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  1. yusa40

    China reveals armed UAV designs

    wow interesting designs, i didn't know china could build UAVs this good. congrats :cheers: i think UAVs are going to be used more then planes with pilots...
  2. yusa40

    Turkey and US in critical talks over fate of missile shield plan

    so do we controle these missles if we get them or does the u.s... if we controle them then i think we should get them.:)
  3. yusa40

    Turkey, China conduct joint air maneuvers

    the mig looks ugle on the ground but like an hawk when its flying:flame:
  4. yusa40

    Turkey, China conduct joint air maneuvers

    question to turks in this form: are you guys AK party or not? im AK party, sorry for getting off topic.
  5. yusa40

    China not 'bad neighbour', says Japan

    are the japanese on drugs? first they capture a chinese fishing boat then make a big deal out of it and then few weeks later they say china not bad neighour... its ether they are on drugs or they figured out that they were the bad neighour.:china:
  6. yusa40

    Chinese Missiles on display during Turkey's Victory Day Parade.

    i hope china and turkey work on new rockets :cheers: chinese are good at those kind of stuff.:bounce:
  7. yusa40

    Now, another Air Force base on the China border

    Lol this might be hard to belive but im a mix of turkish and korean.:cheesy:
  8. yusa40

    China supports NK hereditary rule

    man,he is ether a little kid or just an retarted old guy. plzz stop trolling.:blah::blah::blah:
  9. yusa40

    Chinese Missiles on display during Turkey's Victory Day Parade.

    arn't they short range ballictic missle? and this isnt really anything new...
  10. yusa40

    Japan rejects China's demand for apology

    China is the strongest asian country, and japan should understand that and stop tryings to mess with china and try to work with them... peace is allways better then war. ;)
  11. yusa40

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    :rofl: Kids these days lol.
  12. yusa40

    list of future indian wepons.

  13. yusa40

    Chinese premier urges Japan to release Chinese skipper immediately, unconditionally

    wow, but it isn't 1960s any more i dont think there will be war. But who knows you guys have strong army...
  14. yusa40

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: just ignore the little kid... hey why are kids so into nukes these days?
  15. yusa40

    list of future indian wepons.

    who is he? i just asked this becouse i wanted to know what indian army will be getting till 2020, becouse i know turkey is getting alot of stuff for its military till 2020 so i wanted to know what the indians were working on...
  16. yusa40

    list of future indian wepons.

    i was asking what new stuff will indian army get till 2020
  17. yusa40

    list of future indian wepons.

    Does any one of a list of wepons india will get for its army till 2020?:cheers:
  18. yusa40

    Pakistan has 90 Nuclear Warheads (2009) according to UK media

    I wish turkey had nukes. :cry:
  19. yusa40

    8 military research programs finished, ready to enter the inventory

    why didn't we order any? and are we ever going to?:what:
  20. yusa40

    8 military research programs finished, ready to enter the inventory

    hey do you know when FNSS PARS 8x8 will enter serves?:bounce:
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