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  1. Aatishbaz

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well I beg to differ here sir, not because some Iranian has given a statement that has some far reaching impact on the present day situation in Kashmir, but because it may prove the first drop of rain. As we all know whats happening in Kashmir right now and luckily it doesnt have to do anything...
  2. Aatishbaz

    Captured suspected Indian Sikh Taliban Interview with a Pakistani Journalist

    Hats off to our Pakistani Sikh Brothers!!!!!
  3. Aatishbaz

    Dr.Aafia and Faisal Shazad are not Pakistan's Heroes

    In my humble opinion..both of them are not even Pakistanis...so how can they be our heroes. Both of them willfully and knowingly surrendered their Pakistani Nationality to become US citizens. at that time I am sure their self stood higher than the nation they belonged to. I am sure their actions...
  4. Aatishbaz

    Pakistan's Pashtuns Feel More Alone Than Ever

    Dear Brother Ahmad! Your observations about Zahir Shah are very pertinent and accurate. BTW I as a Pakhtun dont like Zahir Shah a bit and I think all patriotic Pakiatnis wud also share my sentiment. I was just referring to the comment u had made abt Zahir Shah that he being a Pakhtun had...
  5. Aatishbaz

    Pakistan's Pashtuns Feel More Alone Than Ever

    Ahmad writes!!! "Musharaf once had said that the Pashtoons must be dominant in Afghanistan's affairs, that statement was strongly rejected by pashtoon Zahir Shah, it is not uncommon to hear these statements from pakistanand see it in practice, but lets hope for a better understanding in the...
  6. Aatishbaz

    Pakistan's Pashtuns Feel More Alone Than Ever

    A very misleading and biased article. However, some of my friends have got involved in a useless debate. I am a Pakhtun and have a very strong sense of affinity with my Afghan Pakhtun brethren, its the same as an Uzbek frm Uzbekistan wud have with an Afghan Uzbek or a Tajik frm neighboring...
  7. Aatishbaz

    Terrorism, Nature and Lessons Learned

    Your observations are very precise and accurate. But I must say that you have focused everything on the West...do u think we are fighting a US/ western war???? Where do you place the situation in Pakistan?? Do these observations hold good for Pak Army and the Govt as well????
  8. Aatishbaz

    Pakistan's 111th Brigade

    For X corps I tend to agree. If we analyze its Commanders all were handpicked by the COAS, whose loyalty was beyond doubt. Some of the names I know include Lt Gens Aziz, Mehmood, Tariq Majeed, both Kianis, Satti and so on. Not that the other formations of the Army are located far away but having...
  9. Aatishbaz

    NATO official: Bin Laden, deputy hiding in northwest Pakistan

    "There is a growing sense that many insurgent leaders may be willing to accept conditions such as renouncing al Qaeda because they want to come back to Afghanistan. But, the official cautioned, hard core Taliban groups such as the Quetta Shura run by Mullah Omar, the Haqqanis, the HiG...
  10. Aatishbaz

    The Organization of Pakistan Army!

    I have heard that Pakistani Army is comprised of different Arms according to theirs peculiar role in battle. These arms are broadly divided into Fighting, Support and Services Arms and special forces. If any one having some more knowledge about Pakistan Army's Organization could throw some light...
  11. Aatishbaz

    Baradar released, Nato facilitating Peace talks in Kabul

    Its amazing how the events are twisted and turned to suit ones advantage. If I am not mistaken its the same Mullah Beradar whose arrest was once quoted as Pakistan's attempt to torpedo the talks between Karazai and Taliban. And this was expressed by so many NATO and the US officials apart from...
  12. Aatishbaz

    Pakistan's 111th Brigade

    I think the troops from the same brigade are deputed at President's House, Prime Minister's House and the Army House. It is also responsible for the security of GHQ. The Commander of this Brigade is supposed to be a close confidant of the COAS. I have heard that the Commander of this Brigade is...
  13. Aatishbaz

    The General Officers of Pakistan Army

    Here is a list of the General Officers of Pakistan Army! Source:Wikipedia: List of serving generals of the Pakistan Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia General Khalid Shameem Wynne, Punjab — Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), JSHQ, Chaklala. (Colonel-in-Chief of the...
  14. Aatishbaz

    Three million weapons have disappeared from official warehouses in Punjab

    Very well put Zaki!!! None of the Taliban fight with pistols, they mostly have the dreaded KK and many of them have Rocket Launchers...a gift from our friends and foes alike. As far as missing of three million weapons is concerned..I am sure that these if really missing would have been stolen or...
  15. Aatishbaz

    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    Qari Hussein dead in a drone strike?????Wish its true!!!
  16. Aatishbaz

    US demand of army operation in NW REJECTED

    Yes we know but we also know that the Mighty US is also on its all four as are we. If they had some nuts left they wud have surely launched an operation in Kandhar, which had been thoroughly planned and propagated; however, when the time came the NATO and the US chickened out. I hope u know that...
  17. Aatishbaz

    US demand of army operation in NW REJECTED

    No doubt in the present milieu, any new ventures could prove counter productive. I am sure our Army is alive to the developments in Afghanistan and wud not play in the hands of the US or others, whose only aim remains to save their skin and find a peaceful and honourable exit from Afghanistan!!!
  18. Aatishbaz

    Pakistan Pledges to Attack Al-Qaeda `Epicenter of Terrorism,' Mullen

    Well you may be right....but for my curiosity can u name a few of the Taliban leaders who are having a ball????
  19. Aatishbaz

    Lal Masjid- Shifting Truth from Lies-Pervez Musharraf

    To be honest I consider the Lal Masjid Operation a real slap and warning to our brothers with misplaced idea of Islam and people who earnestly hope to cleanse the society thru force and violence. Our Law Enforcement patiently waited for half a year to let Maulvis of Lal Masjid to think and act...
  20. Aatishbaz

    Attributes of Al-Qaeda and TTP Khariji fasadis who are against Pakistan

    Yeah sure, right you are. It is from Quran but its better to have as much insight in these fanatics as possible!!!! They are the people who have created doubts abt our religion. Our all energies should be focused to defeat their ideology thru qoutes from Quran and Hadith!
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