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  1. maximus

    Attacks on ISAF Supply Convoys

    You can cry and scream all you want, at the end of the day you will never succeed in Afghanistan without our help. That pretty much sums it all up.
  2. maximus

    Sixth Sino-Pakistani Defense and Security Talks held in Beijing

    No doubt about it. Zardari the lackey needs to realize that China is the only all weather friend of Pakistan. Despite all pressures China has always stood by Pakistan. We should have all sorts of pacts with China. From military to trade etc. Licking US heels won't achieve anything except more...
  3. maximus

    U.S.: India prepared for strike on Pakistan

    Cut the nonsense. You don't know anything about Pakistan. You're just one of those brainwashed people that watch too much Fox news propaganda. Pakistan has all the resources at its disposal during war time. There are plenty of countries in this world that are sick of US bullying including China...
  4. maximus

    U.S.: India prepared for strike on Pakistan

    Such people can barely point Pakistan on the world map. During sanctions after the nuke test, Pakistan received help from KSA and other friendly nations. This guy is totally oblivious of the reality.
  5. maximus

    U.S.: India prepared for strike on Pakistan

    I wonder who the world is in this case? Let me guess, the US, UK Israel and India, right? That's your little fantasy world. The world is much bigger than that and most hate US foreign policy which is to bully other nations and loot their natural resources. A country that unilaterally destroys...
  6. maximus

    U.S.: India prepared for strike on Pakistan

    If it wasn't for these ugly British Roony lookalikes the world would have been a much better place to live in. These pommies have a hand in almost every conflict around the world. Wherever you look it's their mess. The biggest hypocrites on this planet. Always pointing the blame finger the other...
  7. maximus

    A Breakdown in Transporting Supplies to Afghanistan

    Not bad news at all. I think that Pakistan ought to distance itself from the illegitimate WoT as much as possible. Let them fight their own little dirty wars. Pakistan has already enough on its plate.
  8. maximus

    India considers Military action againt pakistan

    No doubt. We stand united in the war against the enemy.
  9. maximus

    Attack Pakistan? Possible, but not feasible

    Reading this article gives me immense joy. It proves my point that the nukes are Pakistan's jugular veins. The sole reason why the Indians haven't dared to display their weak aggression. Without these assets we are like Iraq and Afghanistan. That's the cold reality.
  10. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Well, news is that the cowards on our side are downplaying the issue. I think that the crooks have let them off the hook. Instead of using this golden opportunity to settle the score this pathetic GoP has defended their foes. Zardari and his companions are a major threat to Pakistan. We don't...
  11. maximus

    Technical and professional aspects of Indian intrusion

    Politicians in Pakistan have always been absolutely useless. Pakistani politics hasn't come out of the colonial enslaved mindset. These spineless remarks are a typical reminder of the colonial remnants.
  12. maximus

    Taliban in 72 percent of Afghanistan: report

    Yep, nice cannon fodder...
  13. maximus

    India considers Military action againt pakistan

    It's really time to finish it off. All this cat and mouse just won't do it. One has to be eliminated out of the two. That's how I see it. I'm sure at the end that will be the outcome sooner or later. I know it's a disturbing thought, but one that resembles the reality.
  14. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    I'll be catching a plane too! No greater honour than defending your own soil.
  15. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Guys Al-Jazeera is showing pics of Su-30s!!!
  16. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Just wait... First we will violate your airspace and than the nukes will follow. One thing at a time...
  17. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Indian infiltration reveals its nefarious designs: Kamran Khan
  18. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Nawaz Sharif condemns Indian Air Force infiltration Updated at: 0235 PST, Saturday, December 13, 2008 LAHORE: Leader of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif while strongly condemning the violation of Pakistan air spaces by Indian jet planes said, the entire nation...
  19. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Exactly why we need to present our case in front of the world. We need to make sure that we provide evidence and react afterwards. It would be criminal to let the Indians off the hook. Zardari should remember the fate of his wife. You cannot play with the emotions of the people. I've a hunch...
  20. maximus

    China to invest $3 bn in Tibet; raises India's strategic worries

    India progressed? Millions don't even have access to toilet! Stop fooling yourself! China is millions of light years ahead of India. Comparing India to China is like comparing Africa to Europe.
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