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China arrests after kidney sold for iPad


Dec 28, 2011
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Five people have been arrested in southern China after a teenager sold his kidney so he could buy an iPhone and iPad, state media have reported.

Those detained include the surgeon who removed the kidney from the boy in April last year.

State-run Xinhua news agency says the group received around $35,000 (£22,000) for the transplant.

The student is said to be suffering renal failure, according to prosecutors in Hunan province quoted by Xinhua.

Only identified by his surname Wang, he is said to have received about $3,000 for his kidney.

The 17-year-old was reportedly recruited for the illegal trade through an online chatroom.
Organ shortage

The case was discovered when his mother noticed the new gadgets; when asked where he got the money, he admitted selling a kidney.

The group behind the operation have been charged with causing intentional injury and illegal organ trading.

While Apple iPhones and iPads are very popular in China, they are priced beyond the reach of many urban workers.

And there is a constant shortage of organ donors.

Official figures from the health ministry show that about 1.5 million people need transplants, but only 10,000 are performed annually.

Executed prisoners have been often used as a source of organs, but last month China vowed to phase this out over the next five years.

BBC News - China arrests after kidney sold for iPad

A very tragic news indeed, foolish teenager.
He should be arrested, what a sick act committed by him.
The new huawei Mediapad is dope, has better specs than the ipad 3.
What kind of idiot sells his freakin kidney for an IPad is life less valuable than a tablet.
The 17-year-old boy, identified only by his surname Wang, was approached in an online chatroom and paid 22,000 yuan (£2,200) for his kidney to be used in an illegal transplant operation, the Xinhua News Agency said.
The teen now suffers from renal deficiency and his health is deteriorating, according to prosecutors in Chenzhou city, Hunan province.
Five people from southern China have been charged with intentional injury and illegal organ trading, including the surgeon who removed the boy’s kidney in April 2011.
According to the Xinhua, one of the accused was paid 220,000 yuan (£22,000) to arrange the transplant. He paid the boy 22,000 yuan (£2,200) and shared the remaining profit with the surgeon, the three other defendants and other medical staff.
The media reports gave no indication of who paid for and received the kidney.
Chinese boy 'sells kidney to buy iPad' - Telegraph
Boy In China Reportedly Sells Kidney To Purchase IPhone And IPad | Fox News
Chinese boy sells kidney to buy iPad - Indian Express

Whats happening to these next generation, as parents we have to make sure the moral of the next generation is not spoiled to this extent for just a electronic gadget
Funny thing is, when you bring such gadgets home and think that you have the best product available, then all it takes, is the blink of an eye and the new models are there in the market. :argh:
i think electronic gadgets today are making the younger generation bumb and bumber. The more they spend time with these tools, they soon loose grip of reality and even do not wish elders when they arive home, instead they look into the screens of this tools and go virtual.
Quite sad. Poor kid - but I don't blame teenagers for such acts. Most teenagers are pretty stupid and tend to do extremely stupid things. It is the @sshole who stole the kidney by luring the kid who should be shot.
"This attidude comes from the west imperial capitalistic influence. Their insolent products flood our great nation for many years. The WHITE-DANGER is coming. We have to top their agressiv expansion politics now before they overtake us. The west is our biggest threat!"

/west like propaganda off
Sad thing.

But I do not blame the boy, he's just 17yrs old. Is that adult in China?

Rather the people behind buying his kidney should be given harshest punishment.
If I was this boy's father, I'd first do anything to get a replacement.

Then I will whip the living daylights out of him.

I strongly dislike physical punishment but in this case, he has proven that his mind is not fit to understand words or common sense.
4 threads started on same.:blink:

This is an age where teens sells stuff and does all sorts of crimes to look savvy.

Even India had its own issues with kidney rackets not so long ago.

Would have been good if it was to save somebody's life and he got the money as a reward.
Sad thing.

But I do not blame the boy, he's just 17yrs old. Is that adult in China?

Rather the people behind buying his kidney should be given harshest punishment.

I believe a 17 year old must be mature enough to be able to decide for the right thing for such clear matter . after all it's not like at the day we turn 18 we magically mature .for the matter even a 12 years old must have enough mental capabilities to understand that gadget is not worth the price he is paying for it.

only one thing can make this act a possibility and is that he be part of I-Junk worshiping cult .

another matter is that his family must have seen danger signs in him after all it's not like he slept and the next day he shows the obsession with such device to sell his kidney for an I-Pad , I wonder how they reacted to this tendencies and obsession , isn't this sign of neglect on the family side and also why they didn't asked where the son was after all its not an operation that can be done today and then tomorrow let him go back home and there was no sign of such operation .
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