defence Exercise, would be undertaken in the future. The missile that shot down the incoming missile is termed Prithvi-II, and is believed to be a 250-kilometer range liquid-propellant
ballistic missile.
Only a handful of countries such as the US, Israel, Russia and France have developed such fire power. However, today's success is no guarantee that the Defence Research and Development Organisation is anywhere close to deploying an effective anti-missile shield for the country.
The target missile took off from the launch complex number 3 of the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, some 15 kilometers from Balasore. After tracking the missile and determining its coordinates, the second missile was fired from launch complex number 4 located on Wheeler Island off Bhadrak district. As a precautionary measure, the Balasore district administration had temporarily evacuated about 600 families living in a 2-kilometer radius around Chandipur test range.

Bang on Target

Source for this news is Daily Newspaper DNA

Bang on target hmmmmmmmmm did u forget to mention that incomming missile was heavily modified(do u no what that means).

an indigenously developed missile system
so let me get this straight the scientist who couldnt make agni3 stand up for years(not till the americans helped) and other failed projects(drdo)menage to create a missile defence system without israelies yeah ok.(if any body here believe that i can sell you brooklyn bridge for a reasonable price)

funny when pakistani claims it to be indegenious international media(also known as jewish media)and indian media will claim its chines or north korean.:woot:
How does it matter if its entirely Indian or partially Indian. The fact is, it is there, it is being 'tested'. We did not just field a ready version of the BMD system. Its being made, its being tested, different attributes evaluated. This means that it is indegenous.
i doubt the news still there's no denying that indian economy is growing faster than pak/bangla and so will their defence capability.
I think that the chinese made FT-2000 if acquired will serve as a long range interceptor for both anti aircraft and anti ballistic roles for pakistan.

For some reason i believe that Pakistan is building a long rage SAM system for the protection of its cities. A while back Musharraf was given a good briefing and i will not be surprised if a project has started in the background.
He added that the entire interceptor missile system was home grown except the radars acquired from Israel and France.

The country had also embarked on a programme to indigenise radars to put in place a standalone approach.
The Hindu : Front Page : DRDO eyes launch of integrated air defence system

The most important components of the AAD system continue to remain "non-indigenous". Some reports I have read indicate the Green Pine radar imported from Israel is being used, not sure what the "French Radars" are about - perhaps a misprint and rather than "radar" it refers to some other key navigational components or technology.

The missile itself appears to be indigenous.

Impressive achievement nonetheless. Our JF-17 is going to possibly utilize French radar, so we can't criticize based on that.
The Hindu : Front Page : DRDO eyes launch of integrated air defence system

The most important components of the AAD system continue to remain "non-indigenous". Some reports I have read indicate the Green Pine radar imported from Israel is being used, not sure what the "French Radars" are about - perhaps a misprint and rather than "radar" it refers to some other key navigational components or technology.

The missile itself appears to be indigenous.

Impressive achievement nonetheless. Our JF-17 is going to possibly utilize French radar, so we can't criticize based on that.

Most likely the metal used in the missile is imported, so are the trucks used to transport, radars are imported so are a variety of other stuff..

here the definition of indigenous,I feel, is used to show that the product, system & technology has been conceptualized, designed, produced and utilized by India, using some foreign products/assistance paid for by India and possessed by India..

Due to globalization and redundancy of import-subsitution esp in Defence.. the strict definition of Indigenous has been done away with..

for eg.. the steel produced in china is mostly from foreign iron ore with technology and machinery sourced from abroad.. and this steel so produced is Chinese or foreign??
Apple Ipod produced in China is american or chinese??
Mercedes Benz produced in India is Indian or German??
anti-missile capability of India is Indian or foreign??
here the definition of indigenous,I feel, is used to show that the product, system & technology has been conceptualized, designed, produced and utilized by India, using some foreign products/assistance paid for by India and possessed by India..

Due to globalization and redundancy of import-subsitution esp in Defence.. the strict definition of Indigenous has been done away with..

Agreed - Other examples are the Al Khalid MBT, which is a combination of systems from various sources, as is the Arjun.

Like almost anything else in the Global marketplace, the best products arise out of the synergy of the "best" subsystems available, and they are not necessarily from the same source.

IMO the US remains the only nation with enough diversity in industry, research and availability of resources to possibly come up with systems that are world class, and accomplish that without relying on non-US subsystems.
IMO the US remains the only nation with enough diversity in industry, research and availability of resources to possibly come up with systems that are world class, and accomplish that without relying on non-US subsystems.

I think russia is also included in that list or atleast it was back then what was called sovietunion.
excuse me, when did pakistan acquire MIRV capability?

The news was mentioned in jang news paper. The same news is also published at wikipedia with reference to jang that pakistan has MIRV its shaheen missle.
For some reason i believe that Pakistan is building a long rage SAM system for the protection of its cities. A while back Musharraf was given a good briefing and i will not be surprised if a project has started in the background.

Wasnt pakistan actually looking for TOT? Or has the plain changed. Is better if we develop our own system which can also provide us the bases for our first antiballistic system.
Its not a new challenge, these systems are only show pieces to strenghten you morally but in actual war no one has been tested against true Ballastic Missiles and Cruise missiles of modern age...

Not to mention that with Pakistan no able to MIRV its warhead it gives the Intercepter lesser chance even if it is able to Intercept.

Oh really, these missiles are only for showpieces, how do you know about that? and what kind of true Ballastic Missiles and cruise missles are you talking about ?

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