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  1. Gucci

    5,000-km Agni-V missile ready for test firing: Antony

    our scientist were already saying that we can go for anti sat test,but we dont need to
  2. Gucci

    Are you guys agree with this wedding dress

    warrior ready for war,but is not permitted to c:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:,same thing happens after marriage.
  3. Gucci

    I am thinking to visit Pak,which city is the best?

    y this is called as gora??,it refers to some thing white?
  4. Gucci

    I am thinking to visit Pak,which city is the best?

    where is gujaranwala??my grandfather used to live there.he was saying this place is famous for dry fruits,nuts,grapes etc.isn't it????
  5. Gucci

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    pak will have to except the ground realities,the nation who is under critised by even afganistan cant build pressure on india.and for what world look up here,they have their own interst.indiua is satisfying them.i agree that pak is facing tough challenges but few days ago cameron came ,snatched...
  6. Gucci

    Pak wants Indian aid to be routed through United Nations

    ask those who r surrounded by water.it's easy to talk in front of computer:bunny::bunny::bunny:
  7. Gucci

    Are you guys agree with this wedding dress

    it's common in india,in hindu traditions.
  8. Gucci

    Pak wants Indian aid to be routed through United Nations

    this thing was thought by all the nations.few days ago a thread was going on pak got less aid then haiti disaster.so keeping the frustration or hate towards india aside,think abt this.btw no body else more than india knows,where the aid can go. that aid will be used by few xyz's,it will help...
  9. Gucci

    Are you guys agree with this wedding dress

    wats un understandable here?????
  10. Gucci

    I am thinking to visit Pak,which city is the best?

    basically i also thought abt this,can anybody tell me how the process is started.where i shud apply.coz going to pak is different than other countries
  11. Gucci

    Where art thou: honour and humanity?

    the thing is ""y shud i,wat i will get frm this stuff,i m not saint"",when person starts to think like this, this things happens commonly.id person thinks that god will ask me for this then reverse can happen
  12. Gucci

    I am thinking to visit Pak,which city is the best?

    if u r planning to visit pakistan then c the whole pakistan
  13. Gucci

    China denies visa to top general in Indian Occupied Kashmir

    it is good to love some nation(all weathered ally) but it's not good to ignoring the basic things.dalai lama didnt kill any body,just show me where he sent men to kill chinese,he is not even asking 4 freedom frm china.u think a lot abt indian kashmir, where that thinking goes abt issue related...
  14. Gucci

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    read my above post sir!!!!
  15. Gucci

    Best Pakistani song ever - By Abrar-ul-Haq

    ""janat saar ke janat kaadi,bache maar ke janat kaadi" i dont know y suicide bombers cant understand this.this shows how properly they r brain washed
  16. Gucci

    Spot-fixing/Match-fixing scandal

    they need news,news gives them money.they hammer the indian team also when they loose.not particularly pak.
  17. Gucci

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    we r secular,n democratic also but we cant compromise with the integrity.if same thing happens to u,will u wait 4 partition.???.y B leaders r killed by ur army or agencies??
  18. Gucci

    World biggest Dogs, amazing Images

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: he is best.
  19. Gucci

    5,000-km Agni-V missile ready for test firing: Antony

    i admire ur post,but attacking dam is the max wat u can get with minimum input.
  20. Gucci

    China denies visa to top general in Indian Occupied Kashmir

    apply this in ur B area,btw generals r not desperate to get chinese visa.army knows their priority and they know integrity is the priority.
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