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  1. Bullhead

    Why the Chinese support the Communist party

    The US Congressional-Executive Commission on China has released its 2009 Annual Report on human rights and the rule of law in China, together with case records of 1,279 political prisoners currently detained or imprisoned there. The wide-ranging report found that, since the 2008 uprisings in...
  2. Bullhead

    Why the Chinese support the Communist party

    China defends its handling of human rights under the glare of international scrutiny this week, while homegrown activists are waging their own scrappier battle over secretive detentions in the nation's capital. A meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Council starting in Geneva on Monday gives groups...
  3. Bullhead

    Why the Chinese support the Communist party

    Communism is just a fantasy that the leaders in China refuse to break though the country has turned capitalism materially. China now is a captalist country run by a group of smart communists who has loose control over the local fake communists. PS. Governmental positions are only reserved for...
  4. Bullhead

    Why the Chinese support the Communist party

    Although the mass media present China today as “progressive,” especially after the 2008 Olympics fanfare, it remains among the world’s cruelest regimes. The term “Red China” is not anachronistic. Though certainly less oppressive than during the Cultural Revolution, when it executed millions...
  5. Bullhead

    Why the Chinese support the Communist party

    Communists believed that they knew the truth, absolutely. They believed that they knew through Marxism what would bring about the greatest human welfare and happiness. And they believed that power, the dictatorship of the proletariat, must be used to tear down the old feudal or capitalist order...
  6. Bullhead

    Why the Chinese support the Communist party

    Why the Chinese support the Communist party? Hmmm...lets see. Does an average Chinese citizen have any choice of supporting or not supporting Communists ? Communism is a system imposed upon a common man by leadership just like Democratic system. But in a democratic system the citizens...
  7. Bullhead

    India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

    Wow...that was below the red belt.... I was looking for the information ....you were faster than me on this one.
  8. Bullhead

    India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

    Read post Number 36. If you know how to comprehend. China attacked a ill equipped army that was not having enough equipments .......why don't you push your government to Attack India now..... Go home you troll
  9. Bullhead

    India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

    Well ask your leaders to attack India. Go home troll.
  10. Bullhead

    History of Bomb Blasts in the subcontinent.

    India history of bomb blasts India - Google Search Pakistan history of bomb blasts Pakistan - Google Search Bangladesh history of bomb blasts bangladesh - Google Search
  11. Bullhead

    Bomb Rocks Northwestern Pakistan

    Pakistani police say a bomb exploded in northwest Pakistan Tuesday, killing at least three people. Officials say the blast occurred in the Pakistani city of Charsada, near Peshawar. Details are still coming in. On Monday, a suicide bomber in a rickshaw blew himself up at a checkpoint in...
  12. Bullhead

    India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

    Tharoor tears into China over 'irritant articulations' Minister of State for External Affairs Sashi Tharoor on Tuesday (November 10) took on China over its recent provocative statements saying that the talk of India not learning the lessons from 1962 is a bit silly. Tharoor added that India...
  13. Bullhead

    India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

    Remember India ceasing 1,500 mi2 (3,885 km2) of Pakistani territory
  14. Bullhead

    India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

    gb.. How about this: North Korean President Calls China's Military Weak, No Match For His Technologically Advanced Army North Korean President Calls China's Military Weak, No Match For His Technologically Advanced Army Cant handle a small Country....and talking big...hmm...
  15. Bullhead

    Pakistani Taliban vow tough guerrilla war

    Pakistani Taliban have started a guerrilla war against the army and will wage a tough, protracted fight in the insurgents' South Waziristan stronghold, a Taliban spokesman said on Tuesday. The army went on the offensive in South Waziristan, a lawless ethnic Pashtun region on the Afghan...
  16. Bullhead

    IAF MIG29SMT Superior to F16/52 Report

    ^^^^^ Read this: BBC NEWS | South Asia | India submarine 'threatens peace' Opinion Acquisition of more weapons by India http://pakistantimes.net/2004/01/05/top10.htm Both countries whine over each others procurement....whats new...
  17. Bullhead

    IAF MIG29SMT Superior to F16/52 Report

    If you read your post carefully.....its you who is crying over Indian Defense Developments... Please provide some links where Indian Leaders have commented upon Pakistan defense procurement being threat to regional stability... I can provide you enough sources of Pakistan Leadership and...
  18. Bullhead

    Indian scheme to spoil Pakistani relations with Iran

    Since I have invested around 3 Min reading this. I think I deserve a right to comment. Everything kept aside. Why would any country avoid ties with India as it makes perfect economic sense to have a relationship with a country that has a lot to offer in bilateral relationship? And...
  19. Bullhead

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    OK, on a serious note. This is bad, very bad.
  20. Bullhead

    Dalai Lama holds mass gathering

    Caste-democracy::blink: I never knew that Democracy had that branch as well...care to elaborate.....Please
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