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  1. maximus

    India protests submarine sale to Pakistan

    I'm certain deal will go through. Only a matter of days before signatures are placed. The Indians are just whining as usual. They did it during the F-16 deal, RD-93 engines etc. We all know what happened in the end. Their whining is a sign of victory for Pakistan. It indicates that the Indians...
  2. maximus

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 2]

    Spot on. However, we could ask the Chinese for an engine production license in order to produce the engines locally. We could overhaul the engines and also produce engines for export. It would require investment, but considering the advantages well worth it.
  3. maximus

    Obama Advisor: Pak Terror Groups Worst Threat to US

    That's exactly the whole point. The Americans want to keep the Durand Line conflict as a trump card. Also, the Afghan NA are forming an obstacle in actually approving this move. Pakistan should go ahead with it anyway ASAP. Not securing the border will lead to more covert infiltration.
  4. maximus

    Obama Advisor: Pak Terror Groups Worst Threat to US

    Well, it's always very amusing to see an American lecture and handout stark warnings. I'm sure you are doing it for our own best will, right? :usflag:
  5. maximus

    Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

    Don't underestimate the Indians. These are very cunning and sly people. They were expecting to get a green signal from the world. They didn't or at least not as much as they had hoped. The lack of collective political will is what has hindered the Indians from making their next move. Note that...
  6. maximus

    India to ink largest-ever defence deal with the US soon

    The Pakistani political establishment needs to wake up and rethink the cooperation with the US. This is the same country that on the one hand claims to be a close ally of Pakistan. On the other hand, it arms an opposing nation with sophisticated weaponry and advanced nuclear tech to fuel a...
  7. maximus

    Obama Advisor: Pak Terror Groups Worst Threat to US

    Stop prophecising doom scenarios and also stop lecturing us on what we should or shouldn't do. Besides, you don't know anything about this region. Whether you want to fight your dirty little war is up to you. Just don't fire the gun on our or others shoulders. I'm glad that the attitude...
  8. maximus

    Obama Advisor: Pak Terror Groups Worst Threat to US

    US bickering should be taken with a pinch of salt. Such lousy and useless bickering has become a daily affair. Put it in one ear and take it out of the other. Pakistan should pursue its own interests. The US is already failing and is going to fail even more miserably in Afghanistan. They already...
  9. maximus

    Gwadar - A Jewel in the Crown

    Shame on those politicians that opposed the Chinese company from operating the Gwadar port. What a waste of resources... On a different note, PSAI is a renowned port operator with a global reputation. Unprofessional mismanagement and corruption are the most likely factors for the failures. It's...
  10. maximus

    China's fighters undercut Sukhoi in African markets

    I'm with you! It wouldn't be a bad idea if we also got our hands on a few F-16 Block 52+ fighters. They can greatly enhance our JF-17 project in the long term. The attached strings will still apply. We can compensate that with the improved JF-17 and a few elite squadrons of FC-20/J-11B which are...
  11. maximus

    Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

    Well, PN should overwhelm and seize the sub. A direct confrontation is out of the question as it would amount to war. The world should be provided with concrete proof that the Israeli sub was trespassing Pakistani water.
  12. maximus

    India disappointed by Iran's reaction to Mumbai attacks

    That's right. I believe that Pakistan has always taken the right stance by not allying with Israel. Regardless of what the Palestinians may think of Pakistan, we need to take a neutral stance. However, when Israel openly supports India with all means to destroy Pakistan we have the right to...
  13. maximus

    RUSSIA starts work on second 5th generation fighter.

    ^^ Spot on brother. Thanks for sharing these invaluable facts and figures.
  14. maximus

    India disappointed by Iran's reaction to Mumbai attacks

    Everyone is well aware of that and you're not doing us any service by disclosing such an important prophecy (NOT!). You have to get through your skull that when a country is attacked it can resort to all means. Consider it as a last resort measure. That includes an attack on Israel that has...
  15. maximus

    General Tariq Majid Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft GmbH (HDW),

    I have a lot of respect for my neighbours! The Germans are absolute top notch when it comes to engineering. Pakistan has made the best choice!
  16. maximus

    IAF Air violation 4 Radar Signature data

    So do I... We don't know the specifics yet and probably never will. It's all speculation.
  17. maximus

    IAF Air violation 4 Radar Signature data

    It's a personal blog for goodness sake! Just an opinion... Should be taken with a pinch of salt.
  18. maximus

    RUSSIA starts work on second 5th generation fighter.

    I don't know whether the Russians will be able to finance such a project. Especially considering the economic crisis all around the world. Russian economy is in a bad condition and talks about loans are already taking place. Not a very realistic option at this juncture.
  19. maximus

    Report: India may attack Pakistan

    Pakistan ought to get their army out of the tribal areas and fully dedicate the resources towards preparation. The people of Pakistan are all united against one common enemy. The threats and aggression shouldn't be taken lightly at any cost. The Indians are getting more aggressive by the day.
  20. maximus

    Terrorists sexually Humiliated guests before killing them

    BS story to cover up the reality.
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