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Where art thou: honour and humanity?

Indian Gurkha

May 6, 2010
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The events of the past two days have made me introspect deeply. First it was the case of Pakistani cricketers being involved in match fixing scandals. What more grief could a nation ask for???Were the incidents of floods causing mayhem during the Holy month of Ramadan or terrorists killing innocents not enough. Now the cricketers bring disgrace to the only thing that brought joy to the ppl even at times of utter distress- cricket. Where is the honor????
Today when I was glancing at the morning newspaper (Hindustan Times) news about a pregnant destitute woman dying while delivering a baby by the roadside while passers-by hardly gave a damn made me wince.I had completely forgotten about the news when I experienced one of the most heart wrenching scenes I had ever encountered. As I was riding my bike with a friend it began to rain (a slight drizzle) and we stopped by the roadside under a tree near a bus stop and then I saw him. A guy lying on the road as people passed him by. When the drizzle changed to a downpour the man seemed to shake violently and began to vomit. I was horrified and in a fix. He was lying just 10 feet away from me. Some people standing nearby chose to ignore the man while others just kept on gazing at him with amusement. Suddenly my friend remembered the ambulance no. and we called for an ambulance. Luckily when the rain stopped the man woke up and began to wander as if in a delirium in the middle of the road. Then we thought that the man was drunk and cancelled the ambulance. My question is why did the other ppl did not give a damn to the man????The way he was soaked in the rain and shaking so violently while others passed by him with no concern that it almost seemed like a slap in the face of humanity???
I am from a village and I am absolutely convinced such an incident would never have happened in my village. Such incidents generally happen in cities. Why are the ppl so busy and unconcerned???This incident has certainly made me more agnostic. :devil:
the thing is ""y shud i,wat i will get frm this stuff,i m not saint"",when person starts to think like this, this things happens commonly.id person thinks that god will ask me for this then reverse can happen
I am a strong believer in "What goes around, comes around"; loosely translated in the American interpretation, it means that if I treat people kindly, am generous, am not tight fisted, and I help people, this will be returned to me. I also believe in "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

This wicked behavior does happen more in the cities, and the more crowded it is, the less likely good deeds are. Maybe there's a thought "There are so many people around me... someone else will help or take care of it." And there are a number of circumstances (during criminal activities) where the good samaritan is afraid to step in.

I agree, it is sad and disheartening, but this behavior is not new, nor is it a modern trend. People have been jerks to each other for thousands of years. The parable told by Jesus of the Good Samaritan (where the term came from) is a good example. The wounded man was ignored by dozens of people until one passerby finally helped him.
The events of the past two days have made me introspect deeply. First it was the case of Pakistani cricketers being involved in match fixing scandals. What more grief could a nation ask for???Were the incidents of floods causing mayhem during the Holy month of Ramadan or terrorists killing innocents not enough. Now the cricketers bring disgrace to the only thing that brought joy to the ppl even at times of utter distress- cricket. Where is the honor????
Today when I was glancing at the morning newspaper (Hindustan Times) news about a pregnant destitute woman dying while delivering a baby by the roadside while passers-by hardly gave a damn made me wince.I had completely forgotten about the news when I experienced one of the most heart wrenching scenes I had ever encountered. As I was riding my bike with a friend it began to rain (a slight drizzle) and we stopped by the roadside under a tree near a bus stop and then I saw him. A guy lying on the road as people passed him by. When the drizzle changed to a downpour the man seemed to shake violently and began to vomit. I was horrified and in a fix. He was lying just 10 feet away from me. Some people standing nearby chose to ignore the man while others just kept on gazing at him with amusement. Suddenly my friend remembered the ambulance no. and we called for an ambulance. Luckily when the rain stopped the man woke up and began to wander as if in a delirium in the middle of the road. Then we thought that the man was drunk and cancelled the ambulance. My question is why did the other ppl did not give a damn to the man????The way he was soaked in the rain and shaking so violently while others passed by him with no concern that it almost seemed like a slap in the face of humanity???
I am from a village and I am absolutely convinced such an incident would never have happened in my village. Such incidents generally happen in cities. Why are the ppl so busy and unconcerned???This incident has certainly made me more agnostic. :devil:

One step in the right direction bro..... Congrats!!!
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