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  1. outlander

    India invites Bangladeshis for research

    India invites people from all over the world in R&D. Whats so special here? Or is it achievement for Bangladesh to celebrate?
  2. outlander

    Narendra Modi is BJP PM candidate, hints Gen Secy

    Indians have elected drunkards, corrupts and sleeping creatures; why not Modi? Why not let Indians decide for themselves?
  3. outlander

    Narendra Modi is BJP PM candidate, hints Gen Secy

    Never knew you see the future. Neverthless, these media answers mean nothing. BJP is busy with all wrong things. BJP has more PM candidates than the size of entire cabinet. They should focus on intended policies instead of getting worked up on PM chair, which isn't going to solve anything.
  4. outlander

    Akhilesh asks UPA to provide job quotas for Muslims

    Give reservations to everyone! Is Akhilesh ready to give reservations to muslims in politics? I mean he should give reservations to muslims in his cabinet and CM chair as well :lol:
  5. outlander

    Narendra Modi is BJP PM candidate, hints Gen Secy

    The parliamentary board realises that Modiji is a popular leader in the country and it will honour the public sentiment while taking the decision = Modi is PM candidate :lol: Really?? Everybody in BJP is PM candidate.
  6. outlander

    Narendra Modi praises China before US non-resident Gujaratis

    Too bad that Modi can not address people in US directly :coffee:
  7. outlander

    Should democracy be scrapped in India?

    Rightly said. It is just wet dreams of foreigners to see India go on some crazy path of governance. If Indians would have wanted to scrap democracy, they'd have done it by now !
  8. outlander

    Should democracy be scrapped in India?

    This is not China to adopt one party rule. We do not suppress voice of our own people. There can be countless political parties in India. Anybody can claim the stake in governing his/her own country. That is very fundamental difference between us and the oppressive Chicoms. Though we need strong...
  9. outlander

    Should democracy be scrapped in India?

    Who are you to decide if democracy should be scrapped in India ? Strong population of over a billion keep India a democratic system. Rest are just day dreaming on internet.
  10. outlander

    China arrests after kidney sold for iPad

    Sad thing. But I do not blame the boy, he's just 17yrs old. Is that adult in China? Rather the people behind buying his kidney should be given harshest punishment.
  11. outlander

    Indian Muslims should have their own consolidated Muslim political party

    LOL Its not democratic right to form political party based on religious affiliation. This is India, not Pakistan.
  12. outlander

    Indian Muslims should have their own consolidated Muslim political party

    All major political parties in India give substantial representation to Muslims & all other religions. Then what's the fuss all about? We don't need such absurd ideas given in post 1 to divide India, we are doing better than that.
  13. outlander

    Indian Muslims should have their own consolidated Muslim political party

    Yes. No political party or individual can contest any election on religious affiliation. One has to sign the undertaking as well.
  14. outlander

    Indian Muslims should have their own consolidated Muslim political party

    Indian Election Commission does not allow anyone to form political party on the lines of religion. Welcome to India.
  15. outlander

    Italian guards to be arrested over Indian fishermen deaths

    Good move. Put them in jail and make example out of them!
  16. outlander

    India's decision to import Iran oil a slap on US face: Burns

    Indian government will be in trouble is fuel prices hike further. We are in no business of slapping others, we just secure our interest like an independent nation. If that feels like slap to you then better get used to it.
  17. outlander

    Why the Pakistani and Indian People so rude and disgusting?

    I am sure not every Pakistani and Indian is like what is described in post #1.
  18. outlander

    Kongress in more trouble.

    Congress scums killed hundreds to polarize votes. Not that US can put congress in trouble but its good that US recognizes blood painted history of AICC.
  19. outlander

    More Muslim died in firing by policemen during Gujrat Riot

    Someone else's guilt does not absolve Guj government. Still they are guilty and behind bars with legal punishment. Back to topic, court has pronounced that Gujarat government showed negligence and inaction to control riot. Try changing that.
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