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  1. S

    ‘Taliban’s participation necessary for peace’

    Thats off topic. We are discussing about Taliban and Pakistan. You have said that there is Punjabi domination. I just want to confirm that you really mean that. How India is related to this topic? If you are saying that Punjabis dominate the Pakistan, then say it directly. If you want to discuss...
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    ‘Taliban’s participation necessary for peace’

    You are saying that there is Punjabi domination exists in Pakistan. Am I right?
  3. S

    Will Waziristan break Pakistan's back?

    Ok. Thanks for the information.
  4. S

    Will Waziristan break Pakistan's back?

    What I heard is that the tribes have already broken then peace deal.
  5. S

    60 years on, 87 Kashmiris want independence

    Search this forum, you can find such posts from Pakistanis. Only Pakistanis are saying so. I came to know that most of the rulers of Pakistan are not elected. If there is any attack from Pakistan, then India will escalate it to a full scale war. The world know this and never allow...
  6. S

    German terror raids

    Blain, You haven't answer these yet. Why dont you answer?
  7. S

    India tests Agni V ICBM, Threatening USA

    :hitwall: I thought the post is about AGNI VI. Sorry, sue to my 20kbps connection (GPRS), I was unable to watch the video. I thought webmaster won't post such fake things :angry:
  8. S

    60 years on, 87 Kashmiris want independence

    Who is a joker here? Who thinks one Pakistani soldier is equal to ten Indian soldiers? Still Kashmir is with us. Then, why do they elect their representatives to the Parliament? You have the rights to dream. :) India will escalate it to a full scale war. Don't think the world...
  9. S

    India tests Agni V ICBM, Threatening USA

    Threatening USA? :crazy: Flaming title. There is no threat from USA nor European countries. Same way we are not a threat to the USA nor European countries. Our potential threats are from our borders. Is the news is true? I didn't find any news about this in any online journals. I will...
  10. S

    ISI accused of intercepting mobile calls and passing on to terrorists

    I disagree with this part. Though the mobile phones use international standards, they use high level of encryption. The old analog TDMA phone days are gone. Now the handset and base station uses a secure connection and it is not easy to decrypt them without high computing power like super...
  11. S

    Creation of Bangladesh

    :rofl: How many refugees are there now? Do people like to go to hell? The only people who goes there are some fanatics to become a terrorist.
  12. S

    60 years on, 87 Kashmiris want independence

    Do you think that we need a war to get the P-o-K? What we need to do is to just scrap the Indus water treaty and block the water until the issue is settled. It will cost us less than a war.
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    60 years on, 87 Kashmiris want independence

    Remember the East Pakistan? :azn:
  14. S

    The Secret Nuke Sub Deal

    That is not the date of the article. Read it again. :coffee:
  15. S

    Blasts rock Indian Hyderabad, 33 dead

    For every bomb blast in the world, you can find at least one link to Pakistan in one or another way. The Hyderabad blast is no difference. GOI should act tough and send a strong message to Islamic terrorists and Pakistan. Congress should stop the Muslim appeasement policy and take strong...
  16. S

    'CPI-M Working For Chinese Interests At Cost Of Indian Interests'

    I remember that how these bastards shut their mouth, when china claimed Arunachal Pradesh.
  17. S

    Killing people to get their job

    in.news.yahoo. com/070821/48/6jqxp.html Already we have lots of illegal Bangladeshi migrants. Now some of these started to kill Biharis to get their job. We should send then some strong message by eliminating such people. Mr. Munshi, why not you create jobs for you people instead of...
  18. S

    Pakistani Aircraft Engines, SAMs & AAMs

    Yes, thats true. They clarified our doubts. I am not talking about Pak getting the engines. I am talking about the 50-50 China-Pak design. Could you post the 50% contribution on this project. ;) globalsecurity . org/military/world/china/fc-1.htm See the link above (sorry I am allowed...
  19. S

    Pakistani Aircraft Engines, SAMs & AAMs

    JF-17 is based on the mig 33 design which is canceled by Russians. Even china have problem with the engine, so it have to buy the RD-93 engines from russia. The russians allowed the one time re-export of these engines, since the fact is the jf-17 is equal to earlier versions of f-16. Russia...
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