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  1. sirius4u

    IAF chief says India to have fifth-generation jets in 2018

    Ok... As per your rantings, let India get FGFA by 2020-2025 timeframe... By that time, how many 5th gen fighters do you think you PAKis or Chinese can operate?????:tongue: May be the chinese will surprise everyone by flying the J-xx prototype tomorrow...:woot: Common guyz, criticism is...
  2. sirius4u

    IAF chief says India to have fifth-generation jets in 2018

    Lockheed martin offered INDIA f 35 and half price if IAF opts for the super viper... Dis is world known fact and old news... May be you have a bad memory or jus trying to express your jealousy by trolling...:sniper:
  3. sirius4u

    What would you like as a winner for the Indian MRCA competition

    dat is wy we have ordered another 42 MkIs from russia to speed up induction... MRCA is to bring the quality of western haedware into IAF... Initially IAF was to buy 126 Mirage2k5... but by that time the mirage assembly line was closed... Dats wy IAF sent request for proposals... And thats wy...
  4. sirius4u

    First Project-28 ASW Corvette Launch Today

    Is this supposed to be stealth corvette...?:confused:
  5. sirius4u

    Indian Space Capabilities

    Cartosat 2B has a resolution of 0.8x0.8m:azn:.Get to know the facts before trying to insult others by stupid comments:sniper:. First try to respect others achievement and then fight here... :wave:
  6. sirius4u

    Nightmare 2012: Chinese Special Forces cut off Siliguri corridor

    Looks like Shankar's military scenarios...:victory:
  7. sirius4u

    Pakistan's New F-16 Block 52 vs SU 30 MKI.

    Yes but the point to note that the MKI has a very powerful jammer in it which can blind the APG 68 easily... The isrealis wer not satisfied with the APG 68 and only so the integrated their f 16s with their own radar and created the sufa... :bounce:
  8. sirius4u

    Pakistan's New F-16 Block 52 vs SU 30 MKI.

    Actually the AN/APG-68,s operational range is 300 km... its effective tracking range must be sumthin in 250 km... but tha BARS has an operatioinal range of 425 km and a tracking range of 350km... It could serve as an early warning system tooo. its radar has the ability to detect, track and...
  9. sirius4u

    Tejas R&D cost exceeds Gripen's

    Oh by your saying, F35 is not American. More than 20 countries are involved in that project... Then it also means, jf17 s not urs or Chinese... Coz only the all metal frame is made by china with russian engine and a reverse engineered Radar which is useless.... First try makin a paper plane, and...
  10. sirius4u

    Tejas R&D cost exceeds Gripen's

    Oh really??? Reasons????
  11. sirius4u

    A Pakistani Trainer Jet For The Indian Air Force?

    Wy is everyone arguing here bout this alredy discussed topic? by the way, wen did India ask for jet trainers... We only want a replacement for deepak... not hawks...:sniper:
  12. sirius4u

    China offers L-15 Falcon Trainer Aircraft to India

    God... I cant jus stop laughin...:rofl::rofl::rofl:: Of course it is... in fact on par to f 18... its carrier capable, has folding wings, :blah::blah::blah::... so definitely india wud benefit from buying this and f 18.... chinese reverse engineered f18s and manufactured this l15... :victory...
  13. sirius4u

    China offers L-15 Falcon Trainer Aircraft to India

    Common man, who is ignorant? Havent you ever heard of anythin? LCA - underdevelopment... :rofl::rofl::rofl: Good... I din compare India to China... But compared the prices of L-15 and jf17... And pl don say anything about jf 17. I kno its an economical aircraft. but seriously if it had all the...
  14. sirius4u

    Indian AWACS thread

    Erieye radar The Erieye radar system, is an Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C) developed by Saab Microwave Systems (formerly Ericsson Microwave Systems) of Sweden. It is based on the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA). The Erieye is used on a variety of aircraft...
  15. sirius4u

    Indian AWACS thread

    Nope... i think Jags are already integrated (experimental)... may be one or two... D reason m saying this is in Vayu Shakti-10, all aircrafts wer guided by Phalcon towards their launch point... well m no expert... don bash me if m wrong... just stating the fact...:blah:
  16. sirius4u

    China offers L-15 Falcon Trainer Aircraft to India

    you are rite... they are a force to reckon with... but i seriously dont think tht GOI wud consider this... D reason is dat India never wanted any dedicated supersonic trainers... It never operated one... Dis role s done by the twin seat version of the combat aircraft itself... All India needs nw...
  17. sirius4u

    Su 30 MKI: How much does it cost??

    Why cant we simply add the MKI radar to lca? i mean can we ? if we can, y don we?
  18. sirius4u

    China offers L-15 Falcon Trainer Aircraft to India

    Dont tak like a kiddo... :argh: By saying these u mean that you re selling your motherland to chinese for thunders... China was with Pak simply coz it wanted to have a check on India... now time has changed... It is extremely good for both the countries to join hands... it enhances mutual...
  19. sirius4u

    China offers L-15 Falcon Trainer Aircraft to India

    Well we don give a s**** bout it... we offered development of afg and EVERYONE welcomed it... Now they ignore us and we don care... we just wanted to help.... If they don want us, we don want them too... :cheesy: By the way, wy do you bring into account afg in this thread? Discuss it sumwr...
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