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8 military research programs finished, ready to enter the inventory


Feb 20, 2008
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- Non lethal high power microwafe weapon (disables persons, electronic communication and devices)


According to reports, Under a proper frequency, High power Microwaves make people targetted go into shock and They become paralyzed running of a period of time. Microwave weapon will not give permanent damage on human body but skin aches and high body hurts to pass him out...

Under a different frequency value, Microwave weapon would be effective to attack against enemy electronic communication systems and electronic devices as well...
- CIRIT laserguided missile (finaly finished and ready for serial production)


Trials have also been completed and the program passed to serial production phase.

At trials, Roketsan has succesfully demonstrated the Cirits capability to hit mobile target travelling at 60km/h, the helicopter it was launched from was moving at a speed of 120 knots.

What are the Specifications of CIrIt?

Diameter 2.75" (70 mm)
Range 1.5 - 8 km
Warhead Multi Mode Warhead
- Anti Armour
- Anti Personnel
- Incendiary
Guidance Mid course Guidance with MEMS-IMU and Magnetometer
Terminal Guidance with Semi Active Laser Seeker
Platforms AH-1W, AH-1P and MIL-STD-1760 interface

Roketsan Resmi Web Sitesi
- HTPB (Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene)

It is a strategic raw material of all fuels used in missile/rocket systems and Export rates have been controlled by MTCR agreement. Serial production in Turkey will start "6 tonnes" per year.
- Missile warning system

Missile warning system is the most important part of Electronic counter-measure systems in Helicopters and Aircrafts and Aselsan was producing it under the licence of EADS. Despite all other units of ECMS have been developed domestically (Chaff/Flare Decoy and set-up of infrastructure for decoy local production, IR Signature Measurement System, IR Signature Measurement activities, Radar Cross Section Calculation, Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), RF Jammer (RFJ, Laser Warning Receiver (LWR) and Suite Central Processing Unit (SCPU), MWS development has been delayed a littile cause of imporance and difficulty of technology. At final, It is completed and It will start serial production.
- Folded wing kit HGSS-ER guided bombs

I suppose It is something like that..


That's domestic JDAM called HGSS

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- Precision Guided ammunition


In previous years, It was stated in Ministery of National Defence reports that Turkish institues are working on a precision guided (IR) A_G munition which has ability of programmable before or after launch and navigate into a route to reach the target accurately. Most probably, This remark is about it...

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hey do you know when FNSS PARS 8x8 will enter serves?:bounce:
why didn't we order any? and are we ever going to?:what:

We have a program called ÖMTTZA to purchase 336 wheeled armoured vehicles and Contenders are FNSS, Otokar and Hema Industry. At first, The requirement was described to order a domestic 8x8 vehicle but In following times, It is changed to order 6x6 wheeled vehicles cause of geograpical reasons of Turkiye.
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