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  1. Chanakya.10

    Pakistan media declare war on Indian counterparts

    And zaid hamid also said that the mouli bands(as we call in north India) we wear on our wrists during pooja, is actually wore by terrorist hindus to tell other people that they will not open it till they kill all other....... :woot::rofl: I have one on my wrist, and thinking wtf has he made...
  2. Chanakya.10

    Pakistan media declare war on Indian counterparts

    Heera Lal and Amar Singh...... This was told to Zaid Hamid by his credible INDIAN INTELLIGENCE resources..............
  3. Chanakya.10

    Pakistan media declare war on Indian counterparts

    Who even give a damn whatever it is.........yaaawwnnnnn.......
  4. Chanakya.10

    Pakistan media declare war on Indian counterparts

    ^^^^^^ My dear Chanakya's tactics are working, and working in a manner that u will not even understand that.......People following Zaid hamid cannot understand Chanakya......And zaid hamid himself, he is just an outspoken personality with no in-hand evidence or experience at all, even ur retired...
  5. Chanakya.10

    Pakistan media declare war on Indian counterparts

    ^^^^^^ It was Amar Singh... And to his credible foolishness, Amar is a Hindu name and not a Sikh name...................... what a foolish!!!!
  6. Chanakya.10

    Air Force Question Thread

    ^^^^^^^ dont fite wid me when u dont understand any post......in every thread u r bashing at me, whats wrong???? I just asked WHICH PART OF JF-17 IS MADE IN PAKISTAN BY PAKISTAN.....thats all, if u dont have any answer to this dont reply to my post......
  7. Chanakya.10

    Malaysia clerics issue yoga fatwa

    Then people ask, Y do westners hate islamic hardcores???? Have ever a Pope said that yoga is uncatholic and people should not do it....... These type of things will do no good to islamic people around the world......
  8. Chanakya.10

    Mumbai Attacks

    You wish. On the other hand. America will tell pakistan what really it should do or not. As they have done till now, always. Any single instance where pakistan have dared to say to America that 'NO, i wont do that'. If any i would really want to kno......
  9. Chanakya.10

    Air Force Question Thread

    Not sarcastically as some might percieve, but may i know which specific parts of JF-17 were actually MADE in pakistan and BY pakistan???? And in which labs?????? With credible links plz if anyone can.......
  10. Chanakya.10

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    First of all, u dont know Chanakya, so better not talk about him........ And secondly i was talking about CHANGES INSIDE INDIA, NOT IN INDO-PAK relations......... and who give a damn what u and ur govt think...... y r u even replying when u r not understanding the context of the post...
  11. Chanakya.10

    1947-48 Lashkars and Army Photos

    Is this Jinnah killing a sheep??????? or some other leader of pakistan???? Oh man........
  12. Chanakya.10

    Pakistan media declare war on Indian counterparts

    ^^^^^^ Zaid Hamid???? He claims to have a intelligence agency of his own....... ISI might need him with his credible links in Indian Army, police an politics...... Guy is really something extra-ordinary self motivated and self proclaimed history writer......and yet a hero of many......
  13. Chanakya.10

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    Obviously!!!! Masterminds are some other people..... He was just trained and sent to attack.......... Bigger terrorists are still on the lose.....
  14. Chanakya.10

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    ^^^^ In terms of hanging i meant to say the the real faces behind this.... not the pawns.......
  15. Chanakya.10

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    I am sorry. Did i hear u correctly? Things are only going to change now..... This is not a ***-pat attack anyone can forget......U have to come and see in INDIA, wats goin on these days......... I dont see this storm slowing down, it will increase only, and i hope it do....... And about coming...
  16. Chanakya.10

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    If we were afraid of something we wouldnt have invited FBI in first place..... Conspiracy theories are k, but one must use his/her brain first........
  17. Chanakya.10

    Muslims -- India's new 'untouchables'

    Ya so what the hell make people of pakistan believe that they are the protectors of muslims in India.......If they are so concerned about not hurting the religion's sentiments, then y r u not helping people in cechneya??? y not uhighers of china???? y not muslims in iraq or afghanistan???? Y r u...
  18. Chanakya.10

    China assures full support to Pakistan

    India is not going to war with pakistan, comon........
  19. Chanakya.10

    Muslims -- India's new 'untouchables'

    India and Pakistan has open borders at so many places..... If Indian muslims are so frustrated y dont they run and come to the(so called) fortress of Islam???? Ever seen even a single case like that..... Let me tell u one thing also.... Muslims from Bangladesh come to INDIA for a better...
  20. Chanakya.10

    Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

    I think the young of India stand up and make a political party....wish i could make a party of my own, but i see two problems, 1) I dont know how will it go and whether or not will i get support to make a better party in India, 2) and secondly, I am just 20 years old.... I wish someone more...
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