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  1. M

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    Based on what? Your blinkered view of reality is laughable. The majority can buy homes like me. I am a normal middle class person. FYI, We have internship program here, and they are both full year and half year. The exist for engineering, medical and many other graduation courses as well IIT is...
  2. M

    Help us sort out Kashmir issue, Pak tells China

    And what exactly has that achieved? The US supported it erstwhile 'ally' Pakistan for many years. The 7th fleet was at out doorstep in 71 war if you have read history. It did not change anything about the Kashmir issue Did China do anything similar in Kargil? The stapled visas is a political...
  3. M

    Khalistan Thrives.

    The pro-Khalistan posts in this thread are comic gold. Of course none of them have ever traveled to Punjab, which also happens to be one of the richest states in India. You do not get development and progress when the population is disgruntled and unhappy.
  4. M

    Help us sort out Kashmir issue, Pak tells China

    Which part would that be? As per your country's stand, Askai Chin was never a part of Kashmir A part of *** has been ceded to you illegally by Pakistan, that does not count. Only India and Pakistan are involved in Kashmir issue
  5. M

    India resumes defence exchanges with China

    The 2nd post is too funny for words and it has even been thanked Change the misleading title . . . completely opposite of actual content
  6. M

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    :lol: have you ever been to India in recent times? The government and private sector incomes are quite high without any loss to either source. What you speak existed in 90s when our economy was just opening. The average middle class Indian student can afford to spend $9K on engineering...
  7. M

    Plans for Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

    50 PAK-FA will already have come and at least couple of FGFA squadrons will come. Su-30MKI was our first example of customization and multi-system integration. It took 8 years between signing of contract and delivering first indigenous MKI And we have had 10 years to learn and improve the...
  8. M

    PAK FA with 'Brahmos'

    (a) For launching a sure strike precision weapon from the edge of detection envelope with minimum detection probability. (b) Ensuring that our best combat aircraft can launch our best weapons Why do people assume that in case of actual attack, we will just FGFA to attack. There are things...
  9. M

    Sri Lanka willing to assist India combat LTTE threat

    With all due respect to all my Tamil friends here . . . LTTE is one menace which should be wiped off . . . narco terrorism does not deserve any mercy . . .
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